
  1. A

    Deflection check for an odd scenario. I think I am ok to tile.

    Hi, and thanks for any advice. After pulling over 900 lbs of dead weight in the center of my joists I had no deflection for tiling a bathroom floor ( roughly 6.5' x 6.5'). I measured from the floor below to see if there was any measurable deflection/sag, but there was not even a 1/16 of an inch...
  2. S

    subfloor for slate tile floor on hallway

    I would like to install slate tile on the hallway and foyer (blue rectangles) of my house. However, I don't think the framing in the hallway meets the L/720 deflection necessary for natural stone. So I was hoping I could get some advice and opinion on fixes and feasibility of such a project...
  3. O

    How much deflection in floorboards is too much for tiling

    I have screwed down my floorboards in all places and feels really solid but ... right up against the front door where there doesn’t appear to be a joist so it dips maybe 3-4mm with my full weight on it. The next joist is 8 inches further into the hallway and no movement . Should I rip up the...
  4. T

    6mm ply - floating floor - 55qm - deflection free?

    Evening all,just looking for others opinions on this subject. So today I turned up at a job to tile a kitchen floor only to find it has been covered in 6mm ply after I recommend cement board or backer board be put down,it's screwed down every 6 inches with drywall screws and they have clearly...
  5. D

    Deflection issue with No More Ply down

    Hello I am a DIYer and after a successful shower tile project set about tiling bathroom floor. Victorian terraced house, previous floor - exposed original floorboards. After research and consultation with a carpenter, I understood that the deflection wasn't bad and that I should screw down any...
  6. Z

    Floor deflection videos...

    My bathroom floor is 12" x 2" joists on 400mm centres covering a 3.0m span. This is overlayed with 18mm chipboard screwed to the joists overlayed with 12mm ply screwed on a 5" grid. The ply had its edges and back face coated in SBR. The tiles are 600 x 300 porcelain laid on a single part...
  7. M

    Floor deflection

    I've been to see a job where tiles are coming loose on a ply overlaid floor. Underneath the ply it's chipboard but you can feel the floor bounce when you jump on it easily. I've told the guy that he really needs to take up the floor, strengthen with noggins and relay but he doesn't want to due...
  8. J

    How to check deflection on plywood across joists

    Time and time again, I see advice offered to check for deflection before starting to tile on floorboards/plywood across joists. What I don't understand is - how do you check for deflection and how much deflection is acceptable? Is there a gadget or a certain way of doing it? Do you jump up and...
  9. J

    Floor deflection

    Hi Lads, I have a wetroom I need to tank, it is 4m x 1m (with marmox showerstone tray taking up 1m2 at one end). I floored the rest of the upstairs & wetroom with 18mm WBP. I have just realised / noticed that there is a join in the ply running perpendicular to the joists right at the door...
  10. I

    Deflection in timber sub floors

    Does anyone know of any authorative publication that specifies the allowable deflection tolerances in wooden suspended floors when laying marble tiles (in my case 600x600x20thick) Cheers Ian
  11. 2

    deflection confusion ??

    hi! guys and gals ! got a problem understanding deflection and how to cure it. priced a job up with a 5mtr floor with deflection (floor boards). now Ive searched a lot of posts on this subject and iam getting different answers ? some say over boarding cures deflection ? others say it doesn't...
  12. 2

    Questions of all Questions... deflection !

    was wondering at wot point of a quotation you would determine there was to much bounce in a floor ? i mean how do i no if i need to quote for taken up floors etc ? is a tiny bit bounce acceptable ? as the addy is flexi ?or is there something you can put down on a floor with slight bounce instead...
  13. D

    Needed to test a floor for deflection

    So i got the lads in.......... YouTube - Jumpstyle duo by Jumpforce :8:



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