epoxy grout

  1. U

    Epoxy grout on foam board substrate?

    Bit of a long shot question here, I know, but thinking of using craft industry foamboard as a light and flexible substrate for a mosaic that has to be sent through the post, the customer (experienced tiler) said he would be happy to epoxy grout it at his end - where the foamboard could be fixed...
  2. N

    Epoxy Grout

    Hi, I would like to use Kerapoxy grout. My tiles are ceramic 338mm x338 x 8mm . I would like thin grout lines so will 3mm be ok with this size of tile and this grout? I have read some of the data sheets from mapei and they say use scotch brite pads for cleaning , which type should I be looking...
  3. B

    Epoxy grout - problem with the mix

    I've never used epoxy grout before and I'm just starting on a tiled worksurface. The grout is (Litocrom) Starlike. It comes in a bucket, as a coarse paste, with a sachet of hardener. I didn't want to mix more than enough for a very small area, just to see how hard it was to use. The trouble...
  4. A

    epoxy grout

    hi people, just a quick one for you, im starting a job 2mz on a new build school. and its epoxy grout. is they any sneaky tips you know to speed this slow process up. ive used it a few times and found it slow to work with? thanks.
  5. D

    Epoxy grout with stone

    Has anybody used any kind of epoxy grout with stone? I have a client who wants polished limestone with grout that wont fade, mark or stain. Possibly I could use a grout sealant but how effective are they?
  6. T

    Litokol Starlike epoxy grout

    Hi there I am using this on Quartz tommorrow, was wondering if anyone has any tips regarding this product I am concerned the quartz will get scratched with the method of grouting using a white pad ? Cheers Tubs
  7. M

    Can epoxy grout sit well with cement based grout?

    Hello.. I'd like to know if I epoxy grout the walls around a bath and use normal grout for the rest of the room, would the epoxy grout stand out like a sore thumb (especially where the 2 grouts meet) or would that be ok? Grouts would both be mapei jasmine colour. What do you think? Thanks
  8. R

    Epoxy Grout in Limestone!

    I have a wetroom to do in a couple of weeks and the customer wants epoxy grout on the mosaic area floor in limestone Does anyone no if this colour is available and where? Thanks
  9. N

    tile giant and epoxy grout

    do tile giant stock epoxy grout , kerrapoxy white
  10. N

    White Epoxy Grout for a Kitchen Floor

    My first post so Hi everyone. After some advice please. I have light grey ceramic floor tiles and white kitchen units. I have re-grouted the floor with white standard cement based grout, you can guess that this doesn't last long until it becomes stained and I have to re-grout. I have...
  11. F

    epoxy grout vs metallic mosaic

    Have a shower area to grout this week and was going to use epoxy but customer produced these metallic mosaic tiles ?(forgot to get the name) and seem to remember something about epoxy marking metal trims! right or wrong lads! Anyway went to buy a one kg tub (bal) down at ctd so I could 'try...
  12. J

    epoxy grout why !!!

    hi just a few shots of laundry toilet entrance floor tiled 15 years ago used epoxy grout the floor has been used and abused from red mud to plaster dust used as main entry to house with two youngens and friends never cleaned to perfection until the misses finally wore me down and i finally...
  13. D

    cleaning epoxy grout?

    I looked at a job the other day, where the customer has his kitchen work surfaces (and backsplash) tiled with 50mm squares. The job was done many years ago by a pro tiler and doesn't look too bad but the grout has discoloured in some areas and looks slightly unhygienic now. The customer just...
  14. R

    Epoxy grout on a large floor

    Hello every1, Iv only just joined this forum and this is my first post. I have a 49m floor to do in 400x400 porcelain and the customer has asked for epoxy grout.Iv been a tiler for a long time so am experienced with normal grouts but have never used epoxy before so and advice would be great. Thanx
  15. K

    epoxy grout

    what is best way to apply epoxy grout ,how long before washing excess off
  16. M

    Epoxy Grout

    Anybody got any advice on the best way to apply epoxy grout that will minmise the work involved in scrubbing it off? Any advice would be appreciated as I have 180 sq. mtrs, to do, and I'm dreading it! Thanks in advance. edited......... the grout is mapei, and it's onto limestone and porcelain.
  17. P

    Epoxy grout?

    Hi fellas, I've been asked to quote for 2xKitchen splash backs and maybe floors in a school. The job is for the builder who phoned me today. He didn't give me much spec over the phone only that the was will be 100 x 100 ceramics and he didn't know the meter2 but thinks its about 50m2. I'm...
  18. M

    Epoxy grout

    Have been asked to grout a 55 square meter food receptical tank with epoxy grout any ideas on wot to charge . GOD HELP ME THERES 9 OF THEM ALL TOGETHER . just want price to charge on one :mad2:
  19. J

    Is epoxy grout any easier to use these days

    Is epoxy grout any easier to use thes days. Only really used twice once on tiled worktop which went well. and once on a bathroom which was an expense time consuming nightmare. is it me? have avoided it for about 3 years now.
  20. G

    First epoxy grout job

    I recently completed my first epoxy grouting job. I have to say I found the experience quite a good one to be honest. I used BAL Easypoxy in white and contrary to my expectations, I found it easy to use and quite easy to clean off, with only a minor amount of emulsifying to do the next day to...

