
  1. R


    Any Cream fans here ? (Other than Doug :thumbsup: ). I've been playing Disraeli Gears over and over lately. YouTube - Cream - World of Pain
  2. B

    Q-Rock Black & Cream - Best preparation and materials?

    Hi folks, we are currently in the process of designing our new bathroom and are considering the Topps Q-Rock tiles in both colours available. What would be the best preparation method and materials to use to prevent any bleeding or staining during fitting and also once installed. Do any of...
  3. S

    B+q Cream Porcelain

    hav a 10s/m job to do with b+q cream porcelain tiles. i told the customers they r a bad tile for staining they spend 60 pound on stain guard can any1 tel me will this work
  4. R

    barrier cream?

    Anyone heard of barrier cream and use it to protect your hands to stop all this skin agitation business caused by adhesive?



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