doh as soon as i went to the next page threr it was the how toget on it. how do you get access to the forums arms. think i was told before but cant remember. oh so curious, :whatchutalkingabout
Revised on 16th December 2013
Any NEW additions to the TilersForums Arms (our pub / watering hole) will need to have 50+ posts and to prove they're an active...
Total members that have visited the tile forums in the last 24 hours: 165
Going up still :)
Post in here when you see a higher figure.
Total members that have visited the tile forums in the last 24 hours: 174
on 9/10/07
Total members that have visited the tile forums in the...
You know lads, I subscribe to a few forums and I want to say, well done to you for your replies and the simple, straight to the point advice. The 'other' forums I subscribe to are littered with Premadonnas wanting to telling you everything from how you're doing it all wrong to giving you...
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uk tiling forum
Total guests that have visited tile forums in the last 24 hours: 1,188 (although I have seen it at 1500-odd many times, this is just a starting figure)
I'll post in here each time I spot a higher amount of guests online in the last rolling 24 hours.
Please feel free to do the same.
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Just for testing at the moment. Please feel free to register.
Another two forums coming up asap.
I've just registered a couple of domain names in view of creating what we have here for other trades. Although some bright spark already robbed the domain on the 27th of March the little get.
I've changed the forums around recently a bit here and there. Is everything OK with you lot? Anything you'd prefer, anything annoying you?
Let me know :)
A new competition has started for the professional tilers with access to the professionals room on this forum. To gain access to this room your details need to be on the website or in our database (PM me your details if you don't want to have your details online).
Only professional tilers can...
Been looking around on internet last night it looks like all you guys use a lot of the other forums, I dont know how you have the time I am s*!t busy and only have a bit of time early morning and mid afternoon to go on these forums. HOW DO YOU DO IT?
I like this website. I hope it does very well. there is a gap in the 'tile forums' game for an unbiased view on tiling, tiling courses and tiling tools and I think this site fit's the bill perfectly.
Dave Eastwood
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