rubi tile cutter

  1. G

    New Rubi magnet cutter

    has anyone on here got a Rubi magnet cutter? I'm looking to get Rubi tr600 magnet but a Rubi Rep has recommended I get the tr710 magnet as the tr600 you can only just get a 600tile in it? Just looking for some advice before I buy a new cutter.
  2. L

    Rubi Rubi TR-710 Magnet - has anyone used one yet ???

    Has anyone used the new Rubi TR-710 Magnet?? If so please give a review. I've heard they are the best Rubi yet ? Which is hard to believe being a rubi TS 60 user. Cheers
  3. B

    Rubi Rubi clean washboy nightmare

    Anybody else tried cleaning this thing out after using on a floor today with Mapei mud flexi grout? So many nooks and crannies inside took about half an hour and scratches all over knuckles trying to get all the settled sediment out! First and last time with it, got better things to do, come on...
  4. I

    Rubi News - Rubi TZ Tile Cutter

  5. L

    Rubi Rubi Delta clips vs RLS

    Has anyone tried these yet they look like a direct copy of RLS, but I'm wondering how the quality compares? DELTA LEVELLING SYSTEM | RUBI® Tools United Kingdom | RUBI Tools and tile cutters -
  6. L

    Rubi TS 40 and Rubi TS 43

    Hello all, does anyone know the difference between these two except the prices as I can't seem to see any difference in the descriptions, cheers in advance
  7. J

    Rubi rubimix-16 ergomax, dead

    Hi, my rubimix-16 ergomax died on me earlier today. Seemed to be slowing down on me then just stopped working. It's only a little over a year old which is disappointing as my old rubimix 9 lasted me years. Rubi offer a 2 year guarantee with it so does anyone know where I stand in regards to...
  8. L

    Is my Rubi TS broke? Pls help!

    I'm sure many of you have had and have a rubi TS cutter. I've recently bought a second hand TS 40 of eBay and the handle shaft (the bit that moves up and down) where it connects to the metal runners on the 2 rails is loose and has a fair bit of play. For example it can move it left and right. My...
  9. P

    Lumberjack TC180, Rubi DU-200-L (or Evo), or Vitrex 800 (or 900)

    I've just sorted out a manual tiler (Sigma 3C3M). Now I need could really do with some advice on the best machine to use for mitring. I don't like plastic or metal mitre strips, so I want to do proper 45 degree mitres on the tiles. I've got an external corner to do, as well as a window reveal...
  10. P

    Rubi My rubi needs mot "help needed"

    Hi guys been on the site 6 months now. This my first post. My rubi ts 60 plus needs a bit of a realignment I feel. I've been told it's possible that a rubi rep can come out and do this. ?!? Is it possible. and how I go about doing it. I bought the cutter from topps 14 months ago.
  11. I

    Rubi website rubi mundocolocador

    Mundo Colocador - Punto de encuentro para los que nos dedicamos al mundo de la construcción - website rubi, where we talk about laying systems and rubi equipment. some years that I follow, only in Spanish. Therefore, you need to call paul, the pocket translator;)
  12. G

    New Rubi tp s 66 cutter

    has anyone got a Rubi tp 66 cutter? I'm looking for a new cutter and like the look of this, and just wondering if there any good/bad points? Would the 22mm wheel still have to be changed for ceramic/porcelain?
  13. L

    New rubi tile cutters

    has anyone seen any of the new rubi tile cutters in action? I know there reps are going round lots of suppliers at the minute doing demos
  14. M

    Rubi Rubi TC180 or Flex CS60?

    My quest for an easier envelope cutting solution continues.... I mainly work with 60 x 60cm porcs so I need something that is up to the job and produces factory edge cuts I've got a Festool angle grinder system which runs on a track but the quality of cuts isn't good enough. Also, if you want...
  15. G

    Rubi Rubi tvh 200mm

    hi all, I got a rubid nd200 and put a rubi tvh 200mm disc on it, I've noticed it makes a whistling noise is this normal? Also it doesn't seem to cut straight but a slight curve on it, I have taken it off and cleaned the boss and put it back on and seems the same. Anyone had any of these problems?
  16. D

    Rubi gifts

    Just remembered I one a rubi comp once . They phoned me told me I had one and they were sending me some goodies. This will be good I thought. Any gifts arrived some sort of diy notched trowel .a bag of about 50 spacers , some of those score and snap pliers the only thing any good was an...
  17. S

    Is my Rubi TS60 duff?

    Afternoon Gents, just adding more fuel to the Sigma V Rubi debate!...Im after some time served advice from the experts on here!! Im just starting out in the tiling game, Its early days and Im only doing weekends at the mo, due to having other work commitments, I have completed a few Shower rooms...
  18. N

    Rubi Rubi tm 70

    Rubi tm 70 Excellent condition Comes in case No damage to case Any questions ask away £200
  19. T

    Rubi Rubi TI-66 S

    selling this as I've got a new sigma-it is in good second hand condition and comes with a new 10mm scoring wheel
  20. M

    Rubi TS50 Plus

    Anyone interested in one of these before I clash it on Fleabay? Used but in good nick.

