
  1. Dan

    Drill Tough Tiles - Tile Drill Bits - Tile Drilling Professionals

    www.365drills.com for professional tile drill bits, porcelain drill bits, tough tile drill bits. Drill holes in tough tile. Drill holes for pipes, radiators, showers etc with Porsadrill - the professionals choice in drill bits for tile.
  2. T

    Tile Drill bits

    just starting out on my own doin tiling and plumbing. just wondering if anyone can tell me (not to expensive) what good drill bits for drilling tiles. Is it better to get one as you go along or to buy them as a set
  3. H

    Impact Drill

    whats the difference between standard drill drivers and the impact drills that are now available? When boarding out do you need to pre drill? Is battery life better? Looking at a new drill but may opt for new impact. Any advise or suggestions. Dont want to get one if the other is better. Much...
  4. smokie899

    flamin drill

    just set my drill on fire could not belive it i knew it was goin to burn out bvut go on fire as i am holdin it :ninja: any how all started when i cracked a rib and could only manage two days off very busy and on my own i always mix my adheisve by hand as i hate goin to the gym and it will...
  5. R

    Looking to buy a mixing drill

    looking to buy a mixing drill,been using my cordless drill for doing it! does the job ok until i forget to charge the battery doh!What s good one to buy and where?
  6. F

    Whats a good drill?

    What would be a good drill to purchase and where from:wink_smile:? I'd need one that fits my paddle mixer... Also where would I get a good jigsaw? any ideas? thanks peeps.
  7. J

    365 drill set

    ive seen the 365 set sold for £40 for the set which seems good but are the bits slightly too small in size, wondered what others thought.
  8. P

    Makita Drill for sale

    Hi folks i have a Makita HP2050 110 volt Drill for sale, i brought it in march this year but have never used it reason for sale. I paid £117.50. Im asking £50 plus postage or collection.
  9. T

    What drill ?

    Was plying a floor today and My Bosch fecked up, was wondering what is the best drill/driver combo and how much ? Martin :wink_smile:
  10. D

    Very LARGE holes (using a BENCH drill) Easy?

    Drilling big holes into any tile Using a £40 bench drill We set it up a bench drill outdoors. Then rigged water from a hose. Start to drill. Look above. Can you see the glass tile on the right? Its whizzing into that. Keep the...
  11. D

    Very LARGE holes (using a hand drill) Easy?

    Fitting large items like waste pipes and fans through tiles And achieving an elegant finish. IE not a ragged hole ! Method 1: Using a hand drill Best material to use for a template is plasterboard. (Yes really) Score the top paper with a knife round the drill bit. Drill...
  12. C

    drill own holes?

    who drills own holes or do you leave it for customer to do-if so,wot do you say??if you do own,do you use same method for different types of tiles??also,has anybody used 3655DRILLS yet and wot they like? i got a drill bit from tradetiler last wk,not used it yet.triangle shape,cost i think...
  13. B

    SDS Drill???

    Hi, my first post. :) I'm looking to buy an SDS drill for removing floor and wall tiles in the kitchen and bathroom (and general use) I've got about £150 to spend on one. Thing is I've just bought a house and it needs quite a bit of work doing. After a look around these two drills have been...
  14. Dan

    Drill Guide

    Did any of you ever see those cheap drill guides knocking about a year or so ago. They were plastics and stuckon the tile and the colours matched the plugs, so a translucent red drill guide would guide the correct drill bit on the perfect 90 degree angle through your tile preventing slipping of...
  15. P

    Mixer Drill Which One

    Looking to buy a decent mixer drill, which out of the two below would you advise to get, both have the same torque of 50nm Cheers. Dewalt D21520L Rotary Mixer Drill 110V 701W - Screwfix Direct, Everything for the Trade, Next Day! Sparky BM2 1060CE+ Mixer 230V 1050W - Screwfix Direct...



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