
  1. Dave

    Weber Floor Flex Slc , New Faster Setting Time..

    just got the latest CTD product news sheet and noticed the weber floor flex now sets ready to tile in 60 mins at 15mm thick ... Now that is good news ...
  2. P

    Advice For Setting Out Tiles Before Tiling

    Hi all been browsing for a few days like to say seems like a very good forum, makes a change for people wanting to share there knowledge without being bitchy and sarcastic to people who want to learn. Anyway I am not a tiler but I do get asked to do a few bathrooms and kitchens. I used to hate...
  3. T

    Table For setting dry cutter on

    Re: Victorian/geometric Continued
  4. K

    Table for setting dry cutter on

    I had a great table for my cutter that i bought in Holland but recently had it nicked along with my cutter:mad2: It was designed for a tile cutter and was perfect but i can't remember the name of the company who makes it so just looking for any table now for a 700 cutter.Trying to find a table...
  5. D

    Setting out- things you all consider

    Just wondering the things you all consider when planning your starting points regarding floors, bathrooms and splash backs?
  6. S

    Setting out conundrum

    Hi all, My bathroom is pretty completely boarded out with marmox. I'm trying to decide on a setting out pattern for the 600x600 porcelain floor tiles which is complicated by the level access tray requiring an envelope cut. I've drawn up 4 variations, and would be grateful for your opinions...
  7. R

    back again for more advice re setting out

    This is a follow on to my previous thread that didn't get a definitive answer Thread located here my question is The window is offset The best way astetically and practically would be to centre the...
  8. F

    Setting out question

    Where would you start your first row in this bathroom , the tiles are 40 x 25 with a feature pattern of 12 tiles over the bath the rest are the white tile with a faint pattern matching the blue feature , I'm starting to over think it and confusing myself but as some one said on the forum don't...
  9. R

    help setting out this wall

    Finally got round to setting out tiles but i'm after a bit of help regarding setting out the most complicated wall which I need to get my horizontal line correct for to follow around the room. I have added a little crude diagram of the wall with dimensions on. The tiles I am using are 400x250...
  10. H

    Adhesive setting time

    hey guys.... just a little info if possible Iv been using Rapid set flexi for my tiles lately as iv been doing contract work so working away alot the only thing i dont like with this is you dont get much bucket life and i hate having to keep mixing all the time, alot of jobs i do tend to be...
  11. I

    Question on setting out

    Ok I am laying 300x600 high polished porcelin around a bath..the bath width is 760mm...usual length is 1700mm so only going to bath width and length..where would you start on the 760 wall..use a full tile leaving a cut of 158ish..she's undecided on brick bond yet but if not I'm not sure a cut of...
  12. R

    Setting out round windows

    Hi. Just started a bathroom. I'm after a bit of advise if possible regarding setting out. I've centred the window which is on the far wall as you walk in, it sits slightly towards the right of centre but is still the focal point. Having tried starting full tile and half tile both give me...
  13. M

    Kerapoxy Grout Setting Time

    Hi guys I am just about to go and grout an 18m2 floor polished porcelain with kerapoxy with added glitter. I was wondering how long I should leave grout to set before washing. I am a bit worried in case I leave it to long and it is a bugger to shift. I have emulsifying pads and...
  14. S

    Setting out brick bond from natural centre point causes thin cuts

    Hi, I was looking for a bit of advice i have read various posts on here regarding brick bond layouts and several say to avoid having slithers everywhere. I was wondering what constitutes a slither!! I have mocked a layout up on my PC (See below) and using a desirable starting point centred to...
  15. M

    setting out

    Hi I am embarking on my first bath room and just wondering about setting out. I understand the general principles but was just wondering about tiling a narrow return wall at the end of bath. could I get away with full tile and cut in the corner or would it be advisable to centre and cut 2 tiles...
  16. B

    setting out advice for a beginner

    Hi All. Im about to attempt to tile my bathroom floor and unfortunately im falling at the first hurdle of the setting out. The room is rectangular - 1.85*2.5, with the bath on the left wall going the length of the room as you walk through the door, the sink in the far left corner and toilet...
  17. P

    Wall tiling Setting out Advice needed

    I'v attached a picture of a wall I'm tiling that includes my en-suite door, looking at it from left to write the widt is 940mm to the door, the door opening is 740mm and the other side of the door is 960mm, my tile widtht is 275mm, basically my question is to ensure i dont have really small cuts...
  18. C

    advice for setting out?

    Hi I am new to tiling. I would like to get some guidance for setting out . My first project is a a single wall in a cloakroom with a central window. I will need to tile around sink waste and soil pipe. Any good videos for setting out and dealing with out of true wall and window reveals? casioman.
  19. C

    Floor temp when setting tile

    I am setting some tile on a heated slab in a poorly insulated sunroom. To keep it above 10 in the room the floor must be at least 22. At what temp should I worry about the adhesive drying too fast? I have done it in hot weather but usually it's humid too. Also, getting frustrated with a...
  20. A

    Setting up shop

    After 12 years on my knees, I with another tiler have decided to set up a retail tile shop. Our plan is to start slow and set it up as a showroom at first as we have most of the builders in town as our clients. We plan to extend the showroom into a full manned shop at some point within the year...



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