
  1. B

    Grout and drying time

    Hello Again, I would appreciate any suggestions to which brand of grout is best for shower cubicles. This question has been ask before but products change as do preferences. Also what is the recommended drying time for grout and Silicon before using shower, I have seen two weeks suggested is...
  2. M

    drying time for dry screed

    hi all whats the drying time for sharp sand/cement semi dry screed, its around a wet room drain thats getting impey over it cheers
  3. P

    screed drying times

    quite a handy pdf to print out and take with you on quotes
  4. R

    Screed drying times

    Good morning all. Went to look at a job yesterday where they are having the nu heat Lo Pro 10 UFH system on the ground floor of an area of 56m2. I've put some pictures on which hopefully aren't upside down as the usually are. My question relates to the screed. The pipes have been covered with...
  5. R

    Grout drying different colours

    Good evening. Just a quick question. When using a darker grout colour I find sometimes that on some of the lines the grout has dried slightly darker or lighter then the rest. From your experience any idea why this would be. Is it caused by wipin the excess grout off before the grout has had time...
  6. J

    screed accelerators and drying times

    I am doing more and more jobs where main contractor using accelerators in screeds so that they can be worked on earlier than normal. probably a good question for Ajax or any other technical mind ed person what is your take on these. the latest one is 8 day overlay by ronascreed. does this in...
  7. J

    Fasted drying rapid set

    I need to fill in some voids between screed and a ply deck shower tray. need to get adhesive dry as fast as possible so can put down otl tanking kit . iam really tight on time . is there any adhesive that is particularly fast to dry . was thinking of using warm water to help go off quicker ...
  8. L

    Grout drying patchy/efflorescence ?

    I've noticed in recent times that some of the grouts I use seem to suddenly have a tendency to dry patchy or suffer from efflorescence. I try not to use Granfix on anything in a dark colour but now it seems to be happening with Mapei. I use a washboy but it didn't cause any problems in the...
  9. L

    Drying time

    Hi guys, got a floor being prepped by the customers own builder. 100mm kingspan electric UFH element SLC 60-70mm sand and cement screed. The screed is being laid tomorrow, whats the procedure to follow. I was hoping to ring Tilemaster tomorrow and ask about their ultimate adhesive as I...
  10. K

    Tile adhesive drying times...for washing machine!

    Hi all, Have just finished tiling three rooms in house. Adhesive and tiles were set 48hrs ago and grout was yesterday. now my conundrum is that I'm keen to get the washing machine back in as otherwise ill be resorting to renovating the rest of the house in the nude....! How long should I...
  11. A

    Problems with grout not drying on shower floor expert advice needed

    Hi, Two months ago we got our bathroom completely revamped. We have the impey wet room system, and travertine tiles. In the shower area we have travertine mosaics on the floor. Everything was fine for about three weeks, then small patches of the grout appeared darker. Eventually the dark...
  12. P

    Cement not drying

  13. A

    mapei super flexible adhesive drying time

    Hi, can anyone advise on the drying time for this adhesive? I should have bought the fast set stuff and now have to wait for aread to dry. I know the fast set can be walked on within a couple of hours.
  14. S

    Plaster drying times

    Evening gents. Looking for some advice on the following...I've put down a coat of bonding 1 week ago and then skimmed with multifinish another week further on. (Yes I know i should have dot n dabbed) To me it's completely dry no wet/dark patches. Can I now start tiling I've read elsewhere I...
  15. P

    Kerakoll Grouts Drying Patchy.

    Hi There Are there any tilers out there that have used kerakoll grouts that have dried patchy and this was after following all the manufactures instructions in great detail.
  16. T

    Drying time on a newly cement screed?

    The screed is 100mm depth,it's a fibreglass/cement screed custumer thinks 7.5 weeks as advised by Topps builder said few weeks lol i thought it was 1mm per day so 100 days,but not sure about it being mixed with fibre glass. any help please
  17. macten

    Plaster drying times

    Getting ear ache from a customer who is anxious for me to start tiling her bathroom. First fix has been done now but during the rip out my plumber mate came across a problem. The original bathroom had no tiles but that wood paneling running 1/2 way up every wall, painted plaster above. When I...
  18. O

    help- tile adhesive not drying properly???

    Hi I need some advise. I am retiling around my bath and it is going well, but taking a long time because trying to look after a toddler and baby at the same time. I am using Bal white star on 25x33cm tiles and it looks good. I'm almost finished and the tiles stay up and when I try to move them...
  19. A

    Screed drying.

    I have visited recently a few tile failures and found that the vast majority of them are due tonthe screeds being still wet. Just a reminder for all thos who don't want me to visit we have so far this year had some of the worst weather for ages and as a result drying times for screeds are...
  20. I

    Drying time?

    I've recently been asked to quote on a job where a customer has tiles that have lifted from the conservatory floor. After asking a few questions regarding said dodgy installation I discovered that the tiles had been laid no more than a week after the conservatory base had been cast. Subsequently...



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