
  1. E

    Funny day!!

    Started a job today for a builder, he gave me the address and said when you get there ask for Ellissa and she will show you what she wants in her bathroom. All the tiles are there and adhesive. Knocked on the door and asked for Ellissa...This 12yo girl came to the door and she said are you going...
  2. D

    funny stories

    was tiling a kitchen splashback couple of weeks ago the son lived with his mum the son chose the tiles original style two colours anyway set out started putting the addy on the wall mum comes in those tiles look lovely as she ran her hand straight through the addy bless her :oops:
  3. R

    Too funny!

    :lol::lol::lol: YouTube - Aussie Party- Australia PS I think I saw Wivers running down the sidewalk in this video!
  4. B

    not funny at 7 am

    Today i was to start back work,so i opened the shed to get some tools and was met by an angry mob of bees who proceeded to attack my head and body.I managed to escape but one of the little s**** stung me on the side of my head.I then got to the job and it wasnt ready,so i came home and called...
  5. B

    these are funny

  6. T

    Hello and funny story

    Hi everyone! I`m new to the forum. I have a funny story to tell you that I read somewhere.A patient comes to a dentist with a tooth pain.Dantist : Two of you teeth are inflamated and we need to remove them.Patient: And how much will it cost?Dentist: Seven hundred and fifty dollars for...
  7. L

    is this for real ? Funny or shocking ?

    YouTube - FUNNIEST PRANK YOU WILL EVER SEE! 100% BEST PRANK EVER" If this is real, the guy in the chair must have been in a bad way afterwards. Cannot beleive how far he flew ! edit, think it is fake ! Was genuinely shocked at first !
  8. G


    Well I thought is was funny?!
  9. B

    blonde joke(ITS FUNNY)

    one day when a blonde was out driving her car she ran into a truck,the truck driver made her pull over and said to her to get out the car and follow him,so she did.He drew a circle with chalk on the pavement and told the blonde to stay inside the circle and not to move.Furious the trucker went...
  10. B

    funny things that your customer says

    I know here i go again on about the people who give me work.Anyway,any of you have any quirps from customers this week that cracked you up?I might make this a weekly occurence as it happens all the time with i will start the ball goes.....i had just finished...
  11. D

    Funny Ebay ad....

    2001 VAUXHALL VECTRA LS BLACK on eBay, also, Vauxhall Opel, Cars, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 10-Sep-08 19:51:20 BST) Check out the comments at the bottom too.:lol:
  12. E

    Funny old day!!!!!

    I went to look at a job today not tile related, but tree stump grinding at a very old house, anyway the whole of the back of this house has ceramic tiles on it, the lady explained that national heritage said they have to replace some due to damage as its a listed building, she asked me why i was...
  13. E

    Funny sayings..

    As some of you guys know i have a machine that grinds out tree stumps, well the bloody thing broke down today on a job and as i was fixing it this old guy walked past me and said, IF ITS GOT AN ENGINE OR **** IT WILL ALWAYS BE TROUBLE.:lol: made me laugh :thumbsup:
  14. T

    Thought this could be an interesting and perhaps funny thread

    might be a laugh if we all shared or disasters from jobs in the past. I will get the ball rolling,,, three years ago I accepted a job doing various trades for a customer prior to them moving into a large four bedroom property. The jobs included: *Preparing and paitning all wallls and...
  15. E

    Funny tv ads

    I think the advert for volkswagen is very funny with the singing dog :lol:
  16. E

    Funny customers

    Did a job today, 3sqm of quarry tiles the customer wanted me to break a few and lay them to match the broken ones in the old floor....I think she thought it was a pattern :stupid:
  17. E

    Funny things you find..

    Whats the funniest thing you have found in a bathroom. Did a job for a young lady last year had to tile bathroom, i had to remove bathroom guessed it, i found a battery operated grout mixer well i think it was as it said on it Use to fill a small crack...:lol:
  18. E

    Funny van sign writing

    Has anybody seen any funny sign writing on vans, a mate of mine has on his tiling van 'you have tried the rest now get laid by the best' always makes people chuckle. Another one in my area is a builder who is a Indian guy, his says ' you have had the cowboys now try the indians''. Keep your eyes...
  19. C

    disturbing but funny

    disturbing - but funny Ignore the fact this site is in Spanish. Do the following, it is neat. 1. Go to this site 2. Type your First name on 1st line. 3. Type you Family given name on the second line. 4. You do not have to put your email address in. 5. Hit the...
  20. J

    Funny Thing Happened Today .....

    I was out in the garage getting the Christmas decorations, tree and lights and stuff when I found a present I forgot to give the kids last Christmas. We'll, you should have seen their little faces as I said they could open it. They excitedly ripped off the wrapping paper with absolute joy, but...



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