
  1. D

    new member disco - whats your prefered choice

    Hi joined so I could read up on types of manual cutters because Im fed up buying rubbish from the sheds. Here are my choices. 1. Sigma Diagonale 3b 63 2. RUBI TI 66S 3. MONTOLIT MASTERPIUMER 63 If you read this please reply with your preffered choice 1, 2 or 3 and if you feel like it your...
  2. Q

    Advice on trowel choice

    well fellas, Was wondering if any of you can tell me which floor trowels are used for which jobs, i thought a 10mm trowel was for floors but there are 12mm and upwards, also why does the notch shape matter, why are some trowels u notched and some v notched and some are square. its the small...
  3. S

    Floating floor - No choice!

    Hi All. First post on this forum so hello all. I have a floating floor (water resistant T&G chipboard/polystyrene insulation in a kitchen that needs to be tiled. Overply not an option as floor level continuity would be out. Ripping up floating floor and screeding not an option. The floor...
  4. B

    Whats a popular choice for floor addy on ply?

    Hello all, Just as per the title really. I`ve been using Ardex 7001 and its great, but its a bit pricey... What do others find works well. Ta in advance Mark
  5. J

    2 part addy of choice

    i notice most people have fastflex as their 2 part addy of choice any other choices eg dunlop or granfix?
  6. C

    Good Choice??

    So Lads ,just Starting Tiling, Obviously Want To Produce Good Results But Dont Want To Rob A Bank To Pay For For Cutters,what Do You Think Of A Big Clinker And The Plasplugs Master Tiler To Start Off With,or Spend Abit More And Get The Rubi Ts50 Plus?
  7. J

    Vehicle of choice

    Hi all, stuck in my office secretly completing my business plan, what vehicles do you all use out of interest.
  8. G

    Tilers choice of drink

    I should give you a clue how posted !
  9. W

    What a choice to make?

    Hello guys, hoping some of you will find the time to offer your views. I'm really keen to learn tiling - an i mean learn as much as i can. I've looked at various courses and spent a while reearching. I've now come to the crux: Should i opt for the 4 week PTS course, or the 4 day NE tiling...



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