
  1. B

    should have ripped it all out

    where do i start , a customer asks me to have a look at thier old swann cctv system which was left by the prev owners . some cameras are not picking up any thing ,so i told them i will see to get some compatible cameras ,first replacement cameras nowt showing ,strange ,second lot of cameras in...
  2. R

    Our Florida Condo was devastated by hurricanes, our beach deck was destroyed, we have a new sea wall

    A contractor installed 60 I was told are "cornrow lights" about 12" long 40 watts each. They are terrible bright and we need to see about putting a dimmer on them, I am on the board of directors and am looking for advice on what to do. Thank You In advance Rick Hull Continue reading...
  3. D

    Does anybody still have an issue with the forum style NOT loading colour?

    The forum should look like this. (Or similar) If the forum is colourless, please scroll all the way down to the bottom of the forum and there's a tiny paint brush on the left. Use that to change the style, try a couple, one or two should work. Still getting the odd report about this via...
  4. D

    What pets do you have, and what pets have you had?

    I have two goldfish at the moment named Goldfish 1 and Goldfish 2. They did have names but I can't remember what me and my daughter ended up agreeing on so it's a bit of a joke now that we call them 1 and 2. Actually should be called 1 and 4 as a couple died in between 1 and 4. ha Had a couple...
  5. L

    W4D1 - FB does have its positives

    Facebook… used to be “the” social media giant, but now overtaken…. And populated by the older generation… (I’m not there yet!) Up here, there is a “borders memories” group on there that post up photographs of events and whatever that people have taken in the past… and this cropped up… The Home...
  6. D

    It's with regret I have to inform you, Christina (Sparkychick) has passed

    It's with regret I have to inform you that Christina, the Sparkychick we all knew and loved, has passed. I've just spoken to somebody on her phone and she informed me of the sad news. I'd been chatting to her about making a badge or 'golden spoon' as somebody put it, to give to those who are...
  7. D

    Electricians Forums is not-for-profit and we are allowing subscribers and high esteemed members to have a 48% of the share of forum profits available.

    Okay been thinking about this for ages. TEF are really trying to make their forum make profit for the 8 owners lol. Won't ever work. They don't get enough traffic even now they've gone over the line using a domain so close to ours it still won't work. So, thought I'd do something they won't...
  8. D

    Electrical Videos; Please add all the videos you have to the forum

    We've had our Electrical Videos section running for a while now and we proudly host a massive 4 videos. Whaaaat? Only 4?!?! Apparently so. Just the 4 then. The rest being embedded. Uploaded media: 4 Embedded media: 116 Comments: 62 Wondering if we can all give this a bit of a nudge and add...
  9. D

    ElectriciansForums.net Advertisements Have Been Reduced, And Will Be Reduced Moreso Soon

    As always, you can either remove all Google ads and sponsors ads by subscribing to the forum: Subscribe to ElectriciansForums.net and Get No Ads! - https://www.electriciansforums.net/threads/subscribe-to-electriciansforums-net-and-get-no-ads.176537/ You can also use ad-blockers. That's fine...
  10. B

    How to make HW have priority over CH

    I have a problem with my system when both CH and HW are on. The CH seems to take priority and the HW hardly warms up. To get the HW to heat I usually need to turn down the heating on the thermostat or turn it off on the programmer. Is there a way to make the system give priority to the HW over...
  11. T

    Tilers BB: The team from @raimondi_spa have been hard at work preparing all the tools to demonstrate tomorrow. Held at our premises...: Tilers Communi

    Tilers BB: The team from @raimondi_spa have been hard at work preparing all the tools to demonstrate tomorrow. Held at our premises... The team from @raimondi_spa have been hard at work preparing all the tools to demonstrate tomorrow. Held at our premises in Northampton tomorrow 8am - 12pm...
  12. Lou

    Does anybody still have an issue with the forum style NOT loading colour? Electrical Advice

    Does anybody still have an issue with the forum style NOT loading colour? Discussion ThreadDoes anybody still have an issue with the forum style NOT loading colour? Electrical Advice The forum should look like this. (Or similar) If the forum is colourless, please scroll all the way down...
  13. Lou

    Have I missed something? (Colours) Electrical Advice

    Have I missed something? (Colours) Discussion ThreadHave I missed something? (Colours) Electrical Advice Was in YESSS this morning and noticed they had drums and drums of PINK sleeving. 4mm, same as their brown, blue and g/y. I thought maybe someone had ordered the wrong colour into stock...
  14. B

    How to make HW have priority over CH

    I have a problem with my system when both CH and HW are on. The CH seems to take priority and the HW hardly warms up. To get the HW to heat I usually need to turn down the heating on the thermostat or turn it off on the programmer. Is there a way to make the system give priority to the HW over...
  15. E

    Why have house prices risen this month? - RM

    The post Why have house prices risen this month? appeared first on Property news. Continue reading... UK Tiling Forum | Tilers Forum | Tiler in Durham | UK Tilers Forums | Plumbers Forum - Blogs by Untold Media
  16. T

    I wouldn't have cut the tile down the middle that's asking for trouble years down the line. It'd be better cutting a ci...: Tilers Community

    I wouldn't have cut the tile down the middle that's asking for trouble years down the line. It'd be better cutting a ci... Tilers Talk BB I wouldn't have cut the tile down the middle that's asking for trouble years down the line. It'd be better cutting a circle in the same place then get rid...
  17. T

    Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Pete Sav's, Dmitrij Tiler, EP Suffolk Tiling, Andrew Oate...: Tilers Community

    Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Pete Sav's, Dmitrij Tiler, EP Suffolk Tiling, Andrew Oate... Tilers Talk BB Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Pete Sav's, Dmitrij Tiler, EP Suffolk Tiling, Andrew Oates Continue reading... Automated...
  18. S

    Stone News: U.S. Tile Industry Professionals to Have Strong Presence at Cevisama 2025

    U.S. Tile Industry Professionals to Have Strong Presence at Cevisama 2025Cevisama is going full speed ahead in the final stretch of preparations for the upcoming edition of the fair, which takes place from February 24 to 28, 2025 at Feria Valencia in Valencia, Spain. Continue reading... Tile...
  19. T

    Midland Trade Tile Supply have closed their doors. Quote from the owner; Before I have to have any awkward conversation...: Tilers Community

    Midland Trade Tile Supply have closed their doors. Quote from the owner; Before I have to have any awkward conversation... Tilers Talk BB Midland Trade Tile Supply have closed their doors. Quote from the owner; Before I have to have any awkward conversations with people I thought it was the...
  20. T

    Checkout TISE in Vegas if you're American or near there when it's on. They apparently have "case studies from successfu...: Tilers Community

    Checkout TISE in Vegas if you're American or near there when it's on. They apparently have "case studies from successfu... Tilers Talk BB Checkout TISE in Vegas if you're American or near there when it's on. They apparently have "case studies from successful tile installs." Not sure what that...



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