I have been advised to use SBR (1L with 3kg of grout) instead of water to increase the bonding, as well as waterproofing abilities of the grout mixture. Is that a good idea? Thanks.
Hi, super basic question,
Okay to prime standard multifinish surface and left to dry the day before tiler comes, with Bond It SBR Admixture 1:1 with water?
SBR Admixture A styrene butadiene copolymer latex, which increases flexibility of cement screeds and mortars and improves water and...
OK hear me out. Kitchen floor. Pro tiler.
15mm clearance from top of dishwasher to underside of worktop. Customer wants 900x900 tiles on floor.
Not enough height to overboard the OSB with BB and tile. Same with ditra etc. Customer doesn't want to pay for removal of OSB + replace w/ ditra or...
I have primed the some of the walls and floor in BAL Bond SBR.
The adhesive instructions, (Ultra Tile Fix Proflex), says to prime with their own: "Ultra Tile Fix Pro Primer".
So, do all types of adhesive stick to SBR?
Do I SBR over such before laying ditra then tiling?
Have some bostik cementone so was going to prime it? How essential is getting the ration of the primer if I do need to prime it?
need some advice, did not read instructions properly, and put undiluted SBR tilers primer onto backer boards , the boards have a shiny finish to them now -- will this be an issue when tiling ?
I need to re-tile my front door step after the tiles came away during the winter. The mix under the tiles was damp and crumbling away and so I have removed the tiles and the bedding mix and taken it back to some bricks and concrete. I need to reform the step to tile which means increasing the...
Should I prime bare plaster in the bathroom with SBR before tiling? I've heard it will help with the water resistance and help the tile adhesion. The tile sizes are 600x300.
Any help would be appreciated,
Cheers Brian.
Evening folks.
I’ll get straight to the point. Been to look at a job. Dining area / kitchen. Roughly 45m2
The contractor previous have installed underfloor heating and screeded it with a biscuit mix dry (7-1). The floor to me wants self levelling before anyone starts, it’s not bad for level...
Is SBR suitable as waterproofing in a wet room environment. In accordance with BS5385-1
Cowboy builders have destroyed my home. Bathroom/en suite are a mess.
Downstair flooring a disaster.
Trying to go through their responses one at a time.
I am about to purchase some Carrara white Minerva wet wall panels to line a shower area. Currently it is a stud wall with no boards so I am planning on fitting Marmox boards to the stud work. The wet wall panels are only 6mm thick and being a light (white marble) colour could surfer with a...
Sorry if this thread has been posted but i really can not find the answer.
I want to know which primer to use on sand/cement render prior to tiling, i have mapei adhesive, so maybe primer g? or SBR (as its on sand/cement render)? Do i need to dilute?
I have also use Mapegum WPS tanking to the...
hi iv used jewsons sbr admixture to prim my bathroom walls before I tile them, it says it is a good all round primar, can anyone let me know if this will be ok before I start tiling. I’ve attached a picture of the sbr I have used any help would be grateful thanks
I'm using no more ply however there is no SBR primer in the tile shop so they gave me evostik. Is the 918 evolved primer the same stuff as the SBR recommended for the ply. There's just something at the back of my mind telling they are the same primer. I forget where I heard this not being the...
as above , got an 80mm sand and cement screed to tile, been recommended I use an acrylic primer to help the adhesive bond with the slab. Went to topps tiles today and asked for acrylic primer, got home and realised they have given me bond, it does say can be used to seal screeds, but just...
bal adhesive
building adhesives
Hi all sorry to jump straight to it but I have a dilemma.
May be a bit OTT but I have installed a wetroom and used BAL wide joint grout grey. Ive just read the fine print and it says it's not waterproof. I've tanked the walls and floors ect and used BAL rapidflex adhesive. I have been now...
I am having the walls skimmed next week and I know I have to use Sbr primer on the areas I'm going to tile, the problem I'm having is does this need doing just prior to tiling or can it be done in advance?
I'd like to apply the Sbr and mist coat(where I'm painting) and then put the bath back...
Can anyone help.
I understand that in wet areas before tiling the surface should be prepared correftly.
I see these terms all over to web and used interchangeably:
Primer, tanking, sbr, bond, pva and some others that sound similar.
Can anyone explain the correct procedure for preparing...
ordered a tanking kit today to put on my hardibacker covered bath/shower but am left wondering if ive made a mistake?
i popped into a tile shop tonight and the guy there said why didnt i just paint it with £9 SBR as not only is it a primer, it waterproofs too!!!
comments appreciated