
  1. M

    tile to carpet trims

    anyone know where to get hold of the self adhesive tile to carpet trims, ctd have stopped supplying them, and i prefer them to the ez type cheers
  2. J

    Tile to carpet trim

    Morning all Wonder if any of you know if or where I could get door trim to accommodate a 25mm difference between the tile and carpet? Massive I know but room already boarded out and after ply+addy+tile its damn near 25mm diff! Thanks all help always appreciated Julz
  3. C

    romove Silicon from carpet

    Any ideas appreciated, ive stupidly rubed it in whilst trying to :-(
  4. J

    Tile to Carpet strip

    Hi, I just finished my bathroom floor, but with backerboards, UFH, adhesive and tiles, the step up into bathroom is now just under an inch in height to floorboards on landing, it really isnt as bad as it sounds as the carpet/underlay on landing is over 1/2 inch in height. Ive been looking for a...
  5. N

    Removing carpet glue from victorian coloured geometric tiles

    Thick, yellowed, hard patches of carpet fixative remain after removing carpet from victorian coloured geometric tiled floor. Carpet had been down 40 years. Advice requested on how best to remove this, and clean and restore/brighten floor after cleaning, please
  6. E

    Taken carpet up and found some taps

    Under the boards I was planning on tiling over I have found 2 taps. 1 goes to the radiator in the hall, red tap. What is the point of this tap? And the other is the main stop **** which is seized up, BUT please read on.... From outside the property I have the main water coming in which...
  7. D

    Transition strips? carpet to tile

    Hey guys, has anyone any reccomendations for a decent transition strip I can buy to join the bathroom tiles to the hall way carpet? looking at about 15mm diff between tile and hall carpet (tile higher) thanks Dave
  8. J

    Grout on carpet

    The worst has happened, finished up, cleaning out and managed to tread a bit of BLACK grout into CREAM carpet!! Am I buggered or is there a way of getting it out? Gutted, been a week of taking so much care only to screw it at the last minute!! Help!!
  9. U

    joining tile to carpet of different levels

    Hi, Just had bathroom floor tiled. Tiles are 10mm thick with underfloor heating so end result is that the tile floor is higher that the carpet on the landing. The carpet fitters have fitted a metal strip at the doorway but it doesn't look good because it sticks up at the carpet side. Is there a...
  10. M

    Joining tiles to carpet. Which door bar?

    Hi, I need a door bar of some sorts to bridge the gap between my tiled bathroom and carpeted landing. Normally this would not be a problem but there is quite a big height gap between the two rooms. The tiles have been laid on to ply so the height is 30mm. The carpet is about 20mm high. I...
  11. E

    carpet fitting...
  12. C

    9' carpet to tile trim needed

    hi all got a kitchen floor to tile were the customer wants a 9' silver carpet to tile trim to seperate kitchen from open plan dining room ! i know they used to do an 8' trim but never seen one any bigger,just trying to get something without a joint,ps ive suggested a hardwood threshhold but shes...
  13. C

    tiling up to carpet

    Hi guys I have a flooring job to start on monday and i'm after your ideas on how you separate tiles from carpet at the door jam. I don't know if there will be a height difference ( I shouldn't think there will be much if at all), Tiles will need cutting at door jam so I would think some kind of...
  14. D

    Tiling a concrete floor after carpet removed

    Hello, I just joined this forum and have enjoyed reading a lot of informative posts. I can't find one the matches my specifice question. We had water damage and had to remove all our carpeting. Taking this opportunity, we decided to replace our flooring with ceramic tile. We have two...
  15. U

    Floor tiling and transition to carpet

    I'm planning on putting down tiles in my kitchen, and have just pulled up the vinyl flooring - they didn't stick it down, so I'm planning on putting the tile adhesive straight onto the smooth (presumably concrete) surface that was underneath. So, first question - does this sound fine, or is...
  16. U

    Travertine Tile to Carpet Transition

    Hi, I am just hoping I can check some advice I have received. I have just had three rooms tiled with Travertine Tiles and am really happy with the results. However, I was told that due to the depth approx 2600mm of tile plus flooring that there wasn't a transition stip available that would...
  17. H

    Carpet to Tile door strip

    Can anyone recomend a good carpet 2 tile doorway stip?..
  18. C

    carpet protection

    Hi just wondering if any of you guys use carpet protecter as in the sticky back stuff.Saw some on e bay 100m for £28 just wondering if any good.
  19. O

    Replacing damp carpet with tiling

    Hi, We live in quite a damp part of the country. In our dining room on ground level, we sometimes get water that seeps into the house, making the carpet wet (or soaking wet). This seems to be coming either up through the floor, or in at the base of the wall - not sure which. The house is...
  20. C

    removing carpet grip from victorian tiles

    Hi guys, new to this forum. Looks good!! Just doing my friends hallway up and some muppet:mad2: has nailed down carpet grip into original victorian tiles. Trying to get the nails out with plyers doesnt work. Any tips on how to do this without damaging the tiles (too much)? thanks!! Laura



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