
  1. B

    which lithofin cleaner

    Made a big mistake last week, grouted 25m2 of porcelain matt finish with flexi grout without sealing it first,I wont be doing that again ! cleaned it down well but the grout has grabbed in the texture and will not come out however hard i scrub, ive been reading the forums and decided that either...
  2. D


    has anybody used the above products for MARBLE/NATURAL STONE for cleaning/protecting/maintaining wots it like??? or wot do you recomend ??? :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  3. P

    LTP Mattstone or LITHOFIN stain stop

    Hi I have 2 DIY tiling jobs to seal, one is 85 sqm of brazilian slate in the kitchen/utility and the other is 40 sqm of travitine in a bath/wetroom. Can anyone tell me the difference between the mattstone and the Lithofin stainstop I have read that they both leave a matt finish and do not...
  4. V

    Lithofin StainStop - which one?

    Hi guys, Is going to use Lithofin Cleaner and StainStop before grouting some slates, but came across different kinds of the brand and wonder if they are all the same to use? For cleaning: Lithofin MN Builders Clean or Lithofin MN Power Clean? For sealing: Lithofin MN StainStop (no change...
  5. M

    The best way of applying Lithofin Colour Intensifier?

    I am just about to embark of 40m2 of travertine tiling, and the only reason I feel half confident about doing so is because of reading posts on this forum - so thanks! So today I was applying Lithofin Colour Intensifier (that I purchased because of what I read here :thumbsup:) to my 12" square...
  6. J

    Lithofin Slate Seal and Grouting time

    Hi all, Just done my first diy tiling last night, riven slate put down with BAL fast flex. Only thing I got caught out by was the different heights of the tiles. Think in future I'd use polished slate. Pics are bound, it's all I can do after the help I have had from here. Anyway I washed down...
  7. D

    Lithofin trade morning tomorrow

    Lithofin will be at darlington branch of CTD tomorrow....:thumbsup:
  8. G

    lithofin fz

    Hi Guys. Doing the dreaded B & Q 600x600 polished porcelain. Will use FZ to polish and seal the tiles. Is it best to do this at start or at the finish? Never done 600's before. I have a tr600 cutter will this work or the wet saw? thanks all
  9. Dan

    Lithofin or HG Sealers to go in's stock?

    Please vote: Lithofin or HG Sealers to go in's stock?
  10. H

    Sealing question on travertin - LIthofin Slate-Seal

    Hi all, Well, we're almost there with the bathroom tiling! We went honed and filled travertine 5cm square mosaics on the walls and it looks very attractive (at the moment). The tiler sealed the tiles with Lithofin Slate Seal. He left it to dry for about 90 mins or so before grouting. Bit...
  11. T

    Lithofin stain stop plus

    Hi, Got to do a splashback in Romana travertine tumbled marble mosaics. Was going to seal them prior to fixing using lithofin stainstop plus as i`m hoping it will bring out the colours more in the multi coloured stone. Then i was gonna seal again after grouting. My question is that i`ve never...
  12. 1

    Lithofin or Baby oil!!!!!????

    Hi all, A couple of questions please- Got my first paying job next week to seal a 20sqm kitchen floor with a rough ceramic tile for a customer having issues with keeping it clean with her kids. (Ok its not tiling the paladium but its a start!!!:hurray:) I've got the name Lithofin off the...
  13. G

    where can i get Lithofin KF grout-cleaner in liverpool

    oh well the title the question any one know, i have tried topps and loads others do i have to get it online. thanks ged
  14. A

    my dilema re hg impregnator/ lithofin

    you may have read my last post re hg impregnator has been applied to my slate floor tiles but has not protacted against stains, i think its olive oil. should i decide to remove the impregnator then lithofin intensive cleaner has been recommended. does anybody have any idea how easy this would...
  15. M

    Lithofin by armatile for stone

    Armatile sell the complete range of sealers, restorers, polishes and cleansers for stone, porcelain, their sealer is thinner and is less likely to streak or darken the stone, they're here:



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