
  1. G

    Looking for a new tile supplier in Glasgow or Ayrshire Scotland

    I'm looking for a new tile supplier for our business. We operate in central Scotland Glasgow and Ayr areas. I prefer tile outlets that I can send my customers into to choose their tiles and pass some of my discount onto them. Can anybody help please?
  2. R

    Mapei Supplier

    Guys, Does anyone have a good supplier for mapei in Shrewsbury or Telford ?
  3. W

    Geometrics, which supplier????

    Hi Guys I had a look at a job today for which the client wants a complicated design copied similar to that of a Grassmere from the amount of information i could gather online, or at least that is the closest i could find to it. My question is, is there a supplier producing square edge...
  4. D

    Supplier to the Netherlands

    Hello, Can someone help me find a supplier that delivers to the Netherlands. I am looking specifically at granite (galaxy black) and lighter porcelain colors like white and cream. Many thanks
  5. L

    European supplier

    Can anyone recommend a UK supplier of natural stone tiles that would deliver to southern France? Thanks
  6. M

    Red & Blue Tile supplier in machester

    Does any one know of a supplier that does 150mm x 150mm tile in red suitable for Manchester United and Blue suitable for Manchester City. Thanks Steve
  7. M

    Recommendation for tile type and supplier exterior shop front

    hi im quoting on a job this week for the guy in our local shop he wants the exterior of the shop tiling.I was looking for suggestions on the best type of tile to use and any tips on a quick drying adhesive and grout to use dont want the local kids ripping them off every night. Cheers Love...
  8. M

    supplier for Schluter type stair nosings near Preston?

    Hi does anyone know a supplier of these please? Tried Topps and Tile Giant but no luck so far! Thanks in advance.
  9. J

    Best tile supplier in yorkshire?

    Just starting out and was wondering if anyone knew the best tile supplier in the yorkshire area, the closer to sheffield, rotherham, doncaster the better, any help would be appreciated:thumbsup:
  10. C

    Mural tiles for bathroom Supplier?

    Hi all - I have had a customer ask me to find him "something special" for his bathroom. He wants to re-tile just one wall and make a feature of it. Does anyone know of any supplier of mural-type tiles that would be suitable for a bathroom (not the behind-the-AGA, chicken and farm stuff). He's...
  11. V

    Supplier for Brazillian Black Slate Sets

    Hi Guys I am looking for advice on the best supplier for Brazillian Black Calibrated Slate sets for Opus pattern. Need around 25m2 Quality of slate is more important to me than price, but a good price for a good slate would be the best :) I'm currently considering buying from The Natural...
  12. M

    Decent Tool Supplier around Bolton??

    Anyone know where I can get my hands on a decent aluminium straight edge with bubble, in or around Bolton?
  13. N

    tile supplier

    went to pick some tiles up this morn, that a customer had ordered 460 x320 ceramic wall tiles ,when i got there sales man tried to sell me tubbed addy , wait a mo have you seen the size of the tiles, thats no good for these , i explained why so he gave me a price for powdered addy , which i...
  14. B

    URGENT - anyone heard of this supplier?

    World of Marble, Notts Looks like 'they' disolved in 2008 but I wanted to check out to ensure this existing company was ok to buy from? Anyone know them? thanks alot
  15. L

    Cosytoes UTH supplier?

    Any sugestions for a source for Cosytoes UTH? I need a 2sq M mat for a small shower room. I can get other product easily locally (Glasgow) but I want the Cosytoes one as I have it in a bathroom and plan to use the same themost/controler for them both, any help appreciate, Liam
  16. E

    Dunlop adhesive supplier Croydon area

    Hi Folks, Does anyone know of a supplier/merchant of Dunlop Set Fast Plus adhesive in the Croydon area? Thanks in advance! Ed
  17. J

    Supplier switching over, is this OK

    I am a DIYer and ran out of Bal SPF on my bathroom refit, I ordered some more but the supplier (online) is having problems getting Bal stock in and has recommended Keraflex Maxi as an alternative. Tiles are 300x100x10mm ceramic tiles onto Hardiebacker. Is this a good enough alternative and are...
  18. D

    supplier / manufacturer contacts

    Not really sure if anyone will know the answer but i'll ask anyway :ninja: where would i get contact details from for the manufacturers or wholesalers of tiles from? for example instead of buying tiles from topps or shop x or shop y, where would they purchase their tiles and materials from...
  19. P

    UK Supplier of Gulf Stone Grey Quartz Tile

    Does anyone know who supplies Gulf Stone Silver Grey Quartz? I believe it is sometimes known as Oyssey Grigio. Gulf Stone are the company based in Oman. I see it has been mentioned on here a few times, but I need to get hold of some to fit on a bathroom wall. thanks, Peter
  20. U

    Looking for a supplier of older-style Marley Tiles

    I am a artist/printer who has been using smooth, self-adhesive Marley Tiles (laminated onto 1/2 inch MDF board) for an engraving process, like lino printing, but using my smaller, finer, wood-engraving tools to make my cuts. I bourght one pack of these pale-grey, slightly marbled, very smooth...



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