.....and you thought I’d forgotten Antonio! :)
Today is our Italian apprentice’s Birthday!
Thank you so much Antonio for your continued excellent support of the Forum, it certainly wouldn’t be the same without you or your passionate input in to our community, thank you!
That’s it, niceties...
Well I could probably come out with all sorts of excuses as to why I didn't post Harry's birthday wishes this morning.
Like....... it's @Dans & @Lou's job to post it. :D
Or ......... it's Geoff's @Plan Tec Tiling job to remind me, especially as he's sat at home doing nothing but watching kodi...
One of our very unassuming and talented members Martin Reid, aka @tubs, has his birthday today. :)
Martin, who doesn't post as much as he should anymore, :D lives so far north nose bleeds are common place. :p
But I'm sure the inter web is still available up there, so no excuses really for not...
Today is Sharon Taylor's Birthday! :)
Here's hoping you have a great day Sharon, and the tiling gods go easy on you today, and you have a day without stress,
(or having to squeeze in to a corner! :D)!
Old Mod
find a tiler
tilers directory
Where does the time go?
Seems like only a few months ago we were wishing Lee Mac a happy 40th birthday,
in fact it was a year ago, madness.
So ........
Thanks for all help, advice and support you give to the members and visitors,
you're an asset to the forum mate...
Oh my word,
I'm so sorry Sam @Pro Tiler Tools :(
It's Sam's Burthday today from pro tiler tools and like a complete numpty person I forgot to start this thread :(
So I'm hoping that, although almost too late, you will forgive my tardiness Sam and allow us to wish you a happy, almost belated...
Paul, a long standing and solid member of our forum, who always gives good sound advice,
(Even if he can be a grumpy git :p)
has his Birthday today!
He could also post a bit more :D
Happy Birthday mate, have a great day and weekend! :):thumbsup: