
  1. F

    Painted Walls And Prime + Grip

    everytime I walk into a room to tile and I see painted walls, I always worry! A lot of the time I've removed any loose with a scraper and scored the rest a bit with Stanley knife, primed with the usual acrylic and tiled with single part flexi and never had an problems. I've got a job to do next...
  2. R

    Should I have used SBR to prime on top of floor levelling compound

    Hi all, I've been reading all your helpful advice to everyone, so after tearing my hair out for most of the day thought I would sign up. Please could someone clarify if I should've used Cementone SBR on top of a self levelling latex floor compound. I originally stripped the old kitchen floor...
  3. M

    Should i prime my slc

    Hi guys, SLC'd floor several months ago, but only now have time to do the floor tiling. I am thinking do to the time lapse i should prime the surface, what do you think. SLC was levelflex Adhesive is Setaflex rapid Tiles are porcelain. Thanks Martin.
  4. M

    To Prime or not to Prime, that is my question...?

    Hi All I have a question about priming, I have bought the Ardex Waterproof Protection System to tank around where my shower is going and the other walls if there is any left. The shop said to prime the wall first with an SBR primer before using the Ardex kit. On the Ardex box it says no...
  5. G

    Amazon Prime Air

    So what do you make of this ? so many flaws, air traffic , lost parcels, malfunctions, .....could be the latest hobby for kids with air rifles etc
  6. J

    nuova battipav prime 130s

    anyone got this model of cutting machine or same make but different model no. i am deciding between this and raimondi zoe. the batipav seemsvery solid and heavy duty . plus has a wheel to wind saw through the cuts which looks good. Trimline say it is their best selling industrial machine for...
  7. V

    To prime when using Ultraplan renovation screed on tilemate boards.

    Hi can you tell me if I have to prime tilemate boards (similar to marmox board) when using Mapei Ultraplan renovation screed. Instruction says The substrate should be primed with Mapeprim SP or Eco Prim T prior to the application of Ultraplan Renovation Screed, but I read here that I do not...
  8. A

    What surfaces to prime

    Just wondered what surfaces to prime when tiling. Planning on acrylic as PVA seems to be frowned upon. Got some 6mm cement faced backer boards to fix to green chipboard. The chipboard is quite waxy so will this benefit from a primer? Will also be screwing with washers and taping joints. Do I...
  9. Dan

    Tile on tile with Prime IT N

    Renowned Ultra Floor primer, Prime IT N has been used at a a new Citroen garage showroom in Northampton. Click here for the full article.. RSS feed from For tiles, tilers, tiling and the tiles industry: The Tile Association.
  10. D

    Do I need to prime marmox ?

    I've been doing a bit of research prior to tiling my bathroom. 3 walls are lined with marmox boards and the fourth, which is an internal wall and well away from any wet areas, is plastered. From research on here I realise I will have to prime the plastered wall with Mapei primer G, but will the...
  11. S

    calibrated slate on sand/cement screed - prime surface ?

    I've got some very well calibrated brazilian slate 400 x 600 x 10mm. The back is lightly grooved from the machining. I also have some Dunlop natural stone and large format adhesive. The substrate is sand/cement screed well dried (many months old) which is slightly dirty with a few paint splashes...
  12. B

    I Didn't Prime

    Dear All, I am sorry - I guess I'm looking for some friendly advice and I feel a bit stupid too. I am an amateur but have done quite a lot of tiling for myself, friends and family over the years. I am re-doing the bathroom and I bought Mapei pro flexible cement based adhesive for the wall...
  13. G

    To prime or not to prime...

    Hi Guys Just boarded out bathroom with Gyproc.Now going to tank walls round shower enclosure then tile walls and floor.The floor is tongue & groove with no bounce and I am going to fit 6mm Hardibacker. Do I need to prime walls before and after I apply tanking paint?Do I need to prime...
  14. W

    to prime or not to prime

    Hi all. Got the Mapei Shower Waterproofing kit. Going to be waterproofing moisture resistant plasterboards around a bath. The kit says to "prime all porous substrates and gypsum plaster with the enclosed primer" So I was wondering, do I just need to prime where I've filled and taped the joints...
  15. C

    bond and prime

    its took me ages to find my way to be able to post this, still trying to figure this out, im not the best with computers,lol. i read the link pva vs primers but for the likes of BAL BOND SBR and BAL PRIMER what is the difference?
  16. S

    Any need to prime painted kitchen wall?

    Hi all, Is there any need to prime a scuffed-up painted kitchen wall where the paint is very dry, long serving, so no chance of it falling off? I was going to use Bal Greenstar for addy for a basic ceramic tile job? Thanks guys. Grateful for anything you have. Gary.
  17. G

    To prime or not to prime, that is the question.

    If in doubt prime it has always been my way but how many would prime Moisture Resistant plasterboards ? Now cost of primer isnt an issue but if you weigh up the time it takes to prime and drying time then that is the cost I dont like. So how many prime plasterboards, MR or normal ?
  18. E

    Prime and Tank Aquapanel

    I'm not really 100% clear on this. I will tank joints on the Aquapanel.panel and edges. Should I also put Silicon into gaps between? The board is on 25mm battens Fixed at 250mm centres. 1 Do I need to tank the Aquapanel? 2 Do I need to prime the Aquapanel? If I need to prime do I do it after...
  19. N

    Do I need to prime a concrete floor

    Hi guys, I'm about to lay porcelain tiles on my kitchen floor (concerete). I've taken up the old tiles, spent an age getting up the old adhesive & am just about ready to re-tile. Will probably be going for BAL Rapidset (unless someone can tell me better) & just wanted to know if I need to...
  20. O

    Should I prime Green Plasterboard before tanking?

    My first post on this forum so please excuse a newbie question. I have fitted green water resistant plasterboard to my bathroom walls. For the shower area, do I need to prime the the plasterboard before applying tanking (BAL WP1 kit), or is it fine to tank directly?



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