
  1. Dan

    Legal Tax Avoidance

    Just been reading about Jimmy Carr and the likes (apparently there are thousands of them) who has avoid tax, legally mind!, and is getting a bit of a grilling about it. Here's a genuine guy on a lesser wage who's doing what he can too: Jimmy Carr tax avoidance: I'm not as good as him, but I'm...
  2. P

    Tax rebates

    Anyone get a repayment from their self assessment yet? Just got a cheque through the door for £950. :hurray: Tempted to spend it on tools but the wife's looking a holiday so we will have to see who wins. :lol:
  3. R

    Advice on tax bill!!

    Hello all, Have just found out how much my tax bill is this year. It is not a huge amount but it is more than I have and more than I can get together before the dead line. This is the first time I have not been able to cover the bill. What do you guys think my options are? As I say, I haven't...
  4. D

    have we all got our tax returns in?

    just got mine finished and printed off today, ready to take to my accountant tomorrow. I always leave it till last minute 'cos I hate doing bookwork.....but this next year I've promised myself to have them in by 2nd week in April, (I say that every ​year!)
  5. D

    Tax payments.

    Found this on another forum...:lol: Sometime this year, we taxpayers will again receive another 'Economic Stimulus' payment. This is indeed a very exciting program, and I'll explain it by using a Q & A format: Q. What is an 'Economic Stimulus' payment ? A. It is money that the government...
  6. C


    Hi all, Will be going in to tiling full time at the end of this year having done it part time for past 5 years around my current job. I have a question relating to fuel expenses and how much to claim, up until now I have either appointed an accountant then I started doing self assessment...
  7. E

    Tax man!!!

    Got a letter in December from the tax office to say i had overpaid my tax by £1100 and i would get a cheque within 2 weeks...So yesterday i phoned them and asked where it was, they said as my 2010 tax assessment was due in January they were not going to send it until they see what tax i owed on...
  8. G

    These people deserve "Stupid Tax"

    Post your videos of the most stupid things you have seen. BBC News - Train spotter in narrow escape BBC News - Train woman's narrow escape
  9. D

    Road tax.

    Van tax is due tomorrow.. What a fortune it is now..:mad2: Bro inlaw has a 1400 diesel fiesta.. my van is 400 cc higher and diesel.. i have to pay £110 for 6 months.. he pays £38 for 12 months..:incazzato:
  10. J

    scientology pay no tax UK

    just watched an interesting story about UK church of scientology and why they don't pay tax seems they send all there profits to a charity in south aust Adelaide to be more precise the address they use is a residential address owned by a florist who knows nothing about the whole thing now they...
  11. D

    tax return

    well thats my 09/10 tax return filled out and sent to hmrc,i usually do mine straight away but haven't got round to it till now,anyone else got theres away or are you waiting till the last minute? i did notice when pricing jobs i have been handing more of my trade discount to customer than...
  12. G

    Robin Hood Tax ?

    Anyone signed up yet ? Or what do you think of this The Robin Hood Tax - a tiny tax on bankers to tackle poverty and climate change here and abroad.
  13. D

    Stop the unfair building tax.

    What are you thought on this proposal fromthe goverment, how this this affect your business.? Some video's from contractors etc can be viewed on the Sub-tax website How YOU are affected | Will this affect sub-contractors to these builders..? What are the Government's...
  14. S

    Working two jobs, tax credits?

    Hello again all. Once i have done my course and some jobs for friends + family (already booked), I am looking at starting out tiling on weekends as and when I can. I am wondering where i stand regarding tax credits. I know that tax credits are worked out on your earnings the year...
  15. D

    tax disc online

    :yikes: I've just tried to renew my tax disc online, it has returned with "no insurance found for this vehicle" I'm wondering who the hell I'm paying a direct debit to then! It's supposed to be Fortis, and the payments have been going out regular.I feel some irate phone conversations coming...
  16. G

    Tax scam

    I know you lot arent so stupid to fall for this but best warned eh :thumbsup: Tax scam
  17. P

    Tax Rebates

    Anyone got their tax rebate through yet? Got my cheque in the post today, nice little treat before Christmas. :hurray:
  18. L

    how do i pay tax

    how do i start up as a tiler? how do i go about paying tax? please help
  19. D

    end of the tax year

    At the end of each tax year, I promise myself, no messing about, I'm gonna get my books done straight away and get them into my accountant pretty sharpish this time. I never do and always end up leaving it till virtually last minute and adding to my overloaded accountants work load. When do you...
  20. G

    non-paying customers and tax write-down?

    Does anyone know the rules regarding non-paying customers and tax? I am finishing off my tax return (last minute as ever - I enjoy pressure but not fines) and I am unsure as to how this works. I had 1 customer last year who refused to pay part (£ 170) of a bill - I let it go. Another was just...



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