
  1. D

    trav splashback

    Hi Can anyone offer advice? Doing a travertine splashback, B&Q 2" Square Mosaics Finsh without trim, ie leaving it open. Would you tidy up edges with a sliver of grout,Silicon or leave bare? Can't ask house owner as away on holiday. Thanks for any advice D
  2. T

    Backer board for splashback

    Hi everyone, Got a job coming up. Kitchen splashback. The surface is currently tiled but the customer is removing those. I`m not entirely sure yet but i think they want the larger type mosaic tiles put up. i`m guessing the wall will be a real mess when the old tiles come off so i was thinking...
  3. M

    Splashback Help

    Hi everyone,I've been asked to price a small splash back 2.5 m2 with labour and materials (adhesive,grout,trim and primer) Shes already got 100 x 100 ceramics....What adhesive,grout and primer would you advice and how much will it be from topps? The substrate is plaster....but at the end of each...
  4. H

    7 yd kitchen splash on the 45 !!

    Hello to you all,i'm finishing off a lovely splashback for a customer that has been a real pain in the rear, a 7 yarder on the 45 with 7 diff colours of 4" tiles ! sweet,lol. over a hood,around a window,around a fridge too.was wondering if many of you would tackle that? it'll be a 3 day job for...
  5. B

    kitchen splashback

    I've got a kitchen splashaback to do next week, ordinary ceramic tiles. 3 walls in all, is it normal practice to seal the grout?
  6. W

    kitchen splash back

    Just a quick one guys. kitchen splash back do i need to put spacers between worktop and bottom tiles ?
  7. J

    Should i use full tile at start of doing a splashback?

    Hi there, i'm doing my first sink splashback in a kitchen, is it correct that i need to use a full tile row at the sink/worktop level to begin? thanks
  8. T

    Took me 5 hours to grout a kitchen splashback....Ahhhhhhh

    Alright folks. Did a mosiac splashback and finished it today, thought it would take 2 hours max to finish the grouting but the customer bought Black wide joint grout. Ive bought this before and its a nightmare to put on cos it doesnt come off without costantly sponging it. Even with a...
  9. T

    Started my first Mosiac kitchen splashback today and all is good

    Hiya guys. Started my fist Mosaic splashback today and i finished the tiling in only 7 hours and customer loves it so far. Just goin g to grout tomos. Only thing is i have a habbit of undercharging, £150. not to bad thought as it only take a day and half, pls the guy is my barber so if i give...
  10. A

    pricing per square metere for kitchen back splashes

    HI guys Any suggestions in pricing kithchen back splashes per square metre? ceramic tiles walls ok. Cheers just starting out .
  11. P

    big tiles in splashback area

    Hi Got a splashback to do but they are using 9x11 tiles and i will have to cut one of the tiles down ,should i just pre cut all the bottom one's and them lay them off the work top or should i lay a full one of the bottom and cut the top one, but doing it the second way creates more work IE...
  12. P

    patterned tiles on splashback

    Hi all Got a kitchen splashback to do but the tiles have a patten on then ,obviously you centre the main feature on the wall IE cooker head, but if i do this the patten will not match in the corners should i carry on with normall setout centre cooker head or should i try and match the pattern...
  13. J

    diagonal tiling splashbacks

    i was wondering how you guys tile splash backs on the diagonal, got a good idea off how to do it just looking to check see its the right way. thanks
  14. T

    Kitchen Splashbacks

    What would yo charge for 3.2 sm of kitchen splashback. shall i charge day rate. should take 1 full day and goin back to grout the next day. I was thinking around the £150 mark
  15. M

    kitchen splash back

    Hi everybody, im tiling my kitchen tomorrow and was wondering if any of you experts can help me?? Definatley a stupid question. lol here goes...........where do i start im using 6 x 6 ceramic tiles all the walls are fresh and the cupboards are level...any help appreciated thanks
  16. S

    pricing 100 kitchen splashbacks

    hey there, ive just started tiling for myself at the start of this year and ive just landed a contract for 100 kitchens, just the splashback, each kitchen has uneven walls and some holes in them, and each kitchen has a minimum of 7 sockets, some have 9, they all range from 3 to 5 square metres...
  17. C

    kitchen splash

    hi all, I'm doing a splash back in a couple of weeks with those ugly small 100x100 tiles with wavy edges. 2 problems are the customer wants a random pattern using 3 different colours , how can you really do a random pattern without using too much of the one colour in one area, and how do...
  18. S

    Picture of Splashback. A question.

    Is there any other way of avioding the 1/4 cut, left side under hood?

