
  1. D

    Swimming pool film !

    Swimming pool with moving floor in 70, million pound home :thumbsup:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13q33NvQ-kM
  2. A

    Swimming pool tiling

    Hellooooooo Ok so my mum went to live abroad and I've been asking her to ask around for tiling work abroad (feurtuventura) however you spell it. There is allot of work out there mainly floors. Now there is also an opportunity of some swimming pool tiling. Anyone ever tiled a swimming pool...
  3. D

    Swimming pool Film !

    This is the pool we just rendered and tiled in Chesterfield , Tile master Adhesive Setaflex , grout Bal grey , Render weber OCR -tiling hope you like looking ,any questions i will try to answer :thumbsup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20nQoDGpCFQ&list=UUP_5BFHxbVtHokwpjb62CYA
  4. D

    Mosaic tile of swimming pool at the school film......

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9Uu1MMaCvQ little film of the job :thumbsup:
  5. D

    Swimming pool we are tiling

    Just a few pics of a Bread & butter job ! school pool we were going to remove the tiles but this has proved uneconomical now, so it will be an over tile we have removed the top two tiles so we can feather the mosaic into the coping tiles flush.....:thumbsup:
  6. D

    removing swimming pool tiles

    Just waiting to start a big pool renovation at a school, the first job is to remove the old tiles, they have been on since the 1970's, and we want to do it carefully so we don't damage the substrate to much , we will be using breakers, do you guys have any recommendations ? for tools to fit in...
  7. D

    Film of swimming pool

    That i did in London, it must have been the biggest house i have ever worked -on in london with 18 acres of gardens Yes that.s wright 18....., not a great job as most on site were polish and i couldn't understand them ! :thumbsup: The reason i have put this in here is i did not make this film...
  8. D

    Who wants to tile a swimming pool's ?

    There is an event Happening where you can go and see a top swimming pool Glass mosaic tiler , he will explain all the tricks of the trade ,and show you how its done for the first -time he is going to show anyone how this closely guarded elite trade, go's about there specialist work. yes on the...
  9. M

    Natural stone in swimming pools

    Just pricing up a big job involving fixing 20mm thick limestone to block work and screed in a swimming pool. The only swimming pools I've ever tiled were fixed with mosaics and although I often fix this stone to floors using white weber SPF or tilemaster ultimate. I'm not sure if ideally a more...
  10. D

    Black swimming pool

    just finished in glostershire in Pacelite :thumbsup:. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsSO-JfmfFA
  11. D

    Two swimming pools

    orders were placed today only trouble is its this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIF5OIdm0V4 both black ,and no tile bands against my recommendations still work is work .:thumbsup:
  12. D

    Swimming pool

    This is a swimming pool i have just mosaic tiled in the cotswolds, i used Ardex X77 and Ardex FS white grout it took 9 day's in horrendous whether conditions ,the woman we did this rental property for, has a massive country estate down the road, and is also building a great -big new house that...
  13. H

    Tiling painted walls in an underground swimming pool?!

    I have a job to price... A hotel I am pricing a job for want some pillars, located in their underground health club pool area, tiled. No problem apart from the fact that they have been covered in oil based paint, multiple layers by the looks of it and with the obviously high humidity levels the...
  14. P

    Help required price for tiling swimming pool in mosaics

    Hi People, Can you give me ideas as to what to charge to tile the inside off a swimming pool please? The pool is new so no removal of old tiles! The pool is a flat bottom pool with a level deck the tiles are mosaic 25mm using the joint point backing, sheet size is 312x495mm area is 100m2 area...
  15. L

    Swimming pool

    One for Dave at diamond pool finishers Popped into local swimming baths tonight (girls were doing lessons) and bit of a drama, one lane was closed, apparently the tiles have come loose/up and all I could see was some sort of tarpaulin covering the area where the tiles were. The duty manager...
  16. D

    Pic's of the swimming pool tiling

    we are renovating in somerset we have removed the old mosaic back to the adhesive and are skimming to give us a better sub-straight to tile on to, the lad in the pics is my new lad of three days, Mr t this could of been you if you would get on your bike mate .......lol:thumbsup:
  17. M

    Re grouting a swimming pool

    This is my first proper post not sure if it's in the right place but here it goes I've decided to swallow my pride and ask everyone's opinion as a few minds is better than one I've been asked to price up 55 metres of pool mosaic regrouting yes I get all the rubbish jobs !! And I'm preparing...
  18. D

    Going to look at a swimming pool

    Tuesday that apparently the grout and adhesive has gone soft !!! What do you think could be the reasons ?? for this then ???:thumbsup:
  19. D

    Swimming pool to tile

    In the cotswolds in December !! and it's outdoor's , but under a tent, good job i own a hot air blower :thumbsup: i'am going to need -it me think's :lol:
  20. D

    Want a Swimming pool then ?

    Why you don't need to be swimming in cash to install a pool at home | Mail Online Have a read :thumbsup: Nice to come home to !! or have A beer in ......:lol:



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