
  1. H

    Basic Tester

    Hi all. Looking for a basic tester/meter to be used before a hair hygrometer on anhydrite screeds. Many thanks.
  2. T

    Myths and Misunderstandings: Testing the water resistance of grout

    ok so i have started this thread because of a conversation between me and dan in another thread about the performance of grout and tanking systems in a wet area. i am not trying to be disrespectful or anything like that i just want the correct information bothe for me and the general public. I...
  3. V

    Testing ufh

    Hi all What do you use to test electrical ufh prior to installing Or do you leave it to the electricians I've got a few coming up where I don't know the electrician installing the mat Not that I don't trust him to have checked it's all ok But don't want to be out on a limb so to speak Thanks in...
  4. R

    A testing day: Wet UFH with Porcel-Thin

    well have been asked to test fixing to wet under floor heating pipe system with porcel thin so first i tested the tile to see how much movement it would allow before fixing so put two battens at each end of a 1200x600x4.8 giving a 150 mm loading each end then loaded the middle to test...
  5. R

    Testing Ptv

    well went on a training course for ptv testing and decided to buy one of these turned up today had to wait for bsi certificate .so all of our tiles can be tested inhouse from batch to batch will start testing tomorrow :) love playing with new toys
  6. L

    Testing Software

    Playing around with some software's hope you like it. software's used: Adobe photoshop - Adobe After effects - Cinema 4D - Sony Vegas and Realflow Photo manipulation. The second image is a bear with a seal head and the third a dispersion effect.
  7. Dan

    User Tagging in Testing Again

    The user tagging thing that works a little like twitter is in testing again. We'll see how the site performs after a week or so and see if it is working with the database properly. So to use it, just stick @ in front of a username and they'll get informed that they've been mentioned in a post...
  8. Dan

    Classifieds System (IN TESTING ONLY)

    Please feel free to click the new "Classifieds" button in the main orange menu bar at the top of the forum. It's only in testing at the moment as it uses a third party website as the backend. Buy and sell SECOND HANDS STUFF ONLY! (Nothing brand new unless it was an incorrect purchase or...
  9. M

    Independant tile adhesive testing

    I have experienced a problem with Ardex X32 adhesive on external porcelain tiles on a patio and pool area. The adhesive appears to have failed to stick to either the tile or the concrete base. Although Ardex experts are looking into this, I would prefer to get independent advice. Can anyone...
  10. T

    Testing New Thread - Wonder who can see this?!?!?!!?

    Just testing to make sure this works. Dan
  11. R

    Different Mitre Testing

    hallo, in my winter holidays i thinked a lot about tony. :-) i do mitres in most of my jobs. i have two wet saws in diffrent lengths and weights and i use the light one almost every day because i can drag it out of my car in seconds and use it outdoor or indoor in my self built wet box...
  12. Dan

    Testing something

    Do love a good testing thread. lol _______ __ ____ /_ __(_) /__ _______ / __/__ ______ ____ _ ___ / / / / / -_) __(_-</ _// _ \/ __/ // / ' \(_-</_/ /_/_/\__/_/ /___/_/ \___/_/ \_,_/_/_/_/___/ Wonder if that...
  13. D

    Anhydrite screed prep and moisture testing

    I have an anhydrite screed which I have been testing with a digital hygrometer which measure relative humidity. After further research there seems to be conflicting views on how to test if they are dry enough. I was waiting until it read less than 75% RH. Then I was going to proceed with an...
  14. B

    Anhydrite moisture testing, putting some ideas to you Trusted People

    Hiya me again, and guess what it's Anydrite again, but i'm hoping something positive. As we all know i've been asking lots of people lots of questions on all aspects of this flooring to try and get some kinda satisfactory answers and systems in place for us all. Now, a question to you all, be...
  15. P

    Testing Wet Core Drills for Tiles

    Evening all....well after getting a little tipsy.......and then hitting the computer hard I have managed to get our video together....... AND HERE IT IS: [video=youtube;VWpQtg_gQok] best wishes Lee
  16. P

    The Testing Thread - Testing Tiling Tools and Procedures

    Ello' all...... me and a few pals have decided that we are going to use and abuse several products that tilers will use everyday!!.....the first one was tile adhesives....and if you have not seen it then check out...
  17. Dan

    Testing a Poll

    Just testing a poll. Checkout what it looks like when in the forum category. It should have different coloured text now.
  18. P

    Tile Adhesive Testing - Strength

    this is my first post.......hope you like! ** THIS VIDEO CONTAINS SWEARING, DO NOT WATCH IF EASILY OFFENDED.** http://youtu.be/DXbgXfKeEZU
  19. B

    Faulty electric underfloor heating testing :(

    So at last one of my worst nightmares has come true, i have a faulty u'f'h mat. The floor is concrete, then marmox 6mm boarding. Two electric under floor heating mats, both resistance and continuity tested by myself and the electician whilst rolled up. Now i always put testers on, and i use a...
  20. B

    PAT testing

    How many of you have your electrical tools/equipment PAT tested? I very rarely do site work, mainly domestic work so never felt the need to have them PAT tested. But got a cold sales call today as you do, offering up to 20 appliances tested for £99, but i explained that i dont do site work, but...



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