i was told i should use knee pads on a contract by health and safety 2 days ago . i refused and i was told to leave site has anyone else had this problem before.
i have tried using them but it just gives me a back ache ,
has anyone got the rubi knee pads from trade tiler if so what are they like, my last ones were crocs really comfy but the button for the clip not too strong, or if u know a good pair u could suggest would b good cheers :smilewinkgrin:
richie b
rubi tile cutter
rubi tools
tile cutter
Anyone got a pair of these:
Rubi Gel Knee Pads Safety Personal Protective Pad 81989 on eBay (end time 02-Nov-09 09:34:17 GMT)
If so, what they like for the money?
It occurs to me that as I'll be spending quite some time on my knees for this wetroom project, that kneepads would be a good idea. I thought kneepads were just kneepads, but I find that there are several types/materials/shapes. Any of you tilers use 'em? Any you recommend?
they feel great but i am a bit concerned about how long they will last as the matrerial they are made from feels very soft
please put my mind at rest those that have used them i havent just thrown a lot of good money away have i ??
I receently brought some snickers knee pads, the duratwill ones, not the foam ones. Just wondering what other people think of knee pads, which ones they would reccommend, used, or even not recommend??
are they really good or do peeps just say there good coz they've paid £40 odd for them.
there are good pads on the fronts but its the cutting at the back that gives me grief.
i need some pads,i bought a couple of pairs of snickers on ebay at a good price but the leg length was 2" to long making...
anyone else got the red german knee pads off tradetiler. absolutley brilliant to wear really comfy and no knee pain even after 5 solid days on floors. only thing is they are large and bulky but apart from that i would recommend them to anyone
been laying a bathroom floor this morning and my knees are killing me!!! i ve got a pair from screwfix cost me £20.00 with memory foam. should i buy a more expensive pair or is it just my age!!!! what is your choice of knee protection.
what knee pads would you go for.
i have a bad knee and i want the dogs ******** of knee pads. the bestQ!! price not an issue, just the numero uno..are the ones on trade tiler any good for around 40 quid. someone said get orthapedic??
any links help etc much appreciated:)
I have found some knee pads that are actually comfortable to wear, they are in Wickes and are the interior swivel knee pads, they have one adjustable strap and do not dig in....even when wearing shorts. These are by far the best pads that I have worn.
HI, I am about to spend most of august on my knees laying floor tiles.
I want to buy a new set of knee pads as the cheap ones I had were rubbish.
Anyone got any particular favorites or think certain ones are the best buys ?
Cheers for any replies.:confused: