
  1. T

    BAL Uncoupling Tip Sheet 2019-01-24

    Each and every project has different requirements. Maybe height build-up is an issue, perhaps time is an issue, or the substrate is particularly troublesome. It could be that you aren’t looking for a mat and want an adhesive that has uncoupling and anti-fracture properties. Cavities or no...
  2. B

    Do I need a decoupling mat?

    Looking at tiling the whole downstairs of my house, I'll be using 600x600x10 porcelain tile Adhesive Screed filled profix UFH trays Self leveling screed Epoxy 2 coat DPM According to profix, you can tile straight onto the top of the trays, the screed only fills them flush with the top. My...
  3. S

    Decoupling Blah blah blah

    Ditra mat. What do people think ? Its been around a long time. Some of you were not even tiling when it came out. Is it better than the rest? Is it a good price? Is it any good ?I have put this on the other page
  4. L

    Decoupling membrane over ply

    I know this kind of thing comes up all the time, but i cant find anywhere for this. In my kitchen i have a 16mm floorboard floor. When i tile bathrooms i remove the floor, board with 18mm ply, board with 9mm and durables the lot. My question is, i cant remove the floor and height is an issue...
  5. S

    Decoupling membrane on self levelling

    Afternoon all, I will be self levelling a 20sqm floor to a depth of 20mm using a flexi levelling compound. My question is, should I fit a decoupling membrane before tiling commences? Thanks in advance, Stu.
  6. B

    Mapei WP200 waterproof decoupling membrane anybody else use it?

    Been using Mapei WP200 waterproof decoupling membrane for the last 3 wetrooms I’ve done. Must say it’s a really good product and recommend trying it. Easy to get hold of at CTD, 30 metre roll, corner/ transition tapes, internal/external corners available also. Anybody else use it and what is...
  7. Del W

    Opinions please on Heatbase decoupling membrane.

    Hello, compared to other systems this seems like a money saver. Anyone used it and have any feed back ? Thanks, Del.
  8. M

    Dural Durabase CI FH Decoupling UFH - Anyone used it.

    Hi All Snow day for me today so doing some research into a job thats coming up. It 30m2 with 12 m2 UFH. Till now I have always used pro warm backboards with UFH and a layer of SLC over the top but this seems to be going out of fashion and is rather costly. Been looking into UFH membranes and...
  9. S

    Decoupling Membranes with heat mat

    So this is my first post and wanted to see how others do it, as I don't know if I'm creating more work than is required. When doing a room with electric underfloor heating, if on a timber or concrete floor I tend to fit 10mm insulation board, then lay the underfloor heating cable, lay self...
  10. M

    Uncoupling Mat yes or no

    Hi everyone:) I have the following: Natural stone floor tiles to be laid on a dry anhydrite screed floor with underfloor heating in the kitchen. The tiles will be sealed. I will be using a flexible adhesive and grout having previously sealed the floor with say BAL prime APD. Question is do I...
  11. L

    Decoupling membrane

    I am tiling a floor for first time on decoupling membrane ( durabase) is it best to lay the decoupling membrane on the whole floor even if I may not tile it all in the same day . Using anhyfix to lay the mat .
  12. G

    Decoupling membrane

    Just got on a job 46m2, I'm laying a decoupling membrane. Since the quote the customer has installed an island with granite worktop in middle of area. My question is do I run the membrane under the island units and through the other side in a continuous roll or do I stop just under and start...
  13. R

    Decoupling required on a Gyvlon screed?

    Just looking for some clarification. I have a 28 sq metre screed slab, Gyvlon Thermio liquid screed, with wet UFH. The laitance has been taken off and it's fully dried. There are no cracks. After its been primed with APD, will BAL rapid set flexible fibre be ok without a decoupling mat? The...
  14. B

    Decoupling membrane needed?

    I have 2 rooms to tile with ceramic tiles 15 x 60 cm tiles. There is a sand and cement screed of about 90mm thick with ufh heating pipes set within. One room is approx 5x5 metres , the other joins this room and is a hall at 1.2 x 4 metres, there is an expansion joint between the 2. Would this...
  15. Wishiwasatoptiler

    Durabase decoupling

    Hi guys What's the smallest tile you've fitted to Durabase decoupling mats. After grinding old adhesive from a floor. Tiles are 300×100 porcelain. Cheers
  16. Chris_32

    Decoupling/Anti Cracking Systems

    Just wondering what peoples preferences on these were. I have used Ditra, Durabase and Bal matting and just wondered what everyone else prefers/thinks is best.
  17. H

    Is Decoupling With Stone And Ufh Bs?

    Hi all, got a couple to price up with pumped floors, ufh and stone. I want to use durabase/ditra and, being aware it's best practice, just wondering if it's also british standard to do so. I've been in touch with Schluter and Dural and got different opinions whether it is or not from them, and...
  18. H

    Dural On Anhydrite

    Hello all. Got a large area of anhydrite that's having Durabase matting on it. Just wondering what adhesive you guys prefer to use with it. I'm thinking Granfix CSA as it's standard setting and i can mix a load at a time, as i said it's a big area. All input appreciated, cheers.
  19. H

    Won't Pay For Decoupling

    I've priced and got 200m2 of trav on a pumped heated screed. The client agreed to decoupling but has just sent me an email saying it doesn't need it according to the screeding company! I don't want to lose the job but not prepared to do it without the membrane. Can anyone point me in the right...
  20. S

    For Sale Dural Durabase Ci Plus - Crack Isolation / Decoupling Membrane

    I have 40m of Dural DuraBase CI Plus - Crack Isolation / Decoupling Membrane for sale, it's 1 x 30m and 1 x 10m and both are unopened. Job has been canceled and do need need in the next 2 months so it's just going to be in the way! £240ono collection from PE15 0 area (March, Cambridgeshire)



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