
  1. W

    Another Porcel-Thin

    This had some bad walls considering it's a private house built from almost scratch. Had some extra drywall to do on the existing plasterboarded stud walls as well. Soooooooooo much cutting. Excuse pictures taken on the s111 mini.
  2. W

    Smallest Wetroom With Porcel-Thin

    This was an education being so small, the guy done his own prep with marmox boards:yikes: which did'nt make the job any easier. Soooooooooo much cutting because of the size of the tiles. Some of the photos came out quite dark no idea why.
  3. W

    Cutting Porcel-Thin with 3 Different cutters

    Had 2 blades delivered from ATS and tried them out on Porcel-Thin as my Montolit Pro-Gres seemed chip more than it should, centre picture shows the Pro-gres disc, this was a quick test. The blades used for 2 cuts, the one on the left was dry the cut on the right hand side was with a damp sponge...
  4. C

    Porcel-thin Tiler Required In East Sussex Area

    Looking for a tiler with previous experience of Porcel-Thin tiles for a wall tiling job in East Sussex, near Newhaven. Please p.m. me.
  5. W

    Porcel-Thin disc for mitering.

    First porcel-thin coming up Thursday and does anyone know of a disc for the grinder that can be used to mitre a few edges of the said tiles.
  6. I

    Porcel-thin training day

    Firstly can I say a massive thanks to Ray and Gary (and a few others whose names I don't know!) for putting this day on for us. I personally found it to be very informative and very worth while attending. It was great to get hands on with the cutting and fitting of these tiles just to see how...
  7. R

    Porcel-thin Tiles - Porcelthin Tiles - Training day for cutting large tile

    Well knowing how busy you all are. thought we would give you a fair bit of notice so will have a training day on fixing large format thin tiles on sunday 27 of april starting at 10am give you time to get a good breakfast you will be fixing cutting and much more and you could also teach us a few...
  8. P

    Protilers Fitting Porcelthin Tiles In Upminster!

    I went to a job the other day in upmister and had to prep it for Porcelthin tiles...... the floor was rough.......to say the least.... the client had lifted the Amtico.....and what was left was some cracked SLC.....Like this: I stuck a flathead screwdriver into the SLC and a bit chipped...
  9. Dan

    Porcel-Thin Tiles

    Who's fitted Porcel-Thin tiles so far then? How have you got on with them? Was the customer impressed with them? Have they saved you some headache with regards to floor heights perhaps? Even better, got any pictures for us?



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