
  1. M

    external steps

    hi guys was just wondering would it be advisable to tile external steps in this cold weather.or is it best waiting till the summer?.if it is possible what type of addy should i be using thanks.
  2. G

    Remember "H" from 90`s group Steps ?

    Seems he died ...
  3. B

    outside steps

    Hello all. Bit of advice please. (I'm still fairly new to tiling) I've quoted to remove old (damaged and loose) tiles from a set of external steps...leading up to the front door of 4 flats, and replace with new non slip tiles. The basement flat is beneath the steps and has been experiencing...
  4. C

    What are the next steps after taking a training course?

    Hi I am going on a 6 week training course at the end of October to learn wall and floor tiling. I am a novice at tiling but the course aims to give you an NVQ level 2 at the end of the 6 weeks. My problem is where do I go once I have finished my course. Do I need to get friends and family...
  5. O

    External steps

    Hi, guys i've got some external steps to do, never done steps of anykind their concrete and pretty level and I was just after a bit of advice wether I should tile the risers first or the treads ( I thought the treads then riser is just like bottom cut on wall and would shed water better and make...
  6. A

    corner steps

    Hi been a while since been on forum, glad to be back. I have a job coming up, outside corner steps (2 edges right angle to each other) leading onto an outside porch. Question is do i try and kep a full tile at the front row of the steps and place cuts at back, or viceversa. if u know what i...
  7. D

    tiling outside steps

    recently got a job to tile a set of steps,hallway and consevatory from a customer,the only problem i have here is the steps were tiled only about a year ago and seem to have lifted! being in scotland as you can imagine under the tiles is saturated in water(was probably ice a few weeks ago),the...
  8. A

    Steps ???

    Have a job to do (labour only) ....small 2x2mtr odd shaped porch with 2 different sets of steps off it ( 4 steps in total) .....1 set of (external) steps formed in ply ...which will need re-working a bit, the other (internal) set is standard concrete. The porch is half concrete, half timber...
  9. C


    Can anyone give advice on tiling steps with quarry tiles. If the step does not but up to wall on each side then i would require a corner tile at each side, but then the setting out of the other tiles would be dictated by this which would mean there is a high probability that one of the middle...
  10. J

    quarry tiles on outside steps

    hi guys need a bit of advice. looking to tile back garden steps with quarry tiles will 1pf addy do and flexible grout if not what sha ll i use? cheers j.
  11. B

    packing out steps

    got another job but the steps need packing out a fair bit about 65mm or so,what do you guys do to pack out?i have my own method but was wondering what you guys do.:thumbsup:
  12. A

    Advice on tiling outdoor steps....

    Hi there, Haven't been on the forum for a while - trying to build up the business... like most of us. Got a job to do for outside tiling of steps.... Any tips or advice on this for me as this is a first. Any help would be much appreciated from all you good tilers out there... Thanks in...
  13. CUSH68

    external steps

    Hi all, Been asked to quote on some external steps. Although I've done this a few times the tiles were always supplied for the jobs. Customer on this one is looking for some ideas with regards to material types before they choose and I was wondering what was best selection for this purpose...
  14. A

    Exterior Steps

    Does anybody have any advice in relation to tiling exterior steps i am going to price a job tomorrow, the customer mentioned using slate tiles.I am an exterior virgin!!
  15. J

    tiling external steps

    I'm about to tile an external step the surface of the step will take one and a half tiles, can you tell me does the cut tile go nearest the wall or at the edge? Also do i need to seal the tiles before grouting? thanks
  16. D

    outdoor steps

    Do you prime outdoor steps? or wd you just wap the ad straight on?
  17. C

    Outside Steps Prep...

    Hi Guys, Any of you guys had to cement over old worn steps as in older sandstone style houses..? i have one to look at and wondering if more hassle than its worth.. Approx 20 steps, outside..;) steps have previously been coated with cement now crumbling and in need of removal.. Thought i...
  18. G

    External concrete steps

    Hi Guys, I will be doing a set of steps soon with quarry tiles and using roll edge and corners. My question is, is it normal to use roll edge tiles on the end of the riser as well. The steps are to have the sides tiled as well. Hopefully there will be an attachement showing the steps!! Grumpy
  19. Dan

    (Video) Tiling Steps How-to

    A couple of how-to DIY video's on youtube showing you how to tile to steps. Not seen them myself yet and I may have posted these already somewhere, I just can't find them at the mo'. 5ckhqker0uQ ---- Part 2 8Y_lZSwrE58
  20. S

    tiling external steps

    I've been asked by a friend to tile the external steps leading up to his front door and also the path at the bottom. I've did internal tiling jobs before,but this is the first time i've been asked to do one for outside. Apart from using the correct tiles,adhesive and grout,would anybody suggest...



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