kitchen floor

  1. F

    kitchen floor

    After completing a week long course im going to tile my kitchen floor before i attempt any paying customers.I have t&g floorboards,what thickness of ply do i have to put down first?9mm? or can i use ultimate flex straight onto floorboards?
  2. J

    tiling kitchen floor

    hi i desperatelly need some advice , I have been asked to tile a 12m2 kitchen floor. the problem is i also have to remove the old ceramic tiles . these are laid on a concrete floor. so is there any way of removing old adhesive other than a bolster or a floor scraper. when i hve done this do i...
  3. A

    HELP!Kitchen Floor needs correcting!

    I am tiling 16m2 of Kitchen Floor with UFH.30 x 30 Ceramic(poor quality).The kitchen has a Breakfast bar island in the middle i have come around the island and where it meets again the tiles are out by about 3 mm in both directions i now only have 2m2 to tile and it all runs off!!i cant stop now...
  4. D

    noisy kitchen floor

    Hi all , posting this question on behalf of a work mate that had a kitchen fitted including tiling work which he does not seem too impressed with. He has said the floor is making a cracking noise when walked upon also grout cracking around a few tiles. What would be causing the cracking...
  5. K

    Grout cracking round single tile on kitchen floor

    Hi all, My husband recently tiled our kitchen floor using 30x30 porcelain tiles from homebase. Our kitchen has floorboards so we used backerboard - the stuff with the foam & metal grid. He also screwed all the boards down at the joist and used flexible porcelain adhesive. Having grouted we...
  6. E

    Tiling Kitchen floor

    Hay all, i have just finished tiling a 4xm2 (400mmx400mm porcelin tiles) kitchen floor which is an extention off thier old kitchen. due to it being an extention there was a floor height diffrence. they had someone come to place self leveler down on the extention floor to raise it up a touch, but...
  7. G

    8mm ceramic tiles to hall & kitchen floor?

    Hi Guys, I just want to pick your brains. I have seen what I think is a half decent floor tile at Homebase (cuba tile - £9/m2), that I would like to use in my hall, kitchen and utility room. They are a 8mm ceramic tile. Would they be up to the job in these areas do yous recon? Or if any...
  8. J

    tiling kitchen floor

    hi guys, good easter!starting kitchen tomorrow and need to get advise on tiling concrete floor with cable heating, am removing all old vinyl/marley tiles and going to paint floor with therma coat. then on outer edges under cabinets will be using 6mm insulation boards(polyfoam type) 600mm wide...
  9. F

    Priming kitchen floor

    Hi just a quick question for you , when i prime the floor in the kitchen do i have to do the tiling within a space of time or can i prime this weekend and do tiling next weekend. Cheers.
  10. A

    Estimate kitchen floor

    Hi All, Need some advice please. Going out tommorow to give an estimate for a kitchen floor. 24sq metre. chipboard floor so will need to overlay with ply. 333 x 333 ceramic tiles. How much should i be charging? and roughly how long will it take? only one threshold. i know that tilers in...
  11. B

    kitchen floor with a trap door

    pricing a job up at the moment, a 5m2 kitchen floor on what look like old but solid floor boards, with a trap door in the middle which the customer still wants to use, but still wants it to look as though its incorporated in the tiled floor as best i can? any advice ? ! would you build some...
  12. C

    Adhesive for tiling hall and kitchen floor

    Hi I am looking for advice for all you experts. I am not a tiler but have lots of DIY experience of tiling walls and small floor areas. The floors are at present 18mm T&G chipboards. I have covered the area approx 16m2 with WBP external Plywood screwed down every 150mm. 250mm x 400mm ceramic...
  13. G

    Travertine ? - Domestic Kitchen floor tiles material

    Thanks to all who replied to my last thread :thumbsup: advising porcelain as the best option however..."she who must be obeyed" has spotted honed and filled travertine in topps tiles and on the net :mad2:.... Any major pitfalls I should consider ? we have seen tremendous variaton in price...
  14. G

    Domestic Kitchen floor tiles material

    Please help...what is the best / most robust / non slip tile material to use in a domestic kitchen .. ideally needs to resist , kids shoes trainer marks , dogs claws / scratches / and plates saucepans etc dropped or falling out of cupboards ...ohh and easy to clean cooking oil spills etc!!
  15. U

    Cellar/kitchen floor "HELP"

    Got a job to remove tiles from a cellar kitchen floor and re-tile including under tile heating. But we have now been told the kitchen some times floods and they don’t know where the water comes from it may be a surface water drain that runs under the house and the water comes up from the floor...
  16. F

    Kitchen floor

    Hi All Hope everyone had a merry christmas and enjoy a happy new year. I have just measured up a little kitchen floor job, wierd shaped but do-able. The floor is a mix to say the least. Modern lino type stuff on top off older lino stuck down with what looks like a black mastic (thin coat)...
  17. P

    Kitchen floor and wall

    Hi, I have a wall and floor booked in just after xmas and I was wondering what the best approach would be as its my first time doing more than just walls ! I have 2 days to do the job Should I just do the walls complete on day one then do the floor complete on day 2 (with a long break before...
  18. J

    Kitchen Floor - 20x20 tile 1/4" grout line

    If you click on the images they will link you to a larger image. This is my first tile installation I wish I would have found this forum sooner... img1778ph4.jpg - Click to see more photos - Attached you will find my kitchen layout with...
  19. C

    Kitchen Floor Advice Please

    Hi there, I am a new member and want to ceramic tile my kitchen floor 15 sm, I have done a fair bit of tiling both for myself and other people but never floors, after reading advice on the net I seem to be a bit bogged down, this is my understanding. 1. fit min 12mm ext ply to floor and screw...
  20. L

    levelling kitchen floor

    Well, it is my first post - not in the trade - but need advice on levelling a kitchen floor. The house is only 3 years old, but has a hump at about 2/3rds of the length, going across the width. one side slopes off about 1cm with the other side, going towards the hallway, sloping off and down to...



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