levelling compound

  1. W

    Self levelling compound or take floor up and screed?

    Hi folks, I am after some advice regarding my kitchen floor. The kitchen and hall used to be comprised of kitchen, 2 x brick pantries, separate WC and the adjacent hall. I have removed the pantries and WC and made the kitchen and hall an interconnecting space. I now have five slightly different...
  2. A

    Self Levelling Compound Help!!!

    I used self levelling compound for the first time but obviolsy didn't use enough to fill a large dip in the floor. Can I build up the layers with more self levelling compound and if so do I need to treat the first layer before adding a second? If not what advice can you give me? Kindest...
  3. A

    Primer for levelling compound

    Good evening all, I've bought some Weber Floor Flex levelling compound (fibre reinforced), as I could not get hold of Mapie fibreplan in my local area. The place where I got my Weber didn't have the weber pr360 primer.:mad2: My question is can I use Mapei's primer g instead? It will just save...
  4. A

    Using Self Levelling Compound with UFH mats

    Hello all, I'm just about to lay my first Devimat UFH. The substrates are 18mm floor boards, 12mm ply (all screwed down at 300mm) & 10mm Marmox insulation boards on bathroom floor. The floor is completely flat & level. Do I still need to use a slc, as the devi instructions say tile straight...
  5. H

    smelly levelling compound

    I had a nice lie in this morning then went to my tuesday job to level a bit of the dining room floor. The customers have supplied everything so i used 4 bags of evostik levelling compound !!!!!!:yikes: The house was high,the smell of this stuff was absolutely rotten!!!!!!!!!! all windows open...
  6. R

    Levelling compound info...

    Hello all, I put up some info on the Mapei range of powder adhesives a little while ago and thought Id add to that with a run down of their levelling compounds... Laytexplan Two-part levelling and smoothing compound, consisting of special cements (Part A) and synthetic rubber laytex (Part B)...
  7. M

    Prpearing a floor with Hardie Backerboard and then self levelling compound

    Just thought I would provide a thread giving start to finish guidance for installing Hardie Backerboard. On this job I also needed to end up with a perfectly level floor as the customer and I decided on showing a full wall tile up from the floor. The wayrock flooring has wet underfloor heating...
  8. A

    Self Levelling COmpound

    Juat been and bought a load of self levelling compound and it says on the bag do not mix any more than you can use in 15 minutes. I have never used self levelling before - often no need on anhydrite. It is going on sand cement screed and it will be primed with acryilic spray on primer...
  9. M

    underfloor heating mat in self levelling compound

    I am about to have a go at doing one in my utillity room I have got a brand new screeded floor 3M x 3M I have channelled in the flexible conduit for the sensor I am going to hot glue the mat down would you recomend mixing the self leveling in one go (25kg bag) or in 2 or 3 or 4 mixes the bag...
  10. S

    self levelling compound

    Hi, Im doing some self leveling tomorrow, do you tape up the kitchen units or just level upto them? Any other advise would be great. Cheers Paul
  11. C

    self levelling compound

    right guys, i know that this will probably make me sound like an idiot....but here go's. due to having a friend who worked for a flooring company ie screeds levelling etc, i have always been able to sub any floors that needed levelling out to him (materials borrowed... and one days labour...
  12. D

    whats you favourite self levelling compound.?

    Get a few suggestions going and we could maybe start a poll... Me...well has to be mapei fibre plan and weber niv plus close second..:thumbsup:
  13. K

    wrong milk for self levelling compound

    I have a cement floor with a ceramic tile on it which is non porus. I'm putting a levelling compound on which is ball stop gaps general purpose smoothing underlay fast setting formula (green bag). I should apparently be using milk 114 latex for non porus flooring however I've been supplied...
  14. L

    Brilliant new product : Non levelling compound

    One of my customers has discovered a great new product that you all should be aware of : Non Levelling Compound. Very easy to use, instructions as follows ... Buy an inferior self levelling compound, available from most DIY stores. Mixing instructions : Make sure you ignore powder to water...
  15. T

    Self levelling compound over adhesive

    I need to lay self levelling compound on my kitchen floor so that I can lay new vinyl tiles. However after removing the old vinyl tiles I have had problems removing all the old adhesive. It is a brown rubbery substance which I have been using white spirit and a scraper to remove. But no matter...
  16. F

    underfloor heating and self levelling compound

    Hi fellow tilers, just after some advice..... Tiling a room on saturday, I've levelled out the concete floor and bonded it, then going to lay insulation boards using flexi adhesive and then laying the ufh mat over the boards and then slc over the top to a thickness of 5 mm, am I ok letting the...
  17. S

    best levelling compound

    Hi i'm looking to tile a kitchen floor but was wondering if anyone could recommend the best levelling compound. the floor is 14m2 has a big dip in it of 30mm I normally use bal multibase but not sure if it is capable of leveliing such a big area let me know what you guys think ardex maybe...
  18. R

    Self levelling compound requires pva primer.

    I bought some non latex based SLC from B&Q and it says on the packet to use pva as a primer before applying the SLC. I'm a bit concerned that I'm only applying SLC to patches and there will be overspill of pva on other areas wher ther will be tiling and I've read here that tiling and pva...
  19. P

    Self Levelling Compound

    Hi there How do you create a perimeter for the self levelling compound? What do you use? Also if the floor is higher what kinda edge do you use?:stupid: Best Wishes Howard Hi Can I also ask do you need to prime the floor. Not used slc yet - first time. Best Wishes Howard
  20. E

    levelling compound

    Whats the best levelling compound to put onto underfloor heating mat before tiling?



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