
  1. J

    Manual Tile Saw

    Any recommendations on a manual saw? I just bought a Topps Tiles budget saw and the blade bent. Is this normal? Maybe I was putting too much pressure on the blade? It's quite flimsy though, and any less pressure wouldn't have cut the tile. Also, just used my Rubi 40 N Plus tile cutter for the...
  2. M

    manual cutter...

    still looking for a decent cutter for a decent price let me know what ya got. thanks
  3. M

    Which manual tile cutter for DIY?

    Hi, We are currently carrying out a self build wghich is now getting to the point where we need to start tiling. Thus far we have done almost everything ourselves, apart from the bricklaying and plastering. We have done bits of tiling before, but never anything on this scale, as we have 3...
  4. M

    Decent Large manual cutter opinions

    I have had a rubi 70 for quite a while now but recently on floor tiles i.e 600x600 porcelain it has no chance of cutting just dont seem to have the breaking power....are there any manual cutters that would be a breeze for this type tile? heard these sigma's are quite good....always...
  5. P

    Electric or Manual cutter

    Hi folks this is my 1st message so please be gentle; I'm a novice apart from a little bit of diy in the past, I have decide to tile my en-suite 13m2 of 360 x 275mm tiles, I have managed to get a good price for hiring an electric sawbench that can cut tiles. My question is can I do the whole job...
  6. G

    motorised or manual

    Hi, I am just starting tiling and I wondered what you think is better for floor and wall tiling a motorised tile cutter or manual I would be gratefull for any advice, thanks in advance.:smiley2:
  7. T

    WANTED small manual cutter

    In need of a small cutter. Looking to buy a new mini monti 14" jobby, but thought id see if there were any bargains to be found on here before I order one. Something thats sturdy and cuts consistant. Needs to cut 200 x 250 Cheers.
  8. A

    Manual Tile Cutter

    Im new to industry, soon to go on a course. I'm determined to make a success of this plus the other avenues I'm going down I.e plastering, decorating etc I would like a good starter tile cutter. I want one that will last, that I won't have to upgrade from in 3 months time Rubi or similar...
  9. gamma38

    Manual cutter

    Hi all, I am in the market for a new cutter, I don't want it for one particular tile or size but would only say it would have to cut 600mm. Wet saw is sorted so I'm good there. I have read all the threads on here but from what I've seen it is impossible to get any answer. Is it really just...
  10. O

    Need a new manual cutter

    The felker (husky) TC 670, has served me well, but its looking more than a bit tatty now, I think its about time I added another cutter to my portfolio to give it a bit of a break, like when the missus got tired so I got a (glad she doesnt post on here). Any recommendations...
  11. G

    Tomecanic Supercoup Manual cutter

    First thing your drawn to when unwrapping is the snapping mechanisim all shiny lots of bolts and nuts very shiny and menacing looking, good weight in the machine too about the 20kg mark, on closer inspection a couple of things let the machine down, Paint quality could be better (does flake off)...
  12. S

    Need New Manual Cutter

    Looking to purchase a new cutter, Which one though? We are half way through 35m2 of 600mm x 600mm polished porcelain & i need to wet cut the lot. We tried our 2 cutters 60 & 60+ but tile is just too hard, (i know these arent good for porc) Im a Rubi man so was looking at the TX700/900N but iv...
  13. M

    best manual cutter

    hi all, im looking to buy a cutter that can handle the toughest of porcelain tile , any advice would be good thanks
  14. J

    100cm Manual Cutter

    guys, I dnt often fit anything over 60cm so never had a call for a really big manual cutter. At the minute im fixing 100cm x 33cm porcelonasa's so need to address. i dont want to buy yet, do you think anywhere will have these to hire? any links? if not I will use wet cutter. thanks.
  15. D

    Manual cutter on Porcelain job

    Have a porcelain job on at the moment and am finding that my Husqvarna TC670 Tile Cutter Pro manual cutter is struggling to snap down the scored line, its occasionally following the line then drifting off accros the tile leaving me having to finish off of wet cutted. Is this due to the scoring...
  16. A

    Love my new Rubi - anyone want a Montolit manual cutter?

    Horses for courses as they say. Last year I got myself a Montolit P75 specially to cut those nasty porcelain tiles. Now I know there's a knack but darned if I could get it with the Montolit. :mad2: I ended up using a fairly cheap old Genesis cutter - which is now disintegrating. To sum up...
  17. P

    Everyday use Rubi manual cutter i.e. TX700

    Hi Guys After something that can tackle most jobs, let me know if you've got anything you're looking to part with. Thanks Paul :thumbsup:
  18. P

    What Rubi ''buy once'' manual cutter ?

    Guys What would be a good ''buy once'' future proof Rubi (if such a thing exists) :lol: Basically, I'm not taking on my own jobs yet as still an apprentice but looking to build up my tools slowly. My boss gave me an old Star 40, but I'm looking at buying something that will last for a long...
  19. Y

    basic manual or eletric cutter.

    looking for a cheap cutter not sure if i need an eletric one they seem cheap ive seen some for around £50 for example this one http:// or...
  20. R

    Manual tile cutter

    Hi everybody hope you can help, I'm after a new manual tile cutter I currently have a Rubi TS30 and a Rubi TS60 plus. I have got a kitchen to fit in 4 weeks time and the customer wants mosaics fitted, so I'm now in the market for a new manual cutter similar to the Montolit type IE single rail...

