
  1. F

    Tiling my kitchen floor - slate tiles

    Good evening all. I need to tile the kitchen floor over the bank holiday weekend. We are having slate tiles. The existing floor is sand an cement screed, laid a few months ago. There is UFH under the screed. My wife wants a brick bond pattern, which I think means 600 x 400 tiles (which sound...
  2. Chris_32

    Adhesive for fire surround

    Hi, Just wondering if I should use a heat resistant adhesive for tiling a fire place feature wall. It isn't an open fire, just a fitted gas fire that doesn't make the surround too hot. If I do use a heat resistant adhesive just as a belt and braces solution, which ones are the best for fixing...
  3. J

    Slate lite thin veneer tiles

    anyone fixed this type of tile . About 1.5-2mm thick . Looks like real slate on a plastic / resin backing . Being asked to fix in 1200 X600 format on feature wall in pool house
  4. D

    Slate tiles have a white haze and now easily marked by water etc

    Hello, My partner laid Topps Tiles Piscola slate floor tiles last august in our kitchen/diner. Everything was done correctly and used Topps Tiles colour intensifier to finish. It has looked lovely up until about a month ago, I noticed after I washed the floor (using Topps Tiles cleaner...
  5. Chris_32

    Finishing Split face slate mosaic to external corners

    Hi, was just looking for some tips on how to get the best finish on an external corner using the split face mosaic slate. I have used it on a single wall but never had to return it around an external corner. It will be tricky due to the varying thickness of the slate and was just wondering if...
  6. W

    I need to clean some exterior slate tiles

    I've got a client with a slate entrance and terrace that needs cleaning. I went into my local hardware store and asked "Do you have a cleaner for slate?" and was given this... Well I suppose I got what I asked for.. Good to see a fully labeled package with all the instructions and warnings you...
  7. ThePaperMulberry

    Slate tiles - removal or tile over?

    We want to replace our flooring in the cloakroom/powder room (which at the moment is slate). The builders installed the slate which runs throughout the entrance hall (photo attached), kitchen and downstairs cloakroom. Having found bits of tile in the garden ( in builders rubble - it's a new...
  8. O

    Wet UFH slate tiles HELP!!

    I have just found your forum and wondered if any of your experts could help with my question please? We have had wet UFH overlay boards installed in a hallway (9m long by 1m wide) with the wet UFH pipes. This is connected to a large kitchen area UFH on top of Celotex boards (which will have...
  9. L

    Slate Hearth - Porcelain tiles around

    Hi, I have set a 1200x900x25mm thick natural slate slab as a hearth which is going to be surrounded on 3 sides by 10mm thick x 600x600mm porcelain tiles. These are on a concrete floor and I previously made a 15-20mm recess in the concrete to allow the 25mm thick hearth to sit lower so that it...
  10. P

    Looking for advice on slate floor on anhydrite screed.

    Please could someone tell me if I am doing this in the correct manner. The screed was laid mid may 2016, I have just removed the laitance layer with a STR 701 floor preparation machine and now have a lovely white floor. I plan to seal the screed with primer G, with a single coat of 1 to 1 and...
  11. R

    Marks on new pre treated slate

    Can you help we've just had black riven slate fitted, we are grouting and sealing and we have used LTP Grimex to clean and waiting for it to dry before sealing, but we have these white marks - would anybody be able to advise how to remove? Or will the sealer darken these spots? Any help would be...
  12. V

    Slate tile grout lines

    i've got some 900x900x10 slate tiles for the walls and floor of my wet room. Should I go with 2mm or 4mm spacers between tiles? Thanks
  13. A

    Split Face Slate

    Been asked to quote for fixing split face slate to an outside wall . First thought is a definite no as it can't be grouted . The wall does have a 750mm overhanging roof
  14. W

    Glad I Wasn't Anywhere Near...

    ...when this lot of slate fell off the wall.
  15. T

    Slate - External - Procedure For Laying From The Soil Up?

    Ok.... so there is an area of hardcore over mud. Its going to be a patio area. Natural black slate 300x600. The tiler has laid approx 3-4 inches of cement and dropped the tiles on. They have not been cleaned or sealed (customer complaining they are not black enough), butt jointed so not going to...
  16. B

    Lithofin Slate Seal Removal

    Can I use patio cleaner to get this stuff off? Water splashing on slate floor has water marked it. What is the best treatment for a bathroom slate floor? Yes I didn't read the bottle entirely but the tile shop recommended it.
  17. F

    Slate Lite

    Anyone seen it? They have a sample in my local place, it's about 1.5mm thick, real slate vaneer, flexible, like a big vinyl tile, suitable for bathroom floors and walls, wet areas, not suitable for areas of heavy traffic. Loads of different styles
  18. J

    Wet Look Or Gloss Look Sealer Needed On Slate Flooring

    Can someone please tell me name of a good Sealer product which can give a high sheen wet look on slate flooring . It has to be glossy and last at least a year or two. I have been recommended Stone Glo but i cannot find this product anywhere in the UK . how can i get a lasting wet look on...
  19. S

    Electric Tile Cutter For Slate

    Hello fellow Tilers, I am in need of assistance as I am doing a 26m slate floor job, the electric cutter I hired is not up to task, what are the advantages/disadvantages between table top electric cutters to rail mounted tile saw benches? The one I hired is a 110v table top, but I am now looking...
  20. V

    Cutting 900x900 Tiles

    It's looking like I'll be using 900x900, 10mm thick slate tiles for my wetroom. Can anyone recommend a tile cutter which would suffice? I'd like something with a guide to get any edges straight if that's possible.

