
  1. D

    How to finish top of reveal (Pics)

    Following on from other threads I made in the past on here...! The bathroom is now nearly there (read, still a lot to do). A chap from this forum is tiling for me, and appreciate his points of view and ideas etc, but always good to see what the options are! As you can see from the pictures...
  2. F

    Recent Kitchen Pics

    These are some pictures of a kitchen I completed using Slate flooring tiles and travertine mosaic splash back.
  3. D

    Some pics

    Did this job just over a year ago. One of the largest domestic jobs i ever did about 60m on the floor i think and there were also 3 small bathrooms. Floor was an entrance hallway, kitchen, tv area, sunroom, utility and a seperate corridor leading to a bathroom. Anyway was back yesterday and...
  4. E

    moving pics

    Can i take my pics from the old gallery, and put them in my profile gallery? Always have probs with pics. Can anyone help
  5. Y

    Finished Wet Room Pics

    Dear all, finally finished the wet room with a lot of advice from the members on this forum which is much appreciated. I have attached some photos which don't really do it justice but I am well chuffed with it. Thanks to everyone who helped, I have been on many forums for various things and...
  6. P

    pics of 1st job under my belt!

    didn't think i'd have the ball's to do this but in for a penny in for a pound. here it is.
  7. R

    pics of latest job and my other news....

    Hi all, Thought I would post a couple of pics and get a bit of a critique.....i struggled a bit getting my head round the setting out as the sockets could not be moved and the customer didnt want half cuts next to the aluminium splash back. The pics are a bit out of focus as my camera:lol: ( I...
  8. J

    Pics of my first DIY tiling (and an obligatory question)

    After finishing grouting last night I thought that it was the least I could do to post some pics of my work. Never tiled before so the help here was invaluable, so thanks! Riven slate bathroom floor, around 3.5m2. Only thing that I would have differently was that I did not sort the heights...
  9. S

    Wetroom pics

    Wetroom in porcelein, glass mosaic, bone border and porcelein strips for shower area floor! Aquadec 1400 x 900 with Tilelux tanking membrane.:dizzy2:
  10. C

    A couple of pics of my bathroom mosaics.

    Shower area nearly done. I didn't mix enough adhesive to finish it :(. As it's BAL mosaic (expensive) I'll be preparing some other areas so I can move onto those after I finish, to keep the waste down. Neale's idea of interlocking the panels works a treat. The corner trim is from CTD at...
  11. L

    Better quality pics of curved wet room

    Perhaps someone in admin could replace the originals on other post with these please Thanks Here goes it ..
  12. B

    Kitchen floor pics

    Hi all, Just finished my mates Kitchen floor,he seems well pleased, ive done a few with my partner,this is the the first one ive done alone.Do you think it looks ok? Be honest. Cheers, Vin.
  13. P

    a few Pics

    Hi everyone Thanks again for all the advice everyone gives to make it all happen this site really is invaluable. Ive posted a couple of pics from my first job (a mate,s splashback he wanted doing ) only small i know but good to get out there after my week at Nett ,Darren, Deb, Colin etc...
  14. B

    vauxhall combo - see pics

    Vauxhall Combo 1.7 di, in white, 54,000 miles, test july 09, tax aug 09, side loading door, solid rear doors, roof rack, ply lined, alarm, very nice clean van, ideal for the professional tiler! £2200 (+ vat) Located in Sheffield Phone Nick on 07979 593392
  15. A

    Upload some pics to my profile

    Hey guys I am trying to upload from my pc some pics to my album profile but failing miserably Any help on how to do Thanks
  16. M

    Some tiling pics

    Hi just got round to adding some pics to my profile they are in my album I like to say thanks to tilersforum brilliant site cheers Mick :thumbsup:
  17. S

    ive added some pics of my 1st jobs

    in my profile album:yes:
  18. M

    New tiler with some new pics!!

    Hi, Newish tiler here. Did the NETT course about 2 months ago and slowy easing tiling into my day time job of being a floor fitter. I have put in some pictures on my profile if anybody wants a look I would appreciate any feedback particulary constructive criticsm!! I just have a few...
  19. E

    Kitchen and Utility Floor Tiling - Pics

    After scouring this forum for hints, tips and asking a few questions of the professionals, I thought I'd post some pics of my efforts. One thing I've decided for sure; I am never... ever... laying 600x600 tiles again! Ever!! Just for the record the tiles are from Messrs BnQ - I know.....! They...
  20. R

    Pics of my latest job

    Hi all, I have added some pics to my gallery of my latest job, from start to finish. Its very timely as the post below me is talking about natural stone and no movement joints etc... The developer who installed the floor didn't put in any movement joints under this floor between substrates and...



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