
  1. D

    How do we vote now in JOTM

    should i vote now :p. is there a tally of the votes somewhere to view ?
  2. Small cloakroom

    Small cloakroom

    Did this last week for my mate turned out well
  3. Dan

    Share the JOTM Page for me please?

    Can those with twitter, facebook, google, or pinterest accounts please click on the little links in the "Share This Page" area for the following page please. Job Of The Month 7/2015 The "Share This" thing looks like this... Might look a bit different on mobiles or tablets.
  4. Dan Jotm Competition Is Back!!!

    We stopped the Job Of The Month Competition a while back because it was quite a labour intensive task and always had to have a member of the staff dedicated to it. Which takes their time away from members, and can actually become boring and start to be a bit of a chore. We've...
  5. M

    Voting JOTM

    For some reason I no longer get emails reminding me to vote for JOTM, and I cant find the threads for each month when I try to vote. could someone point me in the right direction? Cheers me dears Sharon
  6. S

    JOTM February

    Where do you put your entry in??
  7. G

    Cheating for JOTM

    So I put this to the members here, Am I over reacting to a recent member who tried to enter a photo in Januarys JOTM. He claims he doesnt have a photo with proof of date ? I wonder why ? Well the photo in question is this So if this was completed in January why on his facebook page why is up...
  8. T

    Thanks mapei for jotm gift

    Just received a tool box, tape measure, tee shirts and various other things from Mapei. Icing on the cake. Much appreciated. Also like to thank Sir Ramic for sorting this out. Just had a Ash moment typing Sir Ramic. Type of tile, not a guy who's been knighted. :hurray::hurray:(very clever)
  9. T


    Hi can anyone tell me how I can put a job on jotm I'm on tapatalk and when I go on submit a entry it's not letting me do anything. do I start a new topic ???????
  10. S

    JOTM categories

    I would like to see 2 categories for jotm 1 for basic work and 1 for specialist tiling. Alot of us dont do specialist tiling on a dialy basis so dont post their basic work in jotm because you wouldn't win. At least this way more people have a chance of winning. What do you guys think of this? Sean
  11. G

    Save or scrap JOTM

    The recent low entries and poor number of votes for the entries make me wonder if the JOTM has run its course. In the past reasons for members not entering was purely that they had seen early entries and thought they could not compete. But why the low voting ? Any thoughts? Is it worth...
  12. D


    I know i do not run this anymore but here is an idea... Entries are low some months and i had an idea... If Admin do away with JOTM tag and keep it too the JOTY tag .. this then keeps all those JOTM winners and new comers chasing that elusive JOTY tag.. Yes it is only a once a year win but...
  13. G

    Where can i view Jotm

    Do i need special access to view JOTM. cant seem to see it or vote for it. Gary
  14. D

    All previous threads for JOTM.

    All previous JOTM threads can now be seen by all to enjoy your great work.. Job of the month forum. New! sub-forum just for JOTM...:thumbsup:
  15. D

    News on JOTM competitions.

    Hi ... As of October competition onwards, we are moving JOTM into the open forums.. We want everyone to see the quality of work entered, this in turn will give winners more exposure to the public.. so in theory will work better for those that enter and those that win.. we might even get more...
  16. E

    Can i put this in JOTM.

    :thumbsup:Had to be near home the last couple of days due to wife being in hospital, and me doing the school run. As some of you know i do a bit of Forestry & Landscaping as the was my business a few years ago. So this is what i did for a customer yesterday and finished it today. Nice being out...
  17. Dan

    Mapei JOTM Prizes - PLEASE READ ME

    It's come to our attention that some members who have won the JOTM prizes from Mapei are not playing fair. Claiming prizes have been undelivered when they in fact have, twice in some cases as a gesture of good will, with the second time including more goodies of which have ended up on eBay...
  18. T

    TJ - JOTM prizes

    As Garythetilers original thread was closed by administration, I was wondering if it was appropriate to discuss the topic of Kudos verses prizes for the JOTM competition or whether by doing so I'd be showing disrepect to the forum/administration/moderators. As Garythetiler provided this...
  19. S

    jotm mapei goody bags

    does any one know what is in the jotm goody bags ? I have won twice but nothing arrived either time
  20. kilty55

    jotm october

    is there a jotm thread guys? cant see it:yikes:



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