
  1. O

    British Grand Prix **Thread Contains Spoilers **

    Well, The britsh guys didnt do so well today, Nothing new for hamilton whose having a disasterous season, how can his car be so bad? Have the other teams really improved so much, even the back markers are giving him a run for his money this season. Shame JB didnt take another win, he must...
  2. G

    The British Army Retirement Bonus

    The British Army found they had too many officers and decided to offer an early retirement bonus. They promised any officer who volunteered for retirement a bonus of £1,000 for every inch measured in a straight line between any two points in his body. The officer got to choose what those...
  3. B

    british trades direct

    got a call today from company called builders trades database (btd).anybody heard of or used them before - they ask for a `admin` fee off £230 and then charge 2.5 % commision of anything over £1000.never liked this sort of thing before but thought i`d better check. many thanks
  4. L

    British Standards ? Set me straight please ?

    Please can someone set me straight on this British Standards issue ? Of all, of our members I imagine that only a small percentile are familiar with all of the British Standards pertaining to tiling ? Copies of which ( as far as I am aware ) are only available to purchase at an exorbitant...
  5. S

    German traffic cops angered by British muppet

    German traffic cops angered by British driver who mocks traffic cams with a Muppet - Boing Boing :grin::thumbsup:
  6. G

    British Standard help!

    I am trying to put together a quote and letter for a customer who wants to rip up and replace 45sqm of newly laid polished porcs. The builder (yes-builder!) has done a pretty terrible job with deviations in height of up to 3mm from one tile to the next. Used a 5mm trowel - 20% coverage / no...
  7. P

    The Great British Heroes bike Ride.

    Hello Boys and Girls, No beating around the bush I'm on the scrounge for your money, please see the attachment. Dan, I realise that the Forum was not designed to be used for charity fund raising, I am only asking as I know that a lot of members are Ex-forces and I'm trying to raise as much...
  8. D

    Revised British Standard.......

    The Tile Association is delighted to announce the publication of the revised British Standard, BS5385-3:2007, Design and installation of internal and external ceramic and mosaic floor tiling in normal conditions - Code of practice. All part of the British Standard for tile fixing have been...
  9. D


    Just a quick sumary of what a bsi is!!......dave... What is a standard? Put at its simplest, a standard is an agreed, repeatable way of doing something. It is a published document that contains a technical specification or other precise criteria designed to be used consistently as a rule...
  10. F

    British Standards code of practice

    Hey. Quite a lot of people on here talk about setting out the tiling job to the british standards code of practice. Anyone got a link for some info on this ? as I want to see if we were taught any different to these so called propper standards. Cheers.
  11. M

    Important Changes to Tiling Standards

    IMPORTANT CHANGES TO BS 5385-1 WALL AND FLOOR TILING Tiling Standards | BS 5385 As part of the five-year review of British Standards and reflecting changes within the tiling industry since 2009 – BS 5385 Part 1: 2018 has now been published. One significant change made was to exclude the use of...



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