
  1. P

    CRM SOFTWARE - your opinions on the best few brands please Discussion Thread

    CRM SOFTWARE - your opinions on the best few brands please Discussion Thread Hi Everyone, I currently use E-Works CRM software and feels it does have good customer support & good value for money but I do find it a bit slow to use, to do anything on it seems long winded and more complicated...
  2. C

    Help Different Caliber Indoor/Outdoor Tiles

    Hi there I ordered 160sqm of 90cm x 90cms of matching Large Format Porcelain tiles. 105sqm for Interior (10mm thick), 55sqm for Exterior (20mm). The installation of the Interior took place in December but we held off on the Exterior due to weather conditions. We've now come to install the...
  3. ambient

    Your Silicon Colour Opinions Please

    Hi, I need to silcone a few places in my recently refitted downstairs loo but I'm unsure what colours to use and where because of the dark tiles and grout. Photos available here... New item by Oliver Pearmain - https://photos.app.goo.gl/DFeBTkBmjBRfyRKT6 New item by Oliver Pearmain -...
  4. U

    Opinions please on ongoing floor tiling job

    Hi, I’m not a tiler - which is why I have one in working away on my new kitchen floor! However I struggle to see the floor lasting very long due to the amount of void under the tiles. I raised my concerns with the man in charge of the project who said the tiler has since explained that he will...
  5. G

    Opinions on Grouting

    Hi there, just looking for some advice. This tile job/grouting was done by a professional tiler in our ensuite and shower cubicle..we feel it's not done particularly well, adhesive is showing through in some parts and there are gaps and pinholes which presumably will let through moisture? Will...
  6. B

    Quote opinions

    Hi all, First post and not entirely sure if this is the right place to post my question so please do advise me if there's a more suitable area. We are looking at having our kitchen retiled and have approached a tradesperson to complete the work for us. I'd really like some advice on the quote...
  7. G

    Concerns about patio tile job - opinions Re professional job

    We hired someone to do a small outside patio using porcelain tiles. They finished the job whilst we were away since they went way over their original estimated time. Now we’ve returned from our holiday, I’m really disappointed and don’t know if I’m being really picky or being taken for a mug...
  8. F

    Poor finish? My tiler thinks he has completed the job but I don’t. Opinions please

    Am I right to be disappointed with this finish and expect my tiler to return to put things right? He tells me he has finished my job. Thanks in advance.
  9. T

    Opinions please......

    We've recently had a tiler in and it wasn't until later that we inspected the job and found the metal trim left a lot to be desired, leaving several sharp edges exposed. What's your opinion on this - how can we put this right as easily as possible? Or do we let it go?
  10. J

    Expert opinions needed - British Ceramic Tile

    Hi there, I am currently in a dispute with the liquidators of BCT regarding some pallets of matt white tiles that were sent that the sizing was all over the place. I am also having to lift several floors due to the glaze in the floor tiles being poor, and tiles discolouring. . . . . . not to...
  11. M


    Morning tilers looking for people opinions on spit face tiles going to do own chimney Breast but thinking of mitre the external corners.ive not got my tiles yet so cannot try it out. Many thanks stay safe
  12. E

    Shower former setting out opinions

    Hi All, I've not been doing this for too long, so still a little unsure in a lot of things! Was on Ana architect lead job last week into this coming week and would appreciate your opinions on the setting out of this shower former. One option is mine, one is the architects, so which is best...
  13. W

    Wet table saw

    Has anyone tried / tested / got a view on the Husqvarna ts230f ?, for its price...is it worth it ?,
  14. A

    Opinions on floor failure

    I have an idea what’s gone wrong here but would be interested to hear other opinions. Old property which had a floating wooden floor removed and replaced with 60mm foam backer boards (wedi or similar) over the concrete slab. Electric ufh latexed over then tiled. The concrete was “blackjacked”...
  15. C

    Trim issue - opinions please

    We've had a tiled splashback put in as part of a kitchen refit. While the work looks good in general, I think the trim looks a bit odd. It's been used where two planes of tiles meet, and on the vertical lines where there are cuts, but they've left raw tile edges on top. I think this...
  16. V

    Am I being picky or is this a bad job?..

    Hello Am I just being picky or is this a bad job? Tiles not lined up to the base units or straight when you come down the stairs. Another problem is that some tiles sound hollow when you knock on them and one actually broke when I walked on it last night :( Tiles not in line with base units...
  17. D

    Opinions , 20mm screed removal

    I've been to look at a screed part of which is 20mm higher than the rest . Easy option screed up , but that's going to take £700 of levelling . So options I see . Grind it , score/cut into sections with disc cutter and kango or take that piece of screed right out . Any bright ideas and options...
  18. Andy Rhodes

    Montolit Opinions on Montolit Master Puma 75P3 wanted please.

    I have noticed that the majority of you gents/ladies use Sigma the odd person is still with Rubi. I'd like peoples views on the Montolit 75P3 MasterPiuma Manual Tile Cutter as I'm thinking of upgrading my manual cutter which at present is the old type TS60 Rubi .One of my former learners...
  19. C

    Opinions on this appalling "professional" tiling job?

    Hi all, We've just had our bathroom refit, and seem to have some of the worst tiling I've seen. We know it's terrible but he is in complete denial about it and thinks he's done a brilliant job, refusing to acknowledge any of the glaring errors as anything other than "snagging". Not only has...
  20. G

    Complete newbie looking for tiling advice - all opinions welcome!

    Afternoon everyone! I am an installer of large security systems (CCTV, Fire, Intruder and Access) and a pretty hands on guy, however, I have never attempted tiling before so ive never had the option of having to choose tiles in a new kitchen. The tiling itself i'm hoping I can get my head...

