
  1. D

    Fein saw blades

    Has anyone used either Shark or Saxon replacement blades for Fein saws, if so how do they compare with originals?
  2. Dan

    A super offer on the 'fein' multimaster look-a-like again in Aldi.

    https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151485018454992&set=a.10151456706994992.579727.133564524991&type=1 Details in the above facebook post (you should be able to see it all fine even if you're not on facebook though!)
  3. S

    Fein MSX 315 9.6v Cordless Multimaster

    Hi Guys, I wonder if any of you have one of these, would it do the business for a regrout? Cheers Paul
  4. D

    fein or bosch?

    well my bosch had to go and get a fault fixed this week, typical when I needed to rake out 4 bathrooms for a re-grout in some holiday homes, so I borrowed my brother in laws fein,,,,result?..fein wins hands down imo. Better balanced and more "guts", my b-i-l doesn't use it much so I think I'll...
  5. C

    Cordless Fein

    So got my yearly invitation to ToolFair 2011 and in the news letter it's got a picture of the new cordless Fein multi-master, looks good and the body now has a slight kick to it which should make it easier to hold. Not released yet but wonder if anybody has had a demo yet? Let me see if I can...
  6. T

    Fein diamond grout blade - OUCH!

    +Was doing some repair work on bad tiling job today. Part of this involved regrouting an area of slate mosaic on the floor. My stabdard grout blade got wasted and I had to go and buy another one to finnish the job and get paid today. Went to a supplier I use frequantly in Edinburgh and they...
  7. T

    WANTED!!! FEIN 63mm carbide saw - Thin grout removing blade.

    I need to get a hold of one of these first thing in the morning. if anyone in Teesside or surrounding knows of any stockists, or has a used one I could buy from them, can they please contact me? As long as its not too battered I will have anything really as its only for a couple of square...
  8. T

    Fein Blades

    Hi People. Anyone know where I can buy blades for the fein today. Ie not online. Do anywhere like screwfix sell replacement blades? Its the thin carbide blade Im looking for. And Im in the North East. It doesnt have to be a fein blade, can be a cheaper alternative. Its only for a couple...
  9. M

    Fein Dustex 25.

    Just got myself one of these little babies....:hurray: If anyone is looking for a dust extraction/wet vac I can wholeheartedly recommend this fantastic machine :thumbsup: Incredible suction power, which is controllable via the digitally displayed buttons:thumbsup: And all backed by a 3 years...
  10. M

    fein multimaster

    i've fancied a fein for a while now but i can't justify paying £200 plus. is there any good replicas which are cheaper? thanks
  11. T

    For sale Fein Multimaster Top very light use

    Afternoon all As business continues to decline I need to sell some of my 'luxury' tools. First is my Fein Multimaster Top kit which is less than a year old and used on less then 5 jobs. Everything includes except for the semi circle cutting blade which broke. £150 + £10 postage prefer by bank...
  12. D

    Fein Multimaster - solution for expensive blades.

    Well alot of you are complaining about the price of new fine blades, especially for the new mk2 which has a different fixing, however i bought a new adapter of ebay the otherday, and some new shark blades. The Adapter cost £6.99 inc post and I got 10 blades for £35.00, now the quality of the...
  13. Q

    Question to fein Multitool owners

    Well fellas. Last week i posted my review about my new Fein Multitool (feel free to check it out and leave a comment in tiling tool reviews) So, I've got a really daft question to any Fein owners of the newer model, FMM250Q. When a blade is inserted in the straight position the blade isn't...
  14. Q

    Got me a fein, my review. :)

    Well i bit the bullet and got a Fein Multimaster:) The first thing that strikes you as soon as you get the tool, even before you open the carry case is the carry case itself, its made of solid industrial grade plastic and gives the impression that what you have is a quality piece of kit. The...
  15. G

    In the market for a fein like multitool ?

    then try here but offer ends soon. Clas Ohlson
  16. F

    Fein Multimaster

    've got a Fein multi master for sale, no longer needed, you will have to purchase tile related parts as they are all gone. £100 plus postage. E-mail me @ [email protected]
  17. M

    Fein Multimaster

    hi guys Need to know where/if i can buy spares cheap as trimline are a total rip off. i am rakeing out a 250m pool floor and the bit i got at the min is wearing away and need some more.
  18. B

    Bosch v Fein

    Chaps, Looking at Oscillating saws, i was going to go for the Fein Multimaster. However, i used a customers Bosch multimaster yesterday and it seemed to be just as good and the spares (ie blades etc) seem cheaper. Overall, its seems better priced (you can get the Bosch and the tilers blade set...
  19. D

    New Orbital sander attachment for the Fein.

    Now this would be handy for my work with stone..etc,..even paint removal , making the fein even more useful.. I will ask TT if he can get these..:thumbsup: Fein Orbital Sanding Attachment for the MultiMaster - Review | Tool Snob - ToolSnob.com
  20. E

    Fein multimaster.

    Did a small job this morning where i had to remove 3 cracked tiles on a very old fireplace hearth. These were butt jointed and i had to be very careful not to damage any of the surrounding tiles, as the customer only had 4 tiles as spares....Well if i had not had a Fein multimaster this job...



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