
  1. mma

    Bargain?? - Grouting Finisher Set

    LIDL Bargain!
  2. D

    Grouting Bevelled brick tiles

    I have just tiled my kitchen splash back and I am ready to grout. The tiles are 300x100 white bevelled tiles. What is the best way to grout bevelled tiles? I have read your advice about grouting normal tiles but cannot find any posts specifically about grouting bevelled tiles. How do I remove...
  3. A

    Re grouting!!

    Just had a call asking if I do re grouting, Me yes,can you email me some pics? Yes she said.. Her husband tiled it!she thinks it only needs regrouting!!!! Don't think so...
  4. C

    Grouting wet room floor

    Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone could recommend the best type/brand of grout to use, as I'm re-grouting the section under my shower in our wet room? We bought the house a little while ago and noticed that there was an issue with water seeping up through the grout, clearly getting trapped under...
  5. V

    Hi all, metal tile grouting and scratch problems?

    Hi, iv only just become a member and was wondering if anybody had any experience in using metal tiles? I am tiling curved walls around a jacuzzi in metal mosaics. They are very, very easily scratched! I need to keep my hands permanently clean as any adhesive on my hands scratch them! I need to...
  6. J


    Hi lads. Just a quick 1 on ur grouting practices. When grout bathroom and in peticular wet areas what grout do you use, bal white wall grout is nice to use but it says on the bag not suitable for power showers but it is ok for swimming pools?? Presumably without a wave machine!!! Is this just a...
  7. C

    Wet room grouting advice.....

    Hi I hope someone can assist me in my dilemma!!! In December I had a wet room professionally installed which has been tiled on floors and walls using appropriate tanking etc etc. My problem is that I have had the fitter back 3 times already to regrout the shower tray area where the grouting has...
  8. F

    grouting porcelain tiles

    how do you stop joints sinking. should you grout twice, first normal to make sure full . then go over again with stiff stuff to top up? they still sink? is bal better .
  9. R

    Raimondi Supertitina cleaning and grouting machine

    Raimondi Supertitina cleaning and grouting machine: - dual speed; - 110V; - 600W; There are spare cleaning pads, grouting float and brush as seen on second picture. Price:£250.00
  10. M

    Cutting and grouting glass mosaic wickes tiles

    Hi This is my first post in this forum, Am bizzy tiling a shower cubicle with white ceramic tiles and wanting to place a strip (approx 6in) of pink/red glass mosaics down the centre of wall from top to bottom that i got from Wickes, I have never used glass mosaics before, can these be cut with...
  11. D

    Tumbled Dijon Limestone Hearth? Sealing / Grouting Advice Needed..

    Hi all, I wondered if someone could offer some advice... I'm in the process of buying an 8kw woodburning stove and plan to have the hearth made from Tumbled Dijon Limestone (600x400x15mm) I wondered on the suitability of this product and if a sealer like "Everbuild Natural Stone Sealer" would...
  12. T

    Re grouting jobs

    Hi all 1st post on here just wondered what you guys for re grouting jobs,normally I would not usually touch them,can't be bothered and too much hassle unless its a small area.i had a dremmel but it went up in smoke after its 1st job,got it replaced then the 2nd one done the same. so what's your...
  13. S

    grouting techniques

    for all my large floors i grout as follows;mix grout to a liquidy state apply to floor with squeegee ;then apply grout straight from the bag on the floor leave settle 5minutes then aggressivly push key in the grout with my squeegee:this technique has many advantages 1 the grout is perfectly...
  14. S

    Epoxy grouting question.

    Hi, i just have a question but dont know if this is the correct place to post it. I have a big job tiling a factory floor of 1,550m2 useing 200x200 tiles. The grout i have to use is epoxy, could you give me a rough estimated time as to how many meters could be grouted in a day is im going to sub...
  15. M

    Slate bathroom : stains, sealing and cracked grouting.

    Hi, We've just bought a house, and have a ten month old demanding baby :-). The previous owners had a flood and the bathroom was redone. It has a slate floor and shower( slate walls). The grouting is cracked in the shower, and it leaks through the kitchen ceiling when running for too long- is...
  16. S

    sealing slate after grouting

    Hi, Im going to seal slate before grouting and then reseal after grouting how long after grouting would you wait before sealing would the next day be enough time? Cheers Paul
  17. D

    epoxy grouting mosaic tiles to shower walls

    Hi all, read Rich's post on epoxy grouting, very helpful, haven't used epoxy grout for many years, Ardipox on kitchen worktops probably last time have a job where client has brought glass mosaics, 15mm2 in one room 20mm2 in another, both about 2mm joints, supplier has given her Kerapoxy grout...
  18. M

    grouting corners

    when grouting is it a good idea to grout the reveals and then Silicon or leave them till the grout drys and then Silicon floor to ceiling
  19. P

    Wet Room Problem - Grouting

    As a newbie to a Wet Room I have just inherited I am hoping you can help me. I have a 2/3 Bar shower and its blasting the grout out between the tiles. I patiently got all the grout out using a dremel directly under the shower head . Left for a week to make sure it was dry, re grouted with BAL...
  20. D

    Preparing Trav for grouting - are you guys using a tile cleaner?

    ..or just a rinse with good old water . It's filled and honed and I have been working clean . Is there any need to use a specific cleaner before sealing ? Thanks for any help . Dave



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