
  1. J

    Floor tiler sought herefordshire / uncalibrated slate, small rooms.

    Hi, are there any Herefordshire based tilers on the forum? I am looking for someone to lay our uncalibrated slate tiles. We have two downstairs rooms that need laying in a circa 1800 stone cottage. One room will be done at a time though as only one room will be ready for now. Not a large...
  2. A

    South Ayrshire - 2 rooms + UFH

    Hi, i am a professional tiler who has a mate who lives in S Ayrshire. He wants me to locate a tiler to Floor Tile his Bathroom (10m2) and his Utility (2.75m2). He has Porcelain Tiles and UFH from Topps. He is hoping to be in a position to tile in 2 to 3 weeks. As a Tiler myself i would hope to...
  3. P

    new shower rooms tiling on pasterboard and plaster.

    Hi, I'm a new Member. I am about to start tiling two shower rooms, the builder has plaster boarded and skimmed the walls with plaster and fitted the shower base's. I've been told at topps tiles I need to fit a homelux water proof matting in the shower cubical areas will this be OK. As I do not...
  4. R

    floor tiling into other rooms

    hi if i have to floor tile into a few different rooms like a living room , hallway, kitchen etc then do i set out as usual with a base line and cross line in the main feature/important room, then transfer a line throught to the next room and see where the tiles fall. if they are acceptable then...
  5. J

    Multiple rooms

    Evening all. Got a job coming up, spec as follows; 57.7 sqm travertine floor tiles. Hallway, two bedrooms and a bathroom. Customer wants the brick effect. I just wanted to canvass opinion on setting out and also tips for cutting around door reveals. I have done this many times but to be...
  6. L

    Wet rooms

    Any one fitted an upstairs wet room if so which company did you use? Were they any good? Any problems?
  7. I

    Setting out multiple rooms advice

    Done plenty of floors, but never done any multiple rooms yet. Can anyone give me some pointers & advice how to go about it. Do I just find a line down the lenghth of hallway then 90 degrees off into each room? Thanks for any help:thumbsup:
  8. I

    how 2 get onto the other chat rooms????

    hi. been using the forums for a while but dont know how to get onto the other chat rooms?:huh2:
  9. D

    wet rooms info...

    basic explanation of a wet room .....dave.. Wet Rooms Wet rooms are becoming an increasingly popular way to fit a bathroom into a small space without the cramped feeling of a traditional enclosed shower area. What is a wet room? A wet room is a bathroom, where the shower area is level...



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