levelling system

  1. Balloo

    Tile levelling system

    Can anyone recommend a good tile levelling system that doesn't cost the earth
  2. A

    Tile Rite levelling system clips breaking

    I got hold of some of the above from the well known builders warehouse. When using the tool to push in the wedges, several of the clips broke at one side and it was a royal PITA to lift the tile and get another in. Is this down to the quality of the clips or am I doing something wrong? If it's...
  3. R

    Tile levelling system for 300mm floor tiles

    I need to lay some tiles on a bathroom floor area of about 2m by 2.7m. The tiles are 300mm square porcelain. The floor is 18mm plywood, marmox, heating mat and SLC. Despite my best efforts, the floor is sloping slightly. It's about 7mm out over the 2m width. Can I use a floor levelling system...
  4. area tiling

    Another Levelling system

    Afternoon all , was just wondering has anyone tried out this levelling system , what’s your thoughts and opinions?
  5. P

    Which levelling system

    If I can find the time I have 110m(2) of 60x60 porcelain floor tiles to lay. This would be the largest are I have done. I have never used tile leveling spacers but thought I might try them out. Any recommendations? I'm thinking of my namesakes system but I know there are lots of alternatives out...
  6. Adrian mcc

    Mlt levelling system

    anyone ever used the mlt levelling system, are they any good if so where’s cheapest place to get online cheers guys
  7. T

    Levelling system for small tiles

    Hey guys, does anyone have any recommendations for levelling clips/system for small tiles (30cm x 10cm), or can I just use the ones for the bigger tiles? I find the ones I have have are a bit thick at the base needing more adhesive. Any help appreciated.
  8. L

    Levelling clip, which one do you you?

    What levelling clips do people here use? I’ve only ever used the RLS clips, they are strong and work well I think. I was today informed you can buy imitation ones just as strong for a fraction of the price. Does anyone know the where about of these or care to shed on light on the matter? Thanks
  9. D

    Raimondi Tile levelling system over UFH

    Hi - Anyone know if its ok to use RLS over an electric, loose wire UFH system? It's covered with a thin (4mm) layer of SLC which just about covers the wire and keeps them in place for tiling. Will the plastic clips that remain in the adhesive be heated up as a result of the UFH and melt (or...
  10. J

    Whats the best levelling system out there and why?

    whats your favourite levelling system and why?? ive only tried raimondi and f'web and i'd say f'web as theyre cheaper and seem to be just as strong.
  11. W

    Best tile levelling system

    What is the best system to use? Vitrex lash tile or suretile?
  12. W

    tile levelling system very thin grout line question

    I'm considering using a tile levelling system with porcelain tiles 600mm x 300mm on both the walls an floor. The system I intend to use is the tile lash copy type (wedges and plastic clips) however I can only find ones with grout line spacing of 1.5mm, Is that too thin for floor tiles which I...
  13. O

    MLT levelling system

    So a very nice man I know, a certain Mick Volponi - who happens to be responsible for the MLT levelling system, has sent me this sample kit to try. For anyone who hasn't heard of it, it's a system from the USA which uses a combination of different straps and base plates for different materials...
  14. A

    I just bought the levelling system

    I know quite a few on here dont like these or would use them however ive just bought the ramondi leveling kit on amazon to test it out. HAve watched the videos on youtube about this product and the ones similar to it. Have read the reviews online also but wanting to know, what are the cons about...
  15. L

    Sigma leveling system

    Has anyone tried the new Sigma levelling system yet? I've been quoted for it and it seems pricey.
  16. V

    Levelling System

    Got some 1200by1200 tiles in a couple of weeks Gunna try a levelling system,have I read on here that there is a cheaper version of the riamondi System from Italy Will I need the pliers from riamondi for these clips Anyone used them /rate them Cheers
  17. area tiling

    Tile Levelling System

    I haven't bit the bullet yet, but lately I've been thinking of giving them a go, as more and more large formats come my way ! Seen this one the other day and it looked pretty good , any advice and preferences would be welcome , cheers !! View: http://youtu.be/HoQChSfV_SI
  18. A

    What Slow Set Are You Using With Ramondi Levelling System And Some Help Plz

    Hi all I am going to be tiling a kitchen floor soon in 600x600 polished porcelain . I will be laying On 10mm inso boards with ufh loose wire system and slc over the wires. I am going to Use a ramondi levelling system to keep lippage down I wanted to know the best flexible slow set to use...
  19. I

    Raimondi Levelling System

    It was mentioned in this thread New Acorn Tile Levelling System that I was going to try this system after having an unsuccessful trial with the lash clips, so I now have a starter kit and some 1200x200 planks to do tomorrow. I'll let you know how I get on.
  20. W

    New Acorn Tile Levelling System

    First time I've seen these, local supplier has just got them in....anyone tried these. Leveling Systems and Tile Trims The Acorn range of Leveling systems and tile trims. Prolevelling System is a revolutionary and innovative levelling system when laying medium and large materials with a...



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