
  1. L


    sorry if this has come up loads before but i'm looking into getting a cscs card to help me with new leads. Can anyone tell me the best place to book it? I've searched it on google but i dont know which site to trust, which is the best price or which type of card i need. I have the ASET Level 2...
  2. M

    Cscs Card - Tiling Cscs Card For Site Work

    Hi all work still slow,i am thinking about getting a cscs card and going back on to site.Have the health&safety book read it and did alright,have not been on site since 1995 plus i am 40 this year and been tiling 23 years.It was great back in the day but have heard diff storys that they want you...
  3. B

    cscs card running out.

    Hi guys,my years worth of cscs is soon to run out,I haven't done my nvq2 for a five year card ,was wondering if i could get an extension on my cscs,and how you go about it. Don't think i can justify forking out 5-6 hundred quid for an nvq because i do very little site work tbh,but is nice to...
  4. C

    Quick CSCS card question...

    Hello, I've recently completed a Tiling course at Able Skills in Dartford (recommended) where I completed a City & Guilds but I then called the CSCS website and they said I either needed an NVQ or to be sponsored by someone to work on site. People who I've spoken to on site have said I just...
  5. T

    CSCS card

    Hello, Im wanting to take a course in tiling but im pretty serious about making it a career change when the trade is back on it's feet, so my question is.... what qualifications are needed in order to be allowed the CSCS card and get on site ? :8:
  6. L

    Changes to CSCS scheme ?

    Heard talk about forthcoming changes to CSCS scheme ? Anyone know anything about this ?
  7. T

    IM looking for person who can help me with CSCS card

    Hello tilers and employers! My name is Taago, live in Estonia (look also topic where new member says hy). Im very interested to working in UK. Im looking for person who can help me to get the CSCS card if needed (the great majority asks), and also to get job in good company. I have...
  8. B

    passed CSCS test,where now

    passed CSCS test,where now permalink Hi, Passed the CSCS test on Saturday,and was told to ring up a number today. When I rang them I thought I would have to pay £25 and be sent a card. No not at all... They asked what trade I was in and certificates I had, and if I had an apprenticeship...
  9. B

    passed CSCS test,where now

    Hi, Passed the CSCS test on Saturday,and was told to ring up a number today. When I rang them I thought I would have to pay £25 and be sent a card. No not at all... They asked what trade I was in and certificates I had, and if I had an apprenticeship and told them it was from a 1 week course...
  10. B

    Another cscs question.

    Hi guys,I,m taking my cscs health and safety test next week,the experienced worker one,As i,m doing it for tiling work does anybody know if i can use this card to get on sites to do other work as i,m also a door and window fitter which isnt a recognised trade,would it also cover me to do...
  11. W

    Help with CSCS Cards?

    Hi, I have decided i want to become a wall and floor tiler, i have been looking at all dufferent courses to go to, and have also been ringing around tiling companies round my area to see if they will take on any trainees? I have had a company asking me to get my cscs card, but am not sure which...
  12. F

    cscs cards

    hi everybody just seeing if any body can tell me if it is possible to obtain a cscs card even if you are new to the game and have not reg as self employed yet :hurray:
  13. D

    CSCS card

    Alrite guys i have just set up my own business and am just wondering if i need one of these cards? All help much appreciated Cheers Dean
  14. S

    cscs card

    i work in n'ireland i mite b headin 2 motherwell 2 work and hav been told i will need a cscs card,could some1 tell me wat this is?
  15. B

    Trouble with CSCS CD rom

    :mad2: Hi, Im interested in getting a CSCS card and have got the CD rom as advised(£11 from Waterstones,just seen it on ebay for £4 all in,gutted),anyway I put it in and all it is is some bloke talking a load of nonsense,not actually explaining what its all about. It says on the case it has...
  16. L

    cscs card / nvq

    Chaps, I guess from my previous posts I will now have to eat humble pie. I now wish to get my CSCS card and subsequently NVQ accreditation. In the process of sorting out some on site asessement etc. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has gone down the on site asessement route - how...
  17. S

    cscs card

    read a few threads on nvq,s, not sure if this is the right forum but i need to get a cscs card did a bit of research and as ar as i can see i need to get a nvq before i can get the card is this right or i can i just get a card as a labourer which will get me on site then look at getting the nvq
  18. L


    hiya im going in for my CSCS card and I was just wondering if many of you have it and if you think its worth having? Thank you ***
  19. Dan

    Obtaining a CSCS card to work on building sites

    Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) Cards for Professionals CIC is leading a project to develop routes for professionals to gain CSCS cards. Background to CSCS The Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) was introduced in April 1995 to provide a means of certifying that...



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