
  1. B

    N & C Black Friday Deal!! That Sounds A Great Deal

    Nicobond have just sent me a e-mail bulk buy 50 bags of n&c quikflex for £6.90 a bag plus VAT (grey) or £7.80 plus VAT for the white that sounds a great deal any of you used there stuff and if so whats it like?
  2. Q

    That Feeling When.....

    We all know this!..... What other little tasks leave that satisfied feeling? ;)
  3. S

    spank that *****

    So I'm doing a bathroom on a quiet little cul-de-sac, nice day, van on drive with back doors open...goes outside to drill a tile and hears rustling coming from the van, couldn't see owt in the back so goes round and opens cab door, there's my beef butties strewn all over the seats, bag ripped to...
  4. R

    Well Looked At That Wall. I Know What To Put There

    well had a feature tile shallow carving could not think were to put it being 2400 x6000 then looked as i was going down the stairs thats were its going lee made the mistake of coming in while i was standing on the stairs looking at the wall next thing thats getting tiled on the two hottest days...
  5. Dan

    Was That The Summer Then?

    Seems we've had the summer and it's gone now then. Maybe? What's the weather doing your way?
  6. Dave

    Celebs That Really Get On Your Wick!!

    Which celebs etc really get on your nerves ...:( .. It's got to be Katie Hopkins ... Her latest Twitter tweet , comparing a baby with a good head of hair to a spider on your pillow ... The father inlaw , can't stand Keith lemon But I like him ... Who's yours..?
  7. O

    Something About A Pen That Does Something

    Talking of editing :D Do u have a smart pen Dan?
  8. T

    The time capsule that never was.

    Back in 1974 three of us tiled Oldham swimming pools the team was Tommy Milne his brother Ron sadly passed and myself. Last week Tommy rang me out of the blue and asked if I remember planting a time capsule in a scum channel, which I did Tommy now in his 80s and I met up last Friday with some...
  9. Stevev

    Does it matter that I haven't a c&g qualification??

    I've done a tiling course and received a level 3 qual in self employment....will it matter that its not C&G?...the C&G course is much longer.
  10. A

    How do I do that

    Hi I know T&G flooring grade chip is unsuitable for tiling on to but if the conditions were right ie no deflection and it being well secured to joists (which are 400mm centres and short edges supported) would laying a Ditra mat using the recommended fixing adhesives be a viable option as...
  11. widler

    Don't worry the tiler will get over that :)

  12. R

    Ever inadvertently made a mistake that...........

    Ends up working out better than the pre planned idea? I've finally got round to laying some tiles on the wall and all going well so far. I ser out a column for a vertical mosaic border using somsoot these mosaics Anyway I was undecided whether or not to use a pencil trim as a border for the...
  13. R

    that garys a great tiler

    heres a few pics of a porcel-thin job gary done the client was so happy he sent a few pics
  14. B

    Dog Tooth Depth. (try saying that fast three times)

    I have decided to use the dog tooth option and would appreciate any advice offered. My field tiles are 10mm thick, the mosaics are 7mm. My question is what depth do i cut my dog tooth ?? Thanks.
  15. W

    Bet That Hurt

    At home today then heard a thud..... the woody lost it's direction in full flight:lol:
  16. C

    That time of year much is yours costing you ?

    I have just done a compare the meerkat and am looking at somewhere in the region of £150 to cover me for 60% tiling, 20% kitchen fitting & 20% bathroom fitting. What is yours costing you for your relevant trades. Are there any better deals to be had elsewhere ? Who has been your best insurer...
  17. Andy Allen

    clients that cancel

    The job im supposed to be doing tomorrow just cancelled on me. They said they haven't got it ready yet....funny, when I rang them Friday to check everything was still on for Tuesday they told me it was ready to go.... :mad2: Managed to pull somthing forward. ...but still dose my head in..
  18. L

    Dewalt D24000L - is it that much better?

    Hi :waving:, name is Laney and I'm new to the forum, which looks like a wealth of useful info. I'm looking to finally up grade my budget flat bed wet cutter (sick of getting a wet crotch) and want something with the plunge facility. Looking at a few diferent reviews it seems that the Dewalt is...
  19. S

    Shower trays that are flat underneath

    Hi I am looking for a shower tray that is flat underneath. Not like the design of a Mira flight low shower tray, where you have gaps underneath. Flat like the underneath of a tile! I will be bedding this shower tray in tile adhesive. I am looking for an 800 mm quadrant. I have found one...
  20. W

    Porcel thin for those that done Rays day.

    As the question says does anyone advertise the fact that they fix these tiles or do you feel that you need more info, do you also feel this is the way it's going with new products coming onto the market. The reason I ask is I think these are a brilliant product and think Ray may have the...

