
  1. I

    thanks tilersforums..for showing me the dog tooth method for mozaic... much easier..only ever done 1 before this site showed me..a breeze cutting off cuts to size and filling in mozzie's more to do next week..thanks for showing me the easier way..less picking out the adhesive too
  2. T

    Birthday thanks.

    At 00.01 I received a birthday congratulations from Tilers Forum UK - its just another year, or even another day from yesterday! Thanks anyway as its the only one I got! Timeless John. :smilewinkgrin:
  3. T

    Hello and thanks

    Hello! I've been lurking on these forums for a few weeks now. Read a lot but haven't posted until now. I've recently bought a house that needed gutting. I'm trying to do a lot of the work myself so I spend a lot of time researching and learning from the pros on forums. I'm just starting...
  4. D

    Thanks to Ableskills for my five week course.

    Just a quick one to thank everyone at Ableskills in Dartford for my five week tiling course. The course was great with plenty of practical time and a good bit of banter thrown in for good measure. To see everyone improving so much over the five weeks proves how much can be learnt with the right...
  5. H

    Hello, and thanks for the advice already!

    Hello everyone, it's my first post but iv been on this site for a while, learning alsorts of hints and tips for a few of my own jobs. Thanks :)
  6. L

    Newbie says hi and thanks.

    Happy xmas and a prosperous New Year to you all. I have been browsing for a while, gathering some tips and have now finished my first tiling job. I have managed to tile our new kitchen area splash back, with bevelled tiles, which for a novice like me would not have been possible at all, if not...
  7. gamma38

    Big thanks to Impey

    I have to say a big thanks to Impey for this job, I entered there comp to win a EASYFIT dec during November and guess what, I was one of the winners. It did do exactly what it says on the tin easy fit. Just thought I would put up a few pics of the job.
  8. I

    quite like tiling...but no thanks !

    currently working in Saudi..not tiling I might add..this factory has tiles throughout...500 mtrs long by 100mts get bored quick...videos to follow on how they install!...
  9. M

    Thanks again every one

    I posted on here about 5 months ago not knowing if I should stay in the army or try become a tiler I have 18 days left of my 6 month tour of Afghanistan and it has made my choice a lot easier :lol: so signed off the other day and started to look for courses I can get the army to pay for Im...
  10. S

    Hello Everyone and thanks to Dave from Trade Tiler

    Hi everyone, Fairly new to tiling, started handyman business around 6 months ago and getting enquiries about tiling. Have been practicing on my own house and just invested in a Rubi TS 50 plus and loving it! Picked up a Makita angle grinder today and cheap Erbauer turbo jet blade as it turns...
  11. A

    thanks for having me back

    thanks very much for having me back as a green member. very very much appreciated, hope you are all doing well ed - aston tiling
  12. C

    Hello and thanks for the quality info

    Hi fellow tilers, new to the forums, been cruising for info and all has been excellent. Been tiling for quite a while now, all small residential so nothing too complicated. Thanks alot for the help. Christian
  13. Tony73

    Big thanks

    have just come home from work to a big surprise: finding that i have gotten an established tiler badge. Wanted to thank whoever made this decision and thanks to all for acknowledging me as an established tiler. TF is Fantastic :thumbsup: Tony73
  14. Dan

    Thanks to Doug!

    It is with great regret that I have to inform you that Doug has stepped down from the moderators role on I tried to hang on to him but he had a good think while relaxing on hol's, and he's sure. So I'll not keep hassling him. :) A BIG thanks to Doug from me personally for...
  15. J

    hi all, thanks, and advice needed

    I really appreciate the responses to my previous request for advice. I have another. I am building a house in goa, india and am using the IPS (red or black oxide) cement finishes on some areas. If any of you has been to India, especially south you will have noticed this lovely out-of-fashion...
  16. N

    a big thanks

    i would like to say a big thankyou to rob(spanishtiler) i am working on 1 of his jobs this week, this forum is so unique rob who i have never met as offered me some work , look forward to meeting him i would also like to thank mike who offered me some work a while back , but was a bit to far...
  17. D

    Thanks Joe & Neil at Hillhead

    Just a quick thanks to Joe and Neil at Hillhead Tiling. They tiled the downstairs floors of my sisters new pad and did a super job with rectified 600's. (far better job than i could have done) Thanks again, top fellas.
  18. P

    Thanks All

    Just like to thank everyone that has helped me with their advice especially Alan. I have learnt a lot, now i just need to put it into practice. Great forum with great members. I have plenty more questions to ask no doubt so please be gentle:smilewinkgrin:
  19. D

    Hi and thanks

    Hi All, I'm a new DIYer and I recently bought my first place and have been doing it up since - the catalyst for learning DIY. The advice I've read on this site from other people's posts has been fantastic and helped me avoid making some serious gaffs e.g. putting porcelain tiles that would be...
  20. D

    Thanks Dave at TT

    Just a quick one, My right hand man broke part off my long suffering rubi cutting mechanism on my dry cutter late last Wednesday night. The next morning i ordered the part from TT and it was with me on friday morning and was well broke in for the weekends work. A big thankyou and lets hope this...



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