
  1. B

    limited company

    has any one done or ever thought about making their tiling business a limited company . Also by making your company limited what are the pros and cons ?
  2. R

    Noble Company CIS membrane

    Here are a few photos to show how we install this crack isolation membrane made by The Noble Company. It can also be made into a waterproof installation by overlapping and sealing the seams. This sheet membrane can be used on floors and walls. We used Noble's glue to install the sheet, although...
  3. H

    working for a large house building company

    What sort of money would you expect to be paid for working as a tiler for a large house builder like Persimmon Homes?? Per week or a Month
  4. D

    Company name ???

    any good names for a stone fixing company iv'e been thinking of going more into this area of work, and would welcome forum members sencible idears, thanks guys/gals :thumbsup:
  5. A

    dont work 4 this company

    hi guys been working for a company called t.a.knox.shopfitters,if they offer you work dont ake it they are the most un organised set of so called trades people ive ever come across, i agreed a price 4 tiling 14 apartments did them got my 1st check 7 weeks late when they said they paid weekly oh...
  6. A

    best way of marketing your company??

    Hi well been tiling on my own for 3 years now, ive tried numerous ways of marketing myself. from yellow pages to carding just wondering what your favoured way of marketing is?
  7. E

    Kitchen company

    When i started tiling a few years ago i approached a local kitchen company to let me have a go at tiling a kitchen for them, the bloke was so arrogant and said we only use qualified tilers and they were not interested and not to call them again....Anyway i was tiling a slate floor today and this...
  8. L

    Another kitchen company gone bust

    Hi just thought I would relate a little story about a kitchen company I used to work for. Who went into liquidation last week ( Limited company) Did many a job for this local firm. Last job I did for them in March last year took me 2 months to get paid. I know the guy had taken 90 percent up...
  9. P

    Conservatory Company Asking for Price per Sq Meter

    Hi there A conservatory company rang me the other day and asked my floor tiling square meterage price. I said twenty five pounds for normal ceramic. What should I have said to him - bearing in mind they could put a lot of work my way. Just wondered how you would work a deal out. Should I have...
  10. B

    The Tile Company Training Centre

    I have just completed 5 weeks at The Tile Company Training Centre, in Birmingham first doing an advanced 3-week course and then having an extra 2 weeks. I found the course very enjoyable and the teachers were friendly and helpful. During the five weeks I attended the course I learned about...
  11. C

    The Chelsea Tile Company is looking for contractors

    The Chelsea Tile Company is looking for very experienced subcontractors. We need reliable, expert fitters, with their own tools to take on whole projects under our name. There may also be some jobs for individuals without all the kit. We are a respected tile supply and fitting firm based...
  12. M

    after doing intensive tiling course did anyone get a job with a tiling company before

    hi every one i am going on a tiling course just wondering if any one elsewent on a similar course and wether they tried to gain employment with a company first to build up there speed and experiance before starting out themselfs the problem with just starting myself right after the course is i...
  13. T

    Do you work for yourself or for a company

    Just wondering how many people who use this forum either work for themselfs or work for a company. I should imagine most work for themselfs Lets us know The reason why i ask is that as im new to tiling, im finding it hard to get work, things are very slow at the moment and im losing my...
  14. C

    The Tile Company Training Centre

    Has anybody been here to do a tiling course here, or about to do one? I hear that its a very new setup in Bournville, Birmingham. Running with a very similar training programme to others in the region. The Tile Company Training Centre Would be very interested in the feedback so that we...
  15. Dan

    Your Tiling Company Logo

    Just wondered if we can get a few snaps of your logo's :) Would be nice to see what gets used.
  16. Dan

    What's your company name?

    Just thought it would be nice to see what company names going about :) Reply to this with your company name, and why you chose it :) I haven't got a tiling firm and I'm sure you know my heating company name. I'll have a think about what name I'd call a tiling firm though and reply when I've...



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