
  1. L

    Quansom mitre box

    Just got mine delievered yesterday after 4 weeks, unfortunately my order got lost in cyberspace when Rob at quansom realised he was straight on the case and sorted it and sent me some extras for compensation, good service. Looks like a decent bit of kit not had a chance to use it yet bit slow at...
  2. M

    Belated X mas box

    went out today and bought a 10 week old staffy pup,he is lovely,jet black so named CASS,after Cass Pennant football hooligan come author,and he is jet black.Proper little topper,think he came form up your way dave,Bishop Aukland Jimmy
  3. H

    X box 360 ring of death

    hi all,hope someone can help,had the youngest son on the blower last night his x box has stopped workin an is showing "the three red rings of death"am sure this term will be known to some of the younger(than me)members,i bought it last xmas time but not sure if its still in warrenty as i cant...
  4. R

    Great new Mitre Box for tile trims!

    Hi all, have found this sweet new mitre box on the market in NZ for cutting tile trim. If you have been looking for a good box you might want to look at this one. Not sure if it is in the UK! Quansol Mitre System - Home Quansol Mitre System - Tile Trim Demo
  5. P

    egg box wall???

    The customers new bath on the job i'v started today, is a bit wider than the room, so its been recessed into the wall. The plasterer left the recess in a right mess, he used three diferent pieces of 10mm plasterboard on the shower wall, an area of 800x1800, Only attatched down the sides, with...
  6. D

    Box Level

    Looking to buy an accurate box level 600mm and also maybe a 1200 too without breaking the bank as the one i used on my last job was a peice of crap and almost caused a serious problem.I have saw Forge Steel one on screwfix and was wondering if they were any good??:huh2: Forge Steel Box Level...
  7. C

    ply box section

    i am doing a friends bathroom using weber.fix plus. there is a box section in ply around the toilet and end of bath with a plastic coated shelf above, i am replacing the shelf with plaster board. can i use this adh on it all, or (i have some grey bal spf left over from a previous job) would it...
  8. R

    Best Mitre Box

    Tile Trim (metal) is becoming very popular in NZ making mitre cutting a very important part of my jobs. What is the best mitre box out there in the UK for cutting both PVC & Metal Trims? any ideas on where I can get a good one?
  9. M

    Big Tool Box on wheels £19.99

    thought some people on here would be interested in a very large tool box on wheels with extendable handle for £19.99, i bought mine today, picked it up tho so avoided the £12 postage cost, but i must say its absoloutly huge! :whatchutalkingabout seems a good solid box, well worth the money spent...
  10. J

    Tool Bag - Box

    Got a few jobs lined up and had some mild pressure to start one. Got together a decent set of tools to get cracking and they are piled up in a large gorilla bucket at the moment. What do you keep all your tools in .. i.e your Trowels, Floats, Rubbing stones, safety glasses, wheels & drill bits...
  11. Dan

    List your tool box here!

    Let us know what's in your tools kit here! (makes and models too if possible) Just so we can see what gets used. Cutter make Trowel make etc
  12. R

    enquiries from yellow pages box adverts

    Has anyone had a yellow pages box advert for a year or more? and if so how many enquiries per month did it generate would you say?
  13. F

    Yellow pages free listing vs paying box adverts

    Ok, im on the free listing in Yellow pages online and do get some calls from it. Had the sales guy call me today to get me to take out an ad in the up n coming book due end of Feb, standard box advert works out roughly £225 inc vat. Was wondering if many have had the free listing, then gone...
  14. Dan

    Smileys added to quick reply box

    In an effort to give the place a little colour and atmosphere, I've added the smileys drop-down box to the quick reply box. Please feel free to abuse the new feature.



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