
  1. D

    Floating Floor?

    I have been asked to quote for 70m2 porcelain with 'lectric UFH - haven't been to look at the job yet tho'. Customer described the substrate as "insulation boards laid, then a wire mesh, then screed poured over". Is this a floating floor? :furious3: All abuse welcome....:ciappa:
  2. S

    Floating floor - No choice!

    Hi All. First post on this forum so hello all. I have a floating floor (water resistant T&G chipboard/polystyrene insulation in a kitchen that needs to be tiled. Overply not an option as floor level continuity would be out. Ripping up floating floor and screeding not an option. The floor...
  3. S

    Tiling on floating floors

    I have recently tiled on an existing kitchen floor, which had 22mm weigh rock and 6mm ply on top screwed at 100mm intervals. Also the new kitchen floor had a concrete base, insulation, weigh rock and ply and is a floating floor. Most of this floor was screwed down except a small area were all...
  4. S

    floating floor?

    Just been to price a conservatory and is timber floor over concrete base_is this a floating floor and to be steered clear of?:huh2:
  5. C

    Can limestone tiles be laid on a floating floor without cracking?

    Any help really appreciated New build concrete floor has masses of central heating / water pipes running across it. Decision to lay limestone tiles (large 24" x 12") over a 83 sqm area not communicated to plumber. Now have a concrete floor with 2" timber battens at 300 mm centres and 18mm...
  6. B

    help please, tiling floating chipboard

    i need to tile a chipboard floor (floating) there is movement at the joints. 3/5 mm in places. can i use a 2 part flexi on this? will i need to ply the floor? cust is worried about a step into the other room. cheers Ben:thumbsup:
  7. R

    Replacing floating floor

    Hi, I need to replace a floating floor (about 20SqM) so that it can be tiled. The current floor is 18mm T&G chipboard on 22mm polystyrene insulation. Between the chipboard and the polystyrene is a Damp Proof Membrane (poly sheet). The insulation sits directly on the concrete subtrate. I...
  8. S

    52m2 Floating floor

    Went to have a look at a job today where the customer wants 4 rooms tiled with 600 x600 porc tiles. All rooms connected(52m2). The floor is a floating floor. Have no idea what it's like as they still have the carpet down. After reading some of the other questions on floating floors i'm a bit...
  9. B

    Floating Floor Question

    Hi My kitchen floor is being retiled after a leak from the washing machine ran along the vapour control barrier and the chipboard soaked it all up and blew the tiles. The contractors just hacked up the tiles and relaid, needless to say after a year loads of tiles were clicking when trodden...
  10. T

    Floating Floor

    Just been to look at a conservatory, it was built a year ago and the customer says the installers said it has a floating floor. Which as far as I can see is 18mm T&G Weyroc over some sort of polystyrene sheet (about 25mm thick) over concrete. None of which seem to be fixed to the other, just...
  11. M

    floating floor

    i have a customer wanting 1.6m2 of slate laying when i went to look at the job i lifted the old lino in the room and discovered that the sub wasmouldy and appeared to be rotten now the sub is 18mm chipb'd (floating) on top of 2" polestyrene ontop off dpm and concrete. I wanted to cut out the...
  12. P

    Tiling a Floating Floor

    We have a concrete beam and block floor with a floating floor, (looked like polestyrene and chipboard), what is the best method required to tile this type of floor? I have been told this type of floor is unsuitable for tiling but hope this is not the case!!



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