
  1. G

    Help from our non-UK members please!

    I need to ask advice on a medical problem which my 5 yr old daughter has. Our GP is seemingly useless and simply keeps prescribing children's antibiotics which have not helped one bit. So we have to watch things get worse and more painful for her. I am 100% convinced that our NHS serves the...
  2. Dan

    8,000 MEMBERS! Woooooooo

    Okay, 7,999 right now but I wanted to shout about this one. I'm sure there will be another along any minute now. Well done to all, and thanks for registering.
  3. S

    new members

    :8:hi everybody!
  4. P

    to all our Jewish and Muslim members

    happy day of atonement happy Eid ul-Fitr
  5. Dan

    7,000 Members

    I'm really pleased to announce that I just noticed that we have not long passed the 7,000 member milestone. :) Thanks for joining, whoever you are!
  6. Dan

    DISCOUNTS for TilersForums Arms members

    Our forum sponsors often provide discounts for members. This excludes the manufacturers but you do get special red carpet treatment when you deal with them if you say you're from the forum. I'll add to this list as I find the correspondance relating to telling me the codes and procedures to get...
  7. Dan

    Members online is back

    If you scroll to the bottom of the forum you'll see the members who have been online in the last 24 hours.
  8. C

    to ALL new members!

    HELLO to ALL new members ! i'm addressing you all as i've spent half hour doing it individually, for even more of you newbies to pop up! getting writers cramp here!!!:lol: :hurray::welcome2::hurray:
  9. Dan

    Threads: 9,000+, Posts: 85,000+, Members: 5,936

    We've not long gone past 9,000 threads (topics), 85,000 posts (messages within all those threads) and we nearly have 6,000 members. Give yourself a pat on the back (only those that have contributed!).
  10. R

    members photos

    Okay let's put faces to the names who's got the balls to go first?:grin:
  11. Dan

    Currently Active Users: 1450 (34 members and 1416 guests)

    Currently Active Users: 1450 (34 members and 1416 guests)
  12. Dan

    5000 Members!

    Though Dave first mentioned it HERE I thought it was worth mentioning in the tiling forum too, as that gets read the most. We've hit the big 5,000 members. Thanks to all that have signed up. To those reading this not signed up, please register your FREE account. It's quick, easy and painless...
  13. D

    2 new Elite members.....

    Well done and thanks for your excellent contributions to the forums.... sWe and Sir ramic.......both now Elite members..........:thumbsup:
  14. H

    hello to all of the Arms members!

    Hello to you all, Dan had finally let me me in,thank you Dan. I look forward to this new status and mine is a heinekin please?? :8: Joe Hillhead Tiling Services.
  15. Dan

    4000 Members

    I'm pleased to announce we now have 4000 registered members. really is the UK's leading tile forum. We have more members than any other tile forum, we have more active daily topics, we have more manufacturers, distributors, retailers, training centres, NVQ assessors registered...
  16. S

    Hi all members, just joined... mike

    Domestic and commercial tiler.
  17. Dan

    3500 Members

    We now have 3500 members!
  18. D

    All the best for 2008 to all the forums members....

    This a might be early but i thinks i might to too piddled to type it later...:lol: All the best you lot!!!!
  19. D

    merry christmas to all members..

    True Meaning of Christmas Just a week before Christmas I had a visitor. This is how it happened. I just finished the household chores for the night and was preparing to go to bed, when I heard a noise in the front of the house. I opened the door to the front room and to my surprise, Santa...
  20. Dan

    Total members that have visited the tile forums in the last 24 hours: Records

    Total members that have visited the tile forums in the last 24 hours: 165 Going up still :) ---- Post in here when you see a higher figure. ---- Total members that have visited the tile forums in the last 24 hours: 174 on 9/10/07 ---- Total members that have visited the tile forums in the...



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