
  1. T

    Buying a DeWalt D24000 (if you have one please look)

    Hi, I have a job coming up which is 900 x 600 tiles and I feel it's time for my to get a large cutter. I know EVERYONE raves about the D24000 so this is my first choice really. Could anyone suggest alternatives or is this deffo the cutter to go for? If you own this cutter will I be able to...
  2. P

    I have to clean this floor......or renew it!!!

    The floor is 6x6 heather brown.....and is in good nick.....but the grout is filthy and the tiles dont look too good also...... I spoke to my go to guy in these situations (on friday!!!) and he sent me this and it arrived TODAY!: I have to do the test patch on Thursday morning!.....we will...
  3. P

    I have finally given in......or have I been worn down?

    Well, as you all (may or may not) know I love my Rubi TS-60+........its the best cutter in the world!.......No seriously it is!!!!!!..............best everyday cutter ever, ever ever! hehheheheheeh and I have a TX1200......it gets on my nerves......who would make a breaker that big?.......gets...
  4. M

    tilers who have lived abroad...

    Ive noticed in my language thread a few of ya have lived abroad for a few years... Did you make your living tiling overseas.. Or was it savings?... If you worked as a tiler how much did it differ would like to know cuz its pretty interesting ive been told that the ozzies have higher standards of...
  5. S

    have used the raimondi tile levelling system for the first time

    on a large 150 m floor and its excellent the finish was excellent ; to elaborate more i am working for a society who are interested in quality and not quantity hence we have the time to use this system but fully recommend if you are using large format tiles cant fault it
  6. High Peak Tiling

    Lets have this clear

    Hi guys. this is a side track to a new members advice thread. This goes out to you Profs... I hear a lot of you find ready mixed addy, tubbed adhesive to be expensive against its brother (powdered) A lot of you prefer powdered adhesive over readymixed.. due to it properties price etc etc &...
  7. M

    do tiles have a use by date?

    don't think its too bad a question just sitting here wondering lol
  8. A

    hello - we have you all been?

    Hello people I haven’t been on lately due to work and helping the eldest with his revision for his sats. I'm enjoying work at the moment and looking forward to a few challenges in areas that I can expand, it seems the more you can professionally offer a customer these days, the more...
  9. C

    Have you ever...

    ...Pumped one of your customers??
  10. P

    I have run out of discontinued tiles !!!!! HELP !!!!

    I am desperately looking for a box or two of CANAKKALE SERAMIK MAS-4925 Virginia Noce tiles...........(size 20x25) Can anyone help please? Regards Pete Berry (Gloucester)
  11. D

    When you have to go , you have to go.

    In an empty house for builder this morning and suddenly had a major urge for a dump...:yikes:.... FFS there is NO toilet installed as i am tiling the bathroom floor.. So after nipping my *** cheeks hard to get the urge to ease off so i can go out to the van.. i grab a rubble bag and come back...
  12. P

    How things have moved on...

    As above



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