
  1. E

    Sloping ceiling.

    Got a job to start next week for a builder, and the client has a shower in here loft conversion that has a sloping ceiling and she wants it tiled...But the tiles she wants are 600x600 15mm thick granite :yikes: The ceiling has backer board on it ready to tile. There needs to be 4 tiles on the...
  2. U

    top row of tiles leave uneven gap by ceiling

    Am having tiling done in the bathroom. The tiles are now all up, although there is an uneven gap where the top tile meets the ceiling (ranging from half an inch to 2 inches). I am told this is because the ceiling is not level. Our tiler is suggesting we put coving to finish it off to conceal...
  3. F

    Gap between last tile and ceiling

    One more! When tiling floor to siling in a bathroom...in this case plasterboard/skim ceiling...what size gap should you leave between tile and ceiling and how should this gap be filled? Silicon? grout? thanks :8:
  4. A

    Wetroom Ceiling

    I am doing a wetroom , walls and floor are no-more-ply 9mm tanked with bal wp1. The ceiling is plasterboard which i was going to skim, but would it be better to waterproof it?
  5. J

    Gap between top tile and ceiling

    Hi all. I am trying to finish my house extension that has been going on for almost a year, and tiling the ensuite is the final job. I am using 600x300 ceramic tiles laid landscape and in straight rows. I have used MS Excel to make a grid of tiles and also the dimensions of the walls with...
  6. A

    Shower ceiling material?

    Hi, I have just finished tanking and tiling a shower over a bath. A neighbour was visiting and he came to view my handiwork, he then suggested that due to the high level of the showerhead I needed to cover the ceiling with acrylic sheet. He was concerned about mildew forming as he had this...
  7. S

    tiling onto a ceiling

    iv been asked to tile onto a ceiling, at first i thought no chance! not having done it befor im not sure if it is done. If it is, were can i get all the standards for specs such as weight per sqrm surfaces and adhesivse. cheers for any help.
  8. F

    Removing lining from ceiling

    Hiya everyone I'm just a DIY'er...and have now embarked on removing the lining from the ceiling, as advised by our recent plasterer as there were a couple of areas where the lining was peeling.(there are also a large amount of cracks, some running the lenght of the ceiling and others across...
  9. G

    Tiling on the ceiling.

    My latest project is a bit of a doozy, and has put up a challenge for me I haven't had to deal with before. I have to fix around 40 limestone tiles measureing 600mm x300mm x 11mm thick to the ceiling of the entry. I'm at a loss as to how to go about this. Has anyone been there before? Or have...
  10. S

    the last tile before you get to the ceiling

    when doing a bathroom.....or any room infact do you usually Silicon the gap between the last tile and the celing, or do you grout. I tend to Silicon, but just wondering what you guys think?
  11. P

    finishing off top row of tiles / ceiling

    Hi All Just finished tiling my bathroom and have started grouting. Just wondered what the best way of finishing off where the top of the wall tile meets the ceiling. I`ve left a 2mm gap up there. Should I put flexible grout in there or use some sealant ? Thanks
  12. C

    Tiling the ceiling in a shower

    I want to fully tile my new shower, including the ceiling. I have Marble tiles, 406mm square and 15mm thick. The shower structure is timber frame, covered with Aquapanel, screwed at recommended distances. the roof to the shower is similarly covered and is fully capable of supporting the weight...
  13. R

    Sticking ceiling coving to wall tiles

    Hi, I am new to this forum, and hope all you experts can offer me some advice. Can anyone advise the best way to stick coving onto tiles. I have decided to remove the coving and tile the walls and then put the coving back on top after as the tiles are quite thick and therefore protrude in front...
  14. macten

    Skimming a ceiling

    Will be refurbing my own bathroom soon and have measured up for a new suite. Before I do anything I want to sort the ceiling out. Originally artex that has had that textured paint stuff dabbed over it with a sponge when bits of the old artex started coming off. I would like a nice flat ceiling...
  15. S

    Tiling a ceiling

    Been asked to tile a bathroom ceiling not to sure about what adhesives to use or if you have to support tiles until they set.Only ever done floors and walls any help appreciated.
  16. W

    Tiling round ceiling joists

    Hi guys, just a quickie. I'm tiling my brothers bathroom this weekend - in his bathroom he has the ceiling joists exposed and wants me to tile round them right up to the ceiling. I was thinking it would look better if the tiles finished a couple of inches below the joists with trim on top and...

