
  1. W

    Calderdale college students are half way through a new project

    Hi all, would just like to ask if you would like to take a look @ the new image ive posted my students have done ten days only and are producing very fine work.
  2. S

    sandwell college courses

    what costs are the courses at sandwell college for the tiling courses and are they better than the 2 week tiling courses at training centres and what qualifications do you get and what qualifications do you need to be a qualified tiler thanks
  3. B

    College work

    Here are some of my fisrt year pics of my college work for you all to look at - and to ask if there is anything to inprove or to look at as the course is 2 years and i only have 4 months left will post some of my pass work, as it come's up but would like to hear any feed back from you all. Phil
  4. D

    Feedback - Construction Skills College

    Hi, I received the following email last week from a gent that attended a training course with us. I have forwarded details of this forum and hopefully he will be joining shortly. If you see him on here, say hi. Many Thanks, Dave Construction Skills College Limited : Quality Training Courses...
  5. C

    finishing college need help!

    hi,i finish college in a couple of weeks[city and guilds diploma],im living in london and have no tools due to lack of income and no onsite experience of tiling,in the past when phoning tilers ive recieved no joy and still have same problem,im considering volunteering to work for a tiler if need...
  6. A

    Tiling courses in Herts/Beds or Bucks?

    Hi all, im a plumber situated in bedfordshire and im looking for a tiling course in the herts/beds/bucks area, does anyone know of any trainging centers here? ive been scouring google for hours and hours and i just cant believe theres nothing even remotely close to me! or maybe there is?! what...
  7. J

    On site assessment for Tiling NVQ

    Alright lads any you guys know a good company to use for my on site assessment, also the cost and is it true the government fund these assessments.
  8. M

    NVQ Course In Swindon

    I am currently serving in the army and being deployed soon,are the NVQ, s full time and how long do they last? I am in the Swindon areabut willing to travel if there is not a suitable course in my area. Do you need to do an NVQ 2? Or can you do NVQ 3? Minty
  9. S

    NVQ for an old timer

    hi can you help Ive been working in domestic homes for the last 4 years. Ive just found out I need to be told how to suck eggs by some young lad just out of collage, so i can get an NVQ in tiling. And to get a CSCS card . bla bla... 21yrs means nout nower days Well wot i would like from you...
  10. S

    week 8 college

    hi guys quick update whats happening at college,not posted since week 3/4 i think. anyway!last 4 weeks spent in rendering bays,also numeracy and technical drawing classes. started off learning to put the scratchcoat on with sand&lime (hardwork may i add)then putting the screeds on and making...
  11. T

    Tiling Course in Devon

    Hi Does anyone know a good tiling course in Devon? I have been searching on the internet but im not sure which ones are any good and they all seem to be up north ! if any one can help it would be greatly appreciated
  12. A

    construction skills college limited - wolverhampton

    hi I recently completed the 2 week intensive tiling course at Construction Skills College in Wolverhampton. The course was excellent and i would recommend it to anyone who is thinking about tiling full time, self employed or just DIY. I am now going to be a self employed tiler myself. I have...
  13. S

    2nd week at college

    well guys week2 already. MON: lecture on tiles,where they came from etc,tile types,types of adhesive. tiled another square metre of tile making sure they were level and plum, also grouted it woohoo! TUES:maths class in morning,stripped wall of tiles and prepared wall for tiling...
  14. S

    1st week college finished

    hi guys a said previously a was going to post a weekly diary,what college are teaching,not much happening the first week iam afraid,lots a lectures and paperwork getting filled in. d to strip MON:cleaned up all the tools from the last course,and tried to make a kit up from what we had,managed to...
  15. M

    just finished college course looking for for some voluntary work to gain experince

    just finished college course looking for for some voluntary work to gain experince Hi everyone , my name is Martin I am 34 years old and have decided to change direction with my career , just finished night college last year in tiling , am hoping that someone out there would give me a chance to...
  16. M

    just finished college course looking for for some volunantry work to gain experince

    Hi everyone , my name is Martin I am 34 years old and have decided to change direction with my career , just finished night college last year in tiling , am hoping that someone out there would give me a chance to gain experince in tiling and learning more in the real world , mainly lacking the...
  17. S

    starting college monday

    hi guys! most of you know iam a course tiler with limited experience,ive enrolled in college this week and done 2 days induction,course duration is 17th jan to 17th jun iam going to try to post a weekly diary on here what ive been taught to see how it compares to what a got taught on the private...
  18. Dan

    Tiling Courses by Construction Skills College Limited

    TILING COURSES. Dave Hare from Construction Skills College informs me that they have reviewed, amended and improved the courses that they offer. They have reviewed customer feedback prior to reviewing the course content with local tiling contractors to ensure that the courses they offer meet...
  19. L

    CSCS Card

    Hi people I am looking to get a CSCS card so i can work on site, if and when i get a tiling job. i know i have to do the health and safety test, but i am not sure which card i need:mad2:. i think it would be the green one which is 'Construction Site Operative'. as all the others say trainee...
  20. B

    Help with screed info for college test please

    Hi fellas im doing screeding at college at the moment but due to unforseen matters at home im unable to attend the theory lessons that are going with it. Can anybody help me in the right direction to gather as much info as possible on all types of screed, ratios, suitable primers etc as ive been...



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