
  1. D

    Floorboards…overboard and/or ditra?

    hey there, long time no speak. I’m helping a friend tile their bathroom and they wish to waterproof the floor with an isolation membrane (ditra). Looking at the floorboards, I’m wondering if it would be advisable to overboard first with some cement/insulation boards? Cheers
  2. S

    Floorboard needs changing in bathroom . Wet/rotten

    Hey guys I have a small bathroom but water seems to leak to the kitchen. I realised under the floor tiles, one of the floorboards on side of the bath was wet through and almost rotten over years of this issue. So I feel the water has been seeping through that due to splashes over the bath...
  3. L

    Bathroom floor - plywood or floorboards

    Hi all, I’ve got an old Victoria house with 20mm first floor floorboards. They’re in quite good shape but 1-3mm gaps between some. They’ve been pulled up for the plumber in the 1st floor bathroom, and my original plan was to remove them all and replace with 18mm WBP plywood onto the joists...
  4. E

    Replace floorboards with 25mm plywood

    Hi all Bathroom have floorbords ontop of joists decided going to strip them all and just replace with 25mm plywood maybe put hardbacker on it…. question can i just put the 25mm ontop of the joists and screw in a line on top plywood right into the joists i think they are 400mm apart and no...
  5. lukeoflondon

    How do I prime floorboards before aquapanel?

    Hi everyone, sorry if this is an incredibly stupid thing to ask: I have some old 18mm floorboards, on top of which I plan to lay aquapanel. I was going to use some kind of cement-based flexible adhesive between the floorboards and the panel (haven't decided exactly what yet), and I'm sure I need...
  6. A

    Hardiebacker on timber floorboards water proofing query

    Hi I am new to this forum and it’s a godsend for information and tips however there is one thing I cannot seem to find clarity on. I am tiling my bathroom floor small area 1.5x1.5m which is t&g floorboards very solid and screwed down no deflection. I am overlaying with 6mm Hardiebacker glued...
  7. H

    Hardiebacker over floorboards

    Hi all, Tiling my bathroom (wet room) floor, which will have an Impey tray. I have wooden floorboards and planned to make sure they’re movement free then overboard them with 6mm hardiebacker, screwed 9 per board. Is this right? Do I need to put flexible adhesive underneath the hardie? Thanks!
  8. N

    Can you tile using anti fracture mat direct on floorboards?

    Hi all, new to this forum and looking for advice / reassurance. I'm getting my hallway tiled and it's an old house, built circa 1900. It still has the original floorboards and after getting a few quotes, the tiler who can do the job says I only need to put down anti fracture mats over the...
  9. W

    Floorboards or hardboard

    Hi, a tiler told me that if I lay two layers of hardboard, my floor tiles won't crack. Would laying floorboards be better? But if I do either it seems to me that there would be a trip hazard between the bathroom and passageway. Are there any other solutions?
  10. W

    Hardboard or floorboards?

    Hi, a tiler told me that if I put down two layers of hardboard instead of one on the joists, my bathroom floor tiles would not crack. Is it better to put down floor boards? If I do either of these two remedies it seems to me that I would be left with a trip hazard between the bathroom and...
  11. J

    Layer/prep for tiling with UFH on wooden floorboards

    Hi, So I can’t find any solid information on this topic. For context, I am wanting tiles floor with underfloor heating from the kitchen into the living/dining room (joining rooms via a door) so basically the whole downstairs. While having a new kitchen installed prior to tiling I was advised to...
  12. S

    Removing timber floorboards for tiling

    Hello everyone ,I am a diy tiler and just joined the forum as i will be doing a lot of tiling with a new project /old house in hand . I want to turn one of the upstairs bedrooms into a bathroom in our old cottage. There are standard pine floorboards in every room including this one at the...
  13. O

    How much deflection in floorboards is too much for tiling

    I have screwed down my floorboards in all places and feels really solid but ... right up against the front door where there doesn’t appear to be a joist so it dips maybe 3-4mm with my full weight on it. The next joist is 8 inches further into the hallway and no movement . Should I rip up the...
  14. P

    50/50 Floorboards Concrete room. Not level!

    Hi, So I’ve decided to tile my mums kitchen for her. Never tiled before so please bare with me. I’ve done my research and was feeling quite confident that I could get the job done. Firstly I removed all of the fake (tiled look) wooden floor. Underneath, I’ve found a few issues that I’m going to...
  15. C

    Wooden floorboards - what is best way to level it?

    Hi all, So there’s a floor that needs tiling on the third floor of a house, they have taken up old floor and brought it back to the original 18mm floorboards. These floorboards are very uneven, even after they have screwed them all down. They want to lay porcelain floor tiles down. Is this...
  16. R

    'No More Ply' on old floorboards...

    Hi, I bought 6mm No More Ply for my bathroom floor before I tile. As you can see the floorboards are not perfect, and there is a piece of ply patching in one section. It all feels quite solid to me, but not perfectly flat everywhere as the boards are old. My worry is that when I put down the...
  17. N

    Tile on to chipboard floorboards

    I need to tile a small entrance way to a hall (small being 1.5m^2). The floor is a suspended chipboard (new). I understand I need to use flexible adhesive. Do I need to prime the floor? If so, any particular primer? Any other tips would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  18. D

    Best option when removing floorboards?

    Hello all! So, ive done a few tiling jobs with my old man before, but lets say that his methods probably are not the right ones! Now ive just bought my first home and am sorting the bathroom and kitchen and want them done right. Bathroom is currently a council installed wetroom, its all...
  19. J

    Old floor boards

    Hello. I’m new to this forum and new to tiling! I’m just looking for some advice on tiling a bathroom floor. I have an old 200 year old house and the bathroom floor is currently the old thick original floorboards and they are in a reasonable state. They are not completely level each one in and...
  20. M

    Uneven floorboards?

    Hi guys. I appreciate all the help I've received on the forum and apologise in advance for posting so many questions, however i do have one more. I've had 18mm floorboards laid down, screwed in very generously all round and there is no movements or sounds. Most of the floorboards are flush...

