
  1. Chane Morris

    herringbone tiling

    how much should one charge to lay herringbone floor labour only ?
  2. L

    Herringbone issue

    Hi, we are having a herringbone pattern in our bathroom and the tiler has done one wall but then when he’s gone onto the next wall and the lines don’t match. Is that right? It looks funny to me but I’m no expert! Your help would be appreciated before we waste too many tiles and time!!
  3. S

    Herringbone floors. Why should we charge more.

    Hi all Been a bit quiet on posting. 800x120 plank 105mts. Priced a job on the basis it would be random planks for x. It will now be Herringbone without border starting from patio doors ending up where it will. (Customers decision). Imo it is easier than random no need for clips unless bowed cos...
  4. L

    Help with expansion joints on Herringbone floor

    Dear all, I'm half way through tiling 40sqm of an extension. It's over an existing floor which I've laid underfloor heating insulated panels and going onto the extension where it's also under floor heating but a liquid screed has been laid on top. So it's two totally different surfaces which...
  5. macten

    Herringbone walls ! The definitive answer?

    I've committed to my first 450 herringbone job - will be 3 walls of a shower enclosure with little 2x6 inch tiles. Lots of advice out there tells you to find the midpoint of the wall and keep the tile points to this plumb line: From all the google images of jobs where this has been done I...
  6. P

    Pricing herringbone tiling

    Hi, I haven't fixed herringbone pattern since the eighties so don't have much idea how long to allow for a job. Can anyone say how much longer percentage-wise this pattern takes verses straight tiling? The job in question is feature bathroom walls if that makes any difference. Thanks in advance.
  7. L

    Herringbone feature wall set out

    Hello, I’m thinking of Tiling the bath wall in my bathroom as a feature in herringbone 45 using 200 x 100 porcelain tiles. The witdth of my bath is the same with as the wall. The wall is flat and has been plastered. Looking for any advice on, -Where to start? As in work up from the bath or...
  8. area tiling

    Herringbone pattern !!

    anyone laying large plank tiles these days on the herringbone pattern ? Heading to a job on Tuesday where the customer wants it laid on a bedroom floor about 17m2 , tile size 25x150 !
  9. B

    Correct build-up of subfloor for UFH + engineered herringbone planks?

    Hi all :handwaving: I realise this is a tiling forum, but I'm guessing some of you lay wood too ;) Does this look right? Joists > 18mm/25mm ply > 6mm UFH insulation boards > electric UFH > SLC > engineered herringbone planks. Also, is there any requirement to stick the herringbone down, or...
  10. J

    Setting out Herringbone pattern

    Never done a herringbone pattern before. What to watch out for please boyos? Ta, Jim.
  11. M

    Had to laugh...

    Just had this pop up on my Facebook feed from B&Q telling you how to tile herringbone with metros. They can't even spell trowel!
  12. A

    Herringbone Pattern

    Just started my first ever herringbone tiling pattern. Can't be worse than an elongated diamond pattern, I thought. How wrong could I be? First morning, laid out pattern on floor, measured dimensions of pattern, then spent half a day working out how to make it work floor to ceiling (wood beamed...
  13. macten

    How Hard Is This?

    Just been to look at a 30m2 job, 19x57 cm wood effect planks. downstairs loo, hall, kitchen and utility all flowing through. Customer would like it herringbone on the 45. Never done it before and although I want to do one I'd rather cut my teeth on a single room. Don't like being out my comfort...
  14. herringbone planks

    herringbone planks

  15. M

    Herringbone Floor Tiling Set Out

    hi guys, im finnishing a hallway on sat and will be measuring up for the living room, i would appreciate a few tips as ive been told its hard to set out thanks
  16. area tiling

    Basket weave square or double herringbone

    I've a rectangular room of 37m2 to tile using 100x15 wooden floor effect porcelain tiles, which are of great quality ! I tiled the landing and hallway in a brick bond pattern, and was wanting to do something different for the client as they've given me pretty much all tiling decisions and...
  17. N

    Herringbone Pattern With Wood Effect Tile

    has anyone done a herringbone parquet with a wood effect floor tile - any tips
  18. E

    Herringbone Floor Tiling?

    Hello I am having a building converted into house and have a spec to use traditional quarry tiles, i.e square I have just been to a tile manufacturer, very hand made, and we like a tile he can sell us half price from a previous big order. It is a unique colour and size it is a rectangle of..2...
  19. B

    Herringbone Tiled Floor

    i have an L shaped hallway to tile in 60x15 tiles with a 1 tile border. does anyone have any drawings that i could take a look at. the hall way is 1m wide, 6m2 all together. i am not sure if the hallway is equal, ie. 1x3m and 1x3m, as i have not seen it yet and will not see it till a start it. I...
  20. M

    Hi , herringbone pattern.

    I'll soon be tiling a kitchen floor , 18m2 , tile size 600mmx300mm , but she wants it done in a herringbone pattern , where do i start ? please help.



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