
  1. O

    Cutting Porcel-thin Tiles With A Speed Cutter And Montolit Flash Line.

    Spent some time this afternoon with @GaryTheTiler and @Ray TT @ Porcel-Thin testing different cutting machines for use on Pocel-Thin tiles and other tiles that come under the classification of TPT (Thin Porcelain Tiles) We tested the Speed Cutter that's been the main cutter at Porcel-Thin, and...
  2. Two-Trowels

    Cutter For 600's

    Got a job coming up with 600 x 600 polished porcelain - current Rubi cutter only goes to 500 so need an upgrade. So today I popped into CTD and he had two Sigmas in stock, a 3B2 and a 3B3M (I think) he reckoned that the 3B2 would not cut as well as the other as it had a fixed breaker foot, ie...
  3. B

    Wet Cutter

    Evening all, So getting back into the swing of it all again and need to get myself a new wet cutter. Was going to go for a Dewalt D24000 with a Montolit DNA blade and then noticed that for a bit more I can ha e the Rubi DC250 1200 and then add a Montolit DNA blade. So my question is if it was...
  4. P

    A Good Grinder Blade Needed

    Can anyone recomend a good 115mm grinder blade that will do good cuts on porcelain. Thanks
  5. O


    @David - Tradetiler Just a quick thank you for Dave at Tradetiler Home page for their prompt service as always. For my nice new shiny Montolit DNA blades and my SWEETIES! Yay! Haha :p
  6. Dan

    Montolit DNA Blades for Tile Cutters

    You can find DNA blades for Tile Cutters at a very reasonable price from 180mm to 350mm - Links below. Montolit DNA Blades DNA represents the most innovation and a genuine technological revolution in the field of diamond tools, since the introduction of laser welding in 1980...
  7. J

    Wet tile saw

    Hi all. I'm new to the forum and after a bit of advice on a new wet saw. I've read all the recent threads on here but not really found enough to go on. I'm a bathroom fitter so I'm tiling pretty much every week, I've been using a vitrex 750 wet saw for a while and have got through a few of...
  8. V

    New wet cutting saw

    Hi all I've had a dewalt d2400 for about 4years now It's never let me down and it's cut thousands of metres of tiles Like everyone I've tried different blades some good some not so To be honest it's showing its age ,motors whirring a bit,things running off And then there's the arm getting in the...
  9. Chris_32

    Montolit MasterPiuma P3 Series Comments Please

    Hi everyone, thinking of getting myself a Montolit 75P3 and just wondered what peoples experiences with this cutter series have been. Been working with some troublesome tiles that the TS-60 just can't handle and a friend has recommended the montolit to me in the past. Any Input on this would be...
  10. S

    Free montolit parts

    8 free brand new montolit mater piuma feet for the breaker. Sold my monty ages ago and don't have any need for them. pm me your name and address and I'll send them out tomorrow. Cheers Sean
  11. S

    sigma or montolit..!!

    Hiya just wondering if any of you tilers out there can recommend either the sigma or montolit tile cutters.!! Ive used rubi since starting tiling and currently use a TX700 which is a good manual cutter. Im after a large format cutter for 900mil tiles and upwards and wondered if any of you use...
  12. W

    Montolit Brooklyn Wet Cutter Ebay.

    Looks quite neat
  13. C

    for sale montolit

    My monty master piuma 52 is up for sale is to big for me as i do small tiles more often and is a waste me haveing this .. execlent condition . In the bucks area if anyones intrested thanks guys
  14. P

    Best Porcelain Blade for a DeWalt?

    What in your opinion is the best porcelain blade for a DeWalt D24000? Having a few nightmares trying to find a really great one. Thanks Pebbs
  15. C

    montolit master piuma 52

    Im a plumber i bought this from a friend but its just to bulky for me as i rarely tile .. open to offers even a differnt cutter try me! If you want pics please ask as dont knoe how to up load them.. the condition is excelent fully working looks unused
  16. G

    Best Tile Cutter Blades - Rubi Cpc, Montolit Dna, Ats Diamond Blade And Dewalt Wheel

    Ever in my search of understanding price v quality of diamond wheels I have in my possession now a Rubi CPC, A Montolit DNA, An ATS and a DeWalt wheel. All these go onto the DW24000 and all the same diameter. Now while its not a fair test as I am expecting teh Montolit wheel to be the better of...
  17. G

    Dewalt D24000 and the Montolit wheel

    After lots of cutting with this saw which I bought years ago I have got through the original wheel and almost a Rubi CPC wheel that i had on my old Rubi 250N. I have taken the plunge ( no pun intended) and I now have the Montolit DNA wheel . Cant wait to swap over and see what the fuss is all about.
  18. P

    Montolit DNA blade, 250mm

    Montolit DNA blade, 250/30. Still about 10mm of diamond left, not had much use. Cracking blade but changed saws and won't fit the new one. Ideal for a Dewalt or Rubi DW250 Open to offers
  19. S

    Montolit master piuma 63.

    Had this cutter for a few months and worked beautifully on porcelain now its starting to break alot of tiles. How quick does the feet wear on this type of cutter as im used to the rubi. Anyone have same problem with sigma?
  20. I

    Montolit DNA

    My grinder blade was brutally murdered by a 12mm Hardie yesterday, it snagged in the board and buckled. I decided to get the grips on it to straighten it out and this happened! It's a blessing in disguise, because its not as good as the pro-gres. Another order from tradetiler it is!

